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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Doris is a tough act to follow, but your model is looking really nice so far.
  2. Congratulations on your latest release, Chris. She looks lovely! That was a lot of development work. Well done.
  3. Welcome! You are so correct in that one item that is 'off' will domino into a major problem down the line. My advice is to unglue all the things that aren't quite right and re-do them now, to avoid frustration and disappointment later. Follow the instructions closely for the best results.
  4. Nice work, Siggi. Gammoning was considered standing rigging, and would be dark with Stockholm tar.
  5. It's amazing how the subconscious works away without one being aware of it, and then suddenly; bingo! Glad you have a more elegant method of block-making now, Chuck. Brunel would have been proud of you.
  6. Belated congratulations on your 10th anniversary, Chuck! Here's to the next ten. The reason you sell out of small blocks is not because they are so nice, but because as fast as you sell them they disappear into the buyers' workshops' black holes, never to be seen again. That's my theory, anyway.
  7. !!!! That is miniature smithing at its best. The working knuckle hinge is beautiful.
  8. Various other AOTS books have shown to be problematic. Looks like this may be the case here. I suspect that MRNS is more reliable.
  9. A photo would help us understand your problem, Alan. Of course the round up varies - why make it simple? Actually, that aesthetically makes the structure more elegant.
  10. That is one serious vintage tape dispenser! Nicely done model - you are not really a total beginner, as evidenced by the background airframe and aircraft.
  11. Welcome aboard, indeed! Yes, ship models are a lot les stressful than flying - and pranging - model aircraft!
  12. Good strategies on the carling construction, Greg!
  13. Interesting, entertaining and educational! In my case, Richard, my viewpoint would only be 1¼" above a plan at 1:48 scale; an even more restricted and myopic view.
  14. Nice job and glad that your shoulder is on the mend, Andy1
  15. Every best wish for a successful March 4 rally! Unfortunately many of us do not live in the U.K. and won't be able to attend.
  16. Filler is no shame. Either auto body putty or a good wood filler such as LePage's will work.
  17. Welcome aboard, Richard! The last line of your post has been truncated, though. What is this march?
  18. Nicely fixed, Keith. It's annoying enough having to re-do things inside a maze of obstacles, but misplacing a block as well.... Anyway, well done.
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