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    BLACK VIKING reacted to ofencer29350 in Royal Caroline by ofencer29350 - Mantua - 1/50 scale   
    here is my last update:




  2. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to woodrat in Venetian Carrack or Cocha by woodrat - FINISHED - 1/64   
    here are some pics of the stern gallery. I have left some blinds down and some up (coloured blue).


  3. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Jolley Roger in Mayflower by Jolley Roger - Artesania Latina - 1/64   
    Well, the painting is finally finished! 
    Definitely not my favorite part of the build, but I wanted it to look as good as possible, so I spent a lot of time on it. 

    I also decided to change the bulkhead from mahogany to cherry wood. I made the little window with lead wire and Microscale Kristal Klear

    ...and last, but not least, I am attempting my hand at treenailing the deck. I still need some fine tuning on the technique, but it looks alright for a first attempt. (i still need to finish the set on the right, just need to pull more bamboo through the drawplate!)

  4. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Heinz6672 in HMS Victory by Heinz746 - Caldercraft   
    Hello friends!
    I would like to show you, what I have done in the last weeks.
    As you can see, I have started with the gratings on the upper deck. First I have made them with the wood from my kit. It does not look bad, but nevertheless I was not really happy. The color seems to be too bright. I had the idea to work it with the black wood putty, but that does´t work well. In contrast to the planks of my deck, the frames only look dirty and not old and used. 
    The strips for the cannonballs does´t look good too. They had a different color than the frames. And the color changes in the middle of the strips. 
    I decided to make them all with my own dark walnut wood. I did the same with the stairs.
    Unfortunately I did the frames with false measurements, so I did it a third time :-). But now I am happy with the result!
    Now I have started with the cannons. I am still at the beginning. But I love to see them standing on my deck :-)
    Best wishes to all of you and a happy sunday!!!

  5. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to RMC in HMS Vanguard by RMC - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - scale 1:72   
    I have decided to use a truss pendant to mount the crossjack to the mizzen mast. As Arthur pointed out, the plans are ambiguous in their treatment (two drawings; two different methods). I have also followed Peterssen and hope it turns out alright in the end.
    The idea is simple: make a loop on the end of the thread, the length  of which will reach roughly to the deck; make a second separate loop with an eye through which the length of thread passes, and on the end of which is a double block. This will eventually lead to a single block attached to one of the channels towards the stern  (I haven't decided where just yet).



    With ropes going every which way it is difficult to see what is going on, but I hope these give the general idea.


    This shows the block on the end of the pendant, roughly where it will eventually  be when the whole thing is finally fitted.


    I think my next step will be to put on the ratlines, something to which I have not been looking forward.
  6. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to NJQUACK in Sea Bright Skiff by NJQUACK - FINISHED - 1:42 - Small   
    The hull planking and framing has been completed.  
    The motor installed and work on interior details has begun.






  7. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to xken in USS Constitution by xken - Model Shipways - Scale 1:76.8   
    Had some fun time with the granddaughters so my daughter could have a business meeting. Moved on to adding the gallery and transom moldings after making new ones at a smaller scale of 1/32" half round strips made with brass cutter.

    I will leave the gallery components off until later in the build to minimize potential damage while handling the hull.

    Here are in progress forming of the curved transom moldings, the kit ones were junk in my mind and out of scale as well. I am using 1/16" half round moldings again using my brass cutter.

    While waiting for moldings to dry I turned to the metal castings for the decorations around the windows; and much to my surprise more junk castings. One even broke taking out of the bag; glued the pieces to a 1/64" plywood carrier to save it.

    Now back to fixing the above parts, not a good one in the bunch.
  8. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Ray in HMS Diana 1794 ship's boats by Ray - FINISHED - 1/48 - SMALL   
    The mast bowsprit and the rigging has now been completed, with the ropes, buckets, barrels,boat hooks,and oars added, only the barrels were bought the rest made,I will cover that on the next boat in the group,I also made a simple stand out of ply,so the 26ft launch is finished,one down three to go.


    Rigging started

    Inboard views

    Finished boat

  9. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to JesseLee in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Awesome work Dave!
  10. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Re-sizing port side gun ports....
    Before proceeding with the beak-head ornamentation, I decided to turn my focus to the twenty four unfinished gun ports on the port side. 
    The last five days have been spent building the frames and lids that must be retro-fitted into the openings originally cut according to the plan sheets.  Again.... after discovering the scaling issue with each.
    The first two pics showing the creation of very small lid rings from staples....


    Construction of the closed lid module (left) and the open lid module (right) ....

    Carefully measured re-sizing of each port opening....


  11. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to waspy in HMS Victory by waspy - Constructo - First time modelling with wood   
    waist railings, beams and supports all in..... I'll cover the waist with something now to try and minimise the inevitable dust of the next year or so.....

  12. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to mhmtyrl in Trehantiri by mhmtyrl - FINISHED - traditional Greek sponge diving boat   
    final photos of sponge diving boat, finished at last :-)

  13. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to archjofo in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    I am always happy to have you here.Thanks for the nice comments.
    Likewise, of course, I am delighted with the many LIKES.

    The two cutter have received all thwarts.
    For this purpose, additional images:


  14. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Telp in HMB Endeavour longboat by Telp - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Well after three months of learning loads from this site and attempting to move along I have finally, apart from the odd touch up, sort of finished my Endeavours longboat, I will post a few more pics as I would welcome critism ect as to what I could do better. I have made many mistakes along the way and the rigging is as best I can make out from the awful kit instructions, but I have never enjoyed doing something so much before.

  15. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Just do it ;-)
    What is that now ?!?
      ...hihihihihihi...   XXXDAn
  16. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to DenPink in HMS Revenge by Denis R - Victory Models (Amati) - Scale 1:64   
    I know I am doing things out of order but they say a change is good as a rest ha-ha.
    So I decided to paint the stern windows.
    I have left the windows on the photo etch sheet so I have something to hold onto.
    Last night I washed the windows first and dried them off.
    Next was apply a coat of Casey's Brass Black to the inside, wash down in clean water and dry them off, then another coat of Brass Black.
    The black will make it look like the old lead windows.
    Today I have put 3 coats of white paint on, but it still wants another coat.
    When it is all done I will turn them over and put some liquid glass on the back.

  17. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Cabbie in HMB Endeavour 1768 by Cabbie - Artesania Latina - 1:60 - Kit Fiddle   
    Good Morning all
    Update time again, I have finally finished planking
    under the wales. it has been given a fairly good sand,
    but will need a lot better.
    I think i will leave it, at this stage and move up above the wales,
    because as in my usual style I will probably knock it around
    during more work
    One thing I do know in doing what I have done is, that
    I have a deep appreciation for the work that the masters are doing.
    it involves so much concentration and workmanship to keep the work up to the
    standard that they do.
    Anyway a few pics, it is a bit nqr, but i am
    happy with it.

  18. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to marsalv in Pandora by marsalv - FINISHED - 1:52   
    Stern is completely finished .

  19. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to mar3kl in Vasa by mar3kl - Billing Boats - scale 1:75   
    Just when I thought I was safe, I had to do the main topgallant tie and halliards.  The kit plans are confusing here because lots of lines are crossing all over the place and they don't label them well.  Fortunately the museum plans are a little clearer, as is the 1:10 model.  
    The tie is very straightforward - loop around the yard, then through a sheave in the mast and down the other side, where it terminates in a block.
    Then things get complicated, with the usual arrangement of a pair of crows feet connected by a line run through a block at the end of the halliard.  This was the most difficult piece of rigging so far, just because there's so much other rigging in the way.  The halliard is made fast to a ring bolt behind the main mast bitts and let me tell you, getting that halliard tensioned and seized to the ring bolt was a very fiddly task.  Here's a close-up of the standing part of the halliard, with its crows feet and block.  It's easy to distort the mizzen stay if you put too much tension on the crows feet.  What I did was over-tension the crows feet and then attach a clamp with a line to the stay and use it to counteract the crows feet tension.  I then brushed the whole thing with diluted white glue and let it dry.  Then release the clamp and the extra tension on the crows feet and everything stayed taut looking without distortion on the stay.  Some is unavoidable but it's not too bad. 

    The halliard runs through a leader block on the mizzen stay, then down to a ring bolt.  Not the prettiest sight, but at least it's tensioned and in more or less the right place.

    And the whole thing.  Three blocks, two euphroe tackles, and a partridge in a pear tree...

  20. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Leo-zd in Lady Nelson by Leo-zd - 1:119 - SMALL   
    The bell is reduced, painted and put on its place, I also put the piece of rope underside.
    I decided to made a stove, in fact just a chimney tube because fortunately nothing can bee seen inside.
    I used styrene tube , external diameter 2,4mm and piece of styrene strip for the base.
    As this is armed cutter, the cannon without ammunition are useless so i decided to put the cannon balls.
    Fist options were the balls in cartigge for hunting rifle but the smallest are 1,5mm and that is so big.
    I chosen the steel balls from ball-bearing, the smallest one is 1 mm diameter, approximately the dimension I needed.  It was a bit laborious to made the wooden support  (1*2 mm) and as could see it isn't perfect but it is so small that I think it will be OK.
    The problem is the brightness and color of balls, but wasn't possible to color so small and glanced surfaces.
    Maybe the mat transparent coat will got better appearance.
    At last one photo with the laptop monitor just to indicate the real dimension and the fact that in reality all is much smaller than on the screen( especially errors and imprecision)

  21. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from edmay in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hope it all goes well for you Dave. The bow of the SotS is looking stunning
    B V
  22. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from Piet in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hope it all goes well for you Dave. The bow of the SotS is looking stunning
    B V
  23. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from mtaylor in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hope it all goes well for you Dave. The bow of the SotS is looking stunning
    B V
  24. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hope it all goes well for you Dave. The bow of the SotS is looking stunning
    B V
  25. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from JesseLee in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hope it all goes well for you Dave. The bow of the SotS is looking stunning
    B V
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