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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. If you have a chainsaw, there are other options ...
  2. I just cut balsa blocks to the correct width to fit between the bulkheads ... These were very roughly cut to shape before gluing into position ... After the glue had set, a detail sander was used to trim the filler blocks back to the bulkheads ... Sandpaper was then used for final shaping ... Hope that was what you were asking.
  3. I'm sure I was reading about this very question only just recently, Tom ... Ahh. Here it is. Mark answers your question in the 2nd posting. Also, you might find these two topics interesting: Hammock Netting Question and Hammock Crane Holders.
  4. Chuck, I noticed in your vids where you mention that the garboard strake needs to be positioned correctly. Could you please tell us HOW you determine the proper positioning of this plank ??
  5. I truly hope that works out for ya, Philthy. But, to my untrained eye, it seems that you are going to require one heck of a stealer on either side of the prow. Maybe Marvin can show you a few shots from the bow angle of his build.
  6. I'll chuck my bi-corn hat in with the rest of the crew who love rigging. I find this stage of the build to be the most satisfying.
  7. Nice work, John. This one is on my list as a possibility for my next build. Fortunately, it is always Happy Hour somewhere in the world.
  8. I just luv the contrasting woods, Mobbsie. Simply stunning work !!
  9. That's some nice work, Cobr@. If you are looking for ideas for additional equipment/props to add to your section, then check out some of the photos in Dafi's HMS Victory build. (The above link only leads to one of his posts ... you'll need to have a look through to find other ideas.)
  10. If your intention is to show the rivets used to attach the plating, then here's a pic of a Ponce Wheel: I plan on acquiring one of these from a local arts supply store very soon.
  11. Her Majesty is looking ... majestic !!
  12. That's some funky deck-planking there, Matt !! I really love the contrast between the wood grains. Awesome job !! PS: Reckon I'd choose Pattern#2 for the tre-nailing ... if only coz it would save you a ton of work.
  13. It truly is your decision, and yours alone, Matt. For myself, I would very much like to include every detail that every other builder has added to their own Connie builds. Indeed, having done three builds previously, I have never, ever met anyone who has said "You missed such-and-such", or "Where's the so-and-so ??". All of the details that you have included will be enough for the majority of viewers (who are NOT Naval historians) to just go "Wow !!", instead. On the contrary, most people are content to just look at what has been done, and (even for work done by a novice builder such as myself) comment on how good it looks. Whilst I know for a fact that there were some features (especially on my first build) which I personally find cringe-worthy, these issues have never been pointed out by anyone viewing the work. For myself, when looking at any decent ship model, I am overwhelmed by what HAS been included, and overlook anything that may be missing.
  14. Your stubbornness has paid off, Nenad. Those 3mm dead-eyes look good !!
  15. They DO look good, Matt. And despite your warnings of loss of sanity, I will probably adopt your method also.
  16. CaptainSteve pulls up a barrel and takes out a large pack of Nutz to snack on ... "If this one is anything like yer Ranger, then I be sure not wanting to miss it !!"
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