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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. Mundie, anytime I've found myself up against a new section in a build then I'd read and re-read the instructions, trying to grasp their meaning. This was particularly challenging on my first two when I had to interpret poorly translated Italian-to-English instructions. These THEN had to be "translated" into something which my non-nautical brain could understand. Apart from that, check out the Planking Tutorials (if you haven't already). Check the fairing thoroughly with a batten (piece of spare planking). Mark off your planking bands. Take your time and enjoy !!
  2. ... Just don't feed them after midnight !!! Great looking set of tools you've done there, O Squirrel Whisperer. I was gunna say something about the sharpened look, but George covered that.
  3. Exquisite work there, Keith !! Your personal touches make your RW stand out from the crowd.
  4. Lookin' very fine, JS. And I challenge anyone to spot the newly-made deadeye when you are finished !!
  5. Matt, I do not think it is two-timing to be working on a couple of kits at the same time. Kits (unlike females) don't get jealous. However, I strongly recommend you search out the advice of our DrPer before you go any further down this path. Note, however, that he will not help you - merely tell you that you are not crazy. Lookin' forward to spectating as you bash your way through your newly acquired stash of kits.
  6. Nice touch with the barrels in the netting. At least, there'll be more room for the nineteen people. She's starting to look like a completed boat !! (More than mine, anyways) Arrr ...
  7. Take care wi' placing them garboard strakes, Ken. As I recall, there was something about them throwing the whole planking out of alignment if the garboard strakes were fitted too far forward.
  8. So ... ?? How long are talkin' about here, Mobbsie ?? One ... two days ... ?? We can't hold out for too long, Y'know !!!!!!
  9. CH, I am a firm believer in the Golden Rule here at MSW: The Captain ALWAYS has final say on their build ... unless over-ruled by their Admiral. That's where I was guessing, also.
  10. I think Jay is correct, George. A "case" is for keeping mundane things inside (ie: briefcase for paperwork, gun-case for guns, wine-case for wines). A "cache", on the other hand, is a store for treasures !!!
  11. Dang, CH !! After reading your observation above, I went a-running for my modelling room ... and, sure enough, you are spot-on !! As to furling your sails, I think it's a great idea. As you mentioned, it's a look that not many go with. I'm still to get to the installation of masts and spars and the rigging, but I was thinking of going for mostly unfurled with bunt-lines lifting the sails up just slightly to show off the interior and details. O'course, any rigging gear added will have to be of my own design (with thanks to help from Matt), due to MS providing very little insofar as actual rigging instructions (beyond clew-lines & lifts) for the Launch. My one comment, and feel free to ignore it completely, is that I would think it difficult for the weakened, under-nourished and sickly crew to furl the sails as perfectly folded as yours looks to be, bearing in mind that this Launch was extremely over-crowded.
  12. Great work, Tom. She is looking stunning. I'm taking to heart your latest suggestion on power tools ... but I think I might forego that one in favour of an air-conditioner.
  13. Well, I do gotta admit that the compasses you and Buck made looked pretty darn good !! How about I start a "Maybe" list ?? I'll put a compass at the very top. True true ... but I'm beginning to see that there is realism in a model AND authenticity. And, despite my bird-poop, I think dolphin-fillets might be going too far in the "realism" direction. As for ye barracoes, well, I do have a lathe on the way. And I will need to practice until I get the hang of it. So, they can be on the "Maybe" list, too. (Do you have a pattern I could use to make a template ??) Yeah ...but I'll be passing on that methinks, Matt. Trouble is that I spent two weeks or so working on the first tre-nails I've ever done. I want 'em to be visible as much as possible. Also, this project has taken more than a year now. It was supposed to be a side-liner to get me into doing my Connie. O'course, that's nobody's fault 'cept my own. But, I really gotta be drawing the line somewhere as regards all the extra detailing. I will be re-doing the barrels ... I'll consider the "Maybe" list ... But the time doth draw nearer to be a-winding this build up.
  14. I can never get tired of checking out this build !!! Just stunning - as always.
  15. Can you print the numbers with your computer ?? You'd be able to change the font size to whatever you like. If you can get transfer paper for your printer, then you'd be able to make adhesive stickers. Just reverse the image to make the numbers for the other side.
  16. Two ?? Well, I guess the barrels really should be put back on the list ... coz Tuff's and yours put mine to shame. What else have I forgotten, Matt ??
  17. Dale. Your enthusiasm for your project is infectious and I hope you are able to maintain it throughout your build. Even though you haven't been able to find any other Le Hussard builds here on MSW, I'd suggest that it would pay dividends for you to search out and read through other build logs here, especially other Artesania Latina kits. Also, enter "Le Hussard" into Google ... I found a You-Tube video of someone making a model of the ship. Also, take full advantage of the living, breathing encyclopaedia of maritime modelling knowledge that is MSW. There are tutorials galore which I, personally, found to be priceless. All of them were written by people who were once beginners just like you. As to specific questions regarding your kit, well, sorry that I can't offer you much ... I'm little more than a rank-beginner myself. I can tell you that the support frames you are adding are known as filler blocks. They are to help the planking fit better when you get to that stage. Usually they are fitted vertically - parallel to the bulkheads. However, if you shape the whole lot back to the lie of the planking after they are all fitted, then it probably won't matter too much that yours are fitted horizontally. Regarding your specific question as quoted from your instruction manual ... Umm, I got nothing !! This is, unfortunately, a common problem which we beginner kit builders experience - specifically, trying to make sense of very limited, and often poorly translated, instructions. Maybe you could try asking a friend who speaks/reads Italian to translate the original instructions. I'm guessing they make more sense in the author's native language. OR enter phrases into Google Translate. Hoping some of this helps you !!
  18. Arrr ... Precious little accomplished (again !!). CaptainSteve was absent from his shipyard this past week, as he had to house-sit for CaptainAndrew. This involved looking after the Captain's dog, cat and wide-screen TV !! However, the base-stand has now been completed, and thus ... ... one further item he didst ticketh off. The base-board was trimmed to size, the pedestals fitted, the edging added, and a couple of coats of subdued gloss Tung Oil applied ... To be honest, Our Hero be mightily chuffed wi' the outcome ...
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