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About JesseLee

  • Birthday 10/29/1965

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  • Location
    Broadway North Carolina, USA
  • Interests
    Model shipbuilding, Stamp collecting, Bible study, Flags

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  1. Dave your attention to detail and ability to create it is amazing to me.Seems like you don't miss anything!
  2. That paint looks very nice! I'll have to get some of that sometime.
  3. Thanks for all the comments and likes everyone! I apologize that I have not posted completed pictures. Life has been busy lately. On the days I feel good enough to do something I am working on extending my lean-to shelter outside. Trying to have a little workshop out there for regular sized wood working and things are way too tight. Extending it out 12 more feet to move the lawnmowers under and free up more work space for a work table and space to use power saws, sanders, etc. With my health condition everything takes me 10 times longer than it should take. Not sure what is next. With the outside projects and me building my own homemade biological filter systems for my aquariums Not sure if I will get back to any ship modeling until the warm weather season passes. Don't have any more kits. Have 2 part-built ships started by someone else that I picked somewhere along the way over the years that I always said I could fix up but have never done. I have also dabbled in SIBs some and could tackle another one of them as I always have ideas for them rolling around in my head. Plus all this depends on how I feel. Jesse
  4. Buddy refusing to be left out of the picture! Will put a few more up of completed ship later Jesse
  5. I finally got the flags on. I guess this means this build is finished. I would like to build a lifeboat to hang on the back but who knows when I'll ever get around to that. Maybe that could be a mini-build some time in the future. Now I have to get my Lyme damaged brain to remember how to get this labeled as "Finished" Jesse
  6. Finally got to work on rigging the Jack to the Jackstaff. Got it on. Not positive on just how this is supposed to be tied off but here's what I got. Haven't settled on which direction I'll have it waving, will get the Ensign on and then figure it out. Jesse
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