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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Happy Birthday Don......:cheers:....Hope you had a good one!!



    1. riverboat


      hang'n in there...... Almost finished with the Junk...should be posting shortly ...haven't really been doing too much building lately,just starting to get back in to the groove again, hopefully I'll have some progress pictures shortly....Take care Don....



  2. Looking nice DENIS...... only a guy with a name like "POPEYE" could handle as many builds as you do ... Frank
  3. Michael whose rope are you using? frank
  4. Michael...... the more I look at your work the more amazed I am ............ if I'm not mistaken ...this is your first build??? Frank
  5. Been there and done that too Michael frank
  6. Nicely!! done Michael...... frank
  7. Nice work on those parrels..... they're a little fidgety to work with some time (for me anyway)...... Frank
  8. Missed it completely out here........ I guess I'll have to wait till the next one! Frank
  9. Very nice!! work with the P.E...... it can be a bear to work with at times.... Frank
  10. "Happy Birthday" Mike........ and many more!!!!........:cheers:



    1. Landlubber Mike

      Landlubber Mike

      Thanks Frank - hope you are doing well my friend :cheers:

  11. Nice work Sjors.... she's looking really nice..... that is really some curve at the bow, you got it looking good!!! Frank
  12. Nice work Michael...the sails look great!!
  13. Danny.... that is one sweeeeet!! looking build...... and your skills are perfect..... as always!! Frank
  14. Nice looking plastic sails Denis.... your rigging is coming along nicely... Frank
  15. the furniture pcs really sets it off..... nice! work Dave frank
  16. Just ck'd out your sails....... Nice hook up with Ivy, that's the way to fly... beautifully done!! Frank
  17. Looks like a pretty nice kit Paul........ looking forward to your progress... Have fun!!! Frank
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