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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Denis...... still debating whether to leave them or add some cargo...... EJ.......... thanks for your input....I'm still undecided over function or comfort for my crew .... I'll see how they behave before making a decision...... frank
  2. Hi Bob......... Yeah it's getting a little crowded ........ I might loosen it up a little.... Thanks for stopping by... Frank
  3. Antony....... Thanks for stopping by ..... glad you liked the deck ... I just used Age it Easy , not the exact color I wanted but close. I have some driftwood ageing I might try on my next build , forgot I even had it or I would have used it on this one. Hi Mark..... Thanks for that input... I see now what they are used for, but don't you think they still are in an awkward set up , blocking access to the bow?? Carl......... Vivian's build is just awesome!!! I forgot all about hers, thanks for reminding me, and you are right , Mark was correct in his reply. Thanks again. Hey Denis........ Yeah the deck is getting real busy, that's why I'm thinking about omitting those two winches adjacent to the main mast. May be I'll just substitute some cargo pieces, at least there will be access to the bow. thanks again for your input. Frank
  4. Little UPDATE time....... pretty much finished up with the deck pieces....... wasn't to pleased with the wood used for the deck pieces, but I wasn't about to make all new ones....... I do have a question that maybe some one out there might be able to answer ... in the following shots I'll point out what I'm talking about when we come to it... thanks for look'n in.... Frank Rudder completed and attached Tiller finished capstan installed.... I didn't fully rig the guns, just a simulation hoops formed for the poop deck cover This picture is what I have a question for ... does any one know what it's function is.... there are a few of these on the deck This picture shows two of the previous pictures piece. the way these two pieces are set up on the deck leaves no room for the crew to get to the bow of the ship, I cant imagine them trying to climb over these. take a look........ Now this is without them.. seems they could move about a little better without them. Thanks again for look'n in..... Frank
  5. Hi Dave ... hope things are getting better for all of you ... mother nature can be cruel at times , sorry to hear you lost a good friend. On the brighter side your build is coming along nicely... that shingle idea is great!!.... Hang in there Dave!! Frank
  6. That is ssooooooo sweet!! Denis .... your are amazing with your ideas and talent.... Greatt!! work... Frank
  7. Hi Bob.... just went thru your build.... you are doing some very nice work... liked the way your decking came out and the color .. I myself really like working with lime it stains well and paints well too. Blacken er's are a bear to work with too.... I've been using a blacken er from A-West products and have had real good results, I'm getting pretty low, so I bought some blacken er from Blue Jacket and I was very disappointed.I don't think A-West is still in business.... any way your build is looking really good ... I'll be stopping by now and then. Frank
  8. Thanks Wim and Dirk........ for stopping by...... always glad to hear from both of you. Frank
  9. Look'n real good E.J........ love the shots of your build, very impressive!! Frank
  10. Thanks Denis From N.Z...... glad you like the progress, those windows really had to be changed . Thanks again for look'n in.... FranK
  11. Thanks Denis....... yeah it's starting to come along. I 'm hoping to get it to look a little like an old junk HI Bob........ thanks for look'n in. Glad you liked the doors, they came out like I hoped they would ( for a CHANGE!!) frank
  12. That is one fine!! piece of work ( the whole ship).... frank
  13. Thanks Mark, E.J. and Don for your nice comments, it's always nice to have your in put.... Thanks again.. Frank
  14. UPDATE ....... Hi Lawrence ...Thanks for looking in and your nice comments.....Well it's time for another update!! Slowly but surely things are coming together. All the deck pieces are finished, stairs, ladders, and a couple other thinks I added. The following pictures will bring you up to date with my progress. Again, thanks to all who stop by and comment, and thanks too for all of you that have pushed the "LIKE" button. Frank This I over did the hole for the ring so I made something different. This is the window that came with the kit, I didn't like this so I made some other windows I added a couple posts on the stern upper deck to tie some rope railing That's all folks!!.... Thanks for lookn in!! Frank
  15. Yeah I ditto Robin...... you do some amazing work and it's fun to watch... you certainly have talent!! Frank
  16. Really like what you are doing with thus build Greg..... your skill with working with the photo etch is an art in it self.... looking forward to watching your progress Frank
  17. EJ your build is really nice .... the stern shot is a winner!! (as is the rest of the build) Frank
  18. Nice work on the bow Don...shes really shaping up.... Frank
  19. Excellent work there Denis..... the railings came out real nice... Frank
  20. great!! looking hull Don....nice job on the planking... Frank
  21. Hi Mike... your build is looking really nice.I like the painting with wood that you are doing... you have certainly come a long way with this ship building hobby.... wish I could be more help to you in regards to the building techniques required for the builds you are doing, but I'm afraid they are more complex than what I'm used to, but I'll pop in now and then and enjoy your talent and push that "like" button Frank
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