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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Hi Sherry,just ck'n in on your progress........ your work is just excellent!!.... nice to have you back and I'm sorry to hear about your brother.. hope everything works out for the best for him...... I don't think your build looks like an ark at all Frank
  2. Hi Doug, your build is looking great,if I remember correctly, there was a pc. of 1.25 rope included with the kit, I think it was in a different bag If not, I'm sure you can order some from Cornwall Model boats. Frank
  3. your build is looking really nice Matti, and thanks for your concern. Frank
  4. CONGRATS!! Ron..... She looks just great!....... excellent job my friend ,and guess what..... you finished before me .. looking forward to your Endeavour build.( Please...... don't finish that one before I finish my Supply :D ) Frank
  5. Your S.I. is looking real good Sjors.......and I like your new avatar!!.... although, I was a little disappointed that you weren't dressed as an Admiral!! :P ...... maybe next time!!!!!!!! Frank
  6. Say Tony, since Sjors is going to let Anja take a trip across the channel on his SI, how 's about you being a good sport mate, and lend him one of your ship's boats so he can follow her :D .... all kidding aside, GREAT!! job on the boats Mobbsie.... they look smashing!! Frank
  7. Hi Popeye... thanks for the post, everything is fine and will be posting an update on the progress soon ( I hope ) Frank
  8. To all of the above..... very, very, nice!!.... Thank You Frank
  9. Glads you both had a good trip and made it back home safe and sound !! Frank
  10. Nice repair Popeye,........ and you did it without the Dremel ... looking forward to your next move........ Frank
  11. Best wishes on your RC build..... it's looking real good !!! Frank
  12. Agreed Popeye, I too have a brand new Dremel, never even touched it yet......... unfortunately, at my age I have to do everything by hand Frank
  13. like everyone said....... Great !! work on the framing......... now Augie, this is something to be envious of , :D ..... your craftsmanship and speed are very impressive to say the least. You've accompished more in 2 months (or less) than I've done in 2 years !!! :( :D Frank ( must be the Italian thing !! but where did mine go too!!! :D ) Frank
  14. Very nice Sjors........ I'm sure that she's big enough to make the channel trip!! Frank
  15. Beautiful! job Ulises....... very realistic looking... I'm sure Spencer will want to know how you did that ...... me too!!! Frank
  16. Just now went thru your log Piet...... what an outstanding build this is. and I'm sure a real meaningful one for you too, looking forward to it's completion Frank
  17. Thank you Jud for such an informative response. Makes me real happy that I wasn't one of those guys on a Warship . My next build is going to be the naval cutter Alert. Grey or holly stoned ?? Frank Augie ... "Great minds think alike"... but since I don't have a great mind, it's gotta be the Italian thing. Frank
  18. Nice! Spyglass, thanks a lot for the pictures, they'll be very helpful! Frank
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