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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Hi Patrick, just now catching up........ your build looks great!!!, nice job....... and I know your happy !!!!... it's always nice to see a finished build. I'm right behind you :D Frank
  2. Nice start on the planking Sjors,....... that ought to keep you busy for awhile
  3. forgot to tell you what an excellent job you did on the flags, thats a great idea on how to form and shape them, they look so real!! Nice job!!! Frank
  4. Great idea for doing those gun ports... they look perfect!!! Frank
  5. Thank you Mattie and Nigel for looking in and your kind comments..... Just a quick update as to where I'm at,( no pictures at this time, sorry Sjors!) I don't want anyone to think I've abandoned ship ......... it's been awhile since I've posted any progress..... All I have left to do on the rigging is to tie off the port side fore mast back stays , then I'm finished with the rigging. this I plan to do today :D :D . The only things left to do will be adding some misc. features and reinstalling the cat heads.When that's finished then I'll post some finished pictures . My thanks to everyone here for all the help I've received to put this together. Frank
  6. I don't know if this what you're looking for but try this Also look at this
  7. Every time I look at your work, I'm inspired!! You are AMAZING! Doris. Frank
  8. She's gorgeous!! Michael........... beautiful work. Frank
  9. Yeah, nice to see you back up and running..... rigging and yards are look'n good Derek........ Almost busted my top foremast the other day ( again )... good thing it didn't break off, because I think I would've trashed th whole thing Frank
  10. Hi Sherry..... I am so impressed with your talent for model ship building,the San Felipe is looking just great!! Not only are women taking over the lead roles in the movies, it looks like you gals are taking over here too!! :P keep the good work up......... I'm learning a lot!! Frank
  11. Sorry I'm late on the congrats....... you did an excellent job Augie, she looks perfect!! Frank
  12. Look'n real good Sjors....... next time you buy glue, buy a gallon (3.79 liters) you are going to need it !! Frank
  13. Have fun with your new build Jack...... I understand that's an excellent kit, so you should have smooth sailing!! Frank
  14. Excellent work Doug... she looks great!! Congrats!! Frank
  15. super job on the rigging Tony..... Sorry to hear about your health situation, glad you're feeling better...STAY HEALTHY Frank
  16. Nice work on the shrouds Sjors... the serving looks great!! Frank
  17. Good idea of Augies, those keel holders on the Amati are movable so you should be able to put enough pressure where needed.
  18. If there is no correct way of correcting this , I'd do like you do when you go to the gas station... "filler up"
  19. Hey Wayne,Almost forgot how nice those older kits were without the pre-cut parts. Half the fun of making the kit was cutting out the parts and finishing them to fit.That's when kit builders needed a scroll saw. Mine just sits on a bench now out in the garage just waiting to sink its teeth into some 5mm ply Frank
  20. Good luck on your new build Wayne...... looks like a nice kit, back in the day they were one of the best. 3 builds going huh?............. ( I think you caught "Popeyebuilditice" ) Frank
  21. GREAT!! work Augie..... too bad the Broncos didn't take a look at your build before game time, it certainly would have given them some inspiration..... ( to WIN ) I was hoping to see them win...... but it turned out to be a most embarrassing day . Next year!! :D Frank
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