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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Nice work Sjors....... I'd sure like to meet your "mouse sander".... He or She does excellent work, I might want to hire him or her for my next en devour Frank
  2. I'm with Mobbsie on that one!! :D ......... great work again Matti!!! frank
  3. Those knightheads look sooooo nice Matti , great! job on the carving Frank
  4. Good work on the fix Wayne.... you never know it was there ( except you!) Frank
  5. Looks really nice Vivian, those lights really bring the ship to life..... thanks for the info on the deck, I'll have to ck that wax out.... Oh yeah! nice job on remaking the bed, really close quarters in there!! Frank
  6. Hi Vivian just catching up on your progress, very impressed with your detail work and the aging process....... the deck color is just great!! what did you use to get that color? ( if you don't mind :P ) Frank
  7. I think we should give you a new name Sjors.... "King Plank" ..... nice bend on those strakes!! Frank
  8. Good luck on your new build Patrick, sounds like you have great plans for an interesting build, will be ck'n in on your progress. Have fun!!! Frank
  9. Nice planking Sjors, those stern planks look like they all have to sweep upwards . , I'm sure you'll get this to work, as for the cannons, you sure you're not getting ready for battle?? Frank
  10. Really, really nice Patrick.... a build well done, good luck with the Conny!! Frank
  11. Good job on setting the masts, sometimes it's hard to set the right rake, but you hit right on... I like your round sanding sticks, I'll have to remember to make some frank
  12. Andy........ the question is .... " To Be or Not To Be " .... oh yeah, and your build is looking great!! Frank
  13. Hi Anja... Congrats on your new job, you've been with that company a long time, so you certainly deserve the promotion, Your enthusiasm makes me want to back to work!!! (just kidding :D ) Best wishes to you....... Don't let Sjors slack off now just because you got promoted!! Frank
  14. You have amazing talent Matti..... carving those small pieces is way beyond my patience...... and eyesight! Frank
  15. Nice job on the rigging Sjors, you are becoming quite proficient at doing the most tedious job of all....... Saw your workshop, ... made me jealous!!! :P
  16. Beautiful !! Mike just beautiful...... a job well done , don't stay away too long..... will be looking forward to your next build Frank
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