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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Very interesting build Vince.... will be ck'n in from time to time Frank
  2. Nice job on the treenailing Sjors.... shes looking really good. Frank
  3. Anja... you're putting me to shame!!, I must nudge myself :P ..... your build is looking great!! Frank
  4. Hi Adam, just ckd out your new project, GREAT idea, I'm sure it will be out to good use. Thanks for your time and effort!! Frank
  5. You are a real "DarkSider" Sherry..... excellent work! !! Frank
  6. Just catching up..... another "JEWEL" to add to your armada..... great ideas Popeye!! Frank
  7. Doris... I've said it before , but I'll say it again...... You are just amazing!!! Frank
  8. Tony... she looks smashing!!.... your rigging is to be envied.... great work Tony!! Frank
  9. Wow!! amazing transformation...... You are going to make someone really HAPPY!!!! Frank
  10. Very interesting!! Are you using the technique Chuck uses in his tutorial on spiling? If so, what width planks are you using? Frank
  11. Looking good Ron, waiting to see how you plank the bow and stern, interesting build. Frank
  12. Hi Jack... just now went thru your log...... beautiful work Jack ... she looks great!!..excellent work on the sails. Frank
  13. Beautiful work on the nailing Augie, looks top notch!..... I'm with you on the power tools. I've bought a couple which I never use, and probably will never use. I'll end up selling them someday, although, recently I did buy the Proxxon DB250 wood lathe that I'm sure I'll put to some use, other than that I'm pretty much old school, hand tools, sometimes I get carried away with this hobby :P ( at my age I really should know better) Frank
  14. Looks really nice and BIG Sjors.... you're off to a good start!!! Frank
  15. Wow!!.. those frames are really big... have fun Sjors, and a Happy New Year to you and Anja Frank
  16. Hey Andy, sorry to hear about your power outage,I'll bet that wasn't any fun...... Guess what ..... it was 80 degrees here yesterday!!!!! man ,it was nice and warm :P .... and guess what again!!!!.. it's going to be pretty much the same thru New Years day :D ..... Sorry Andy, just had to tell you that..... are we still friends ?? Frank
  17. Hi Mati... just now discovered your build log ... you are an amazing craftsman!!..... this build is awesome!! Frank
  18. Hi Sherry, just wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! Frank
  19. Hi Mark ,just wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Frank
  20. Hi Pavel, just wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Frank
  21. Hi Danny , just wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Frank
  22. Hi Ed, just wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Frank
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