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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Congrats Mobbsie !........... too bad you don't get a raise !!!!! Frank
  2. Look'n really good Sjors......... You will be a master rigger for sure when she's finished..... She looks big enough to make the channel crossing, maybe you can use her next time you go visit Mobbsie Frank
  3. Nice real nice !! Mobbsie.......... it's amazing how fast you work and with such great craftsmanship, this is one fine looking build. Frank
  4. This build was awesome the first time around....... and it's still awesome!!!! Frank
  5. Oh, I didn't mean to neglect Popeye's talents in the least.... He has no competition either here or abroad..... He's the greatest and fastest multi builder ever!!...... I was comparing you to Mobbsie because both of you are doing just single builds. So you sir, are entitled to be state sides best and fastest in the single build category!!! Frank
  6. It'll be nice to see this one finished up, it's such a great looking ship and you're doing a real nice job on her....... I hear you on those dangling ropes, that's what I'm looking at too !! I forgot where half of them go Frank
  7. Hi John, I now too just went thru your build....... excellent work!!!..... enjoyed your trip as well!! Frank
  8. Augie.... you are really a fast and accurate worker!!...... nice progress!. I think we can say without a doubt, that you are the stateside answer to Uk's Mobbsie :P frank
  9. Thanks Mike, you sent me the pdf a while back, I just wasn't sure how long they were, now I know Frank
  10. Nice job on the buoys Mike, they came out real nice, color looks spot on too!! Anchors are nice also! What's the size of the buoys you made??I have yet to make those, I have a problem with my left eye (AMD), so its been a little difficult trying to finish up the Supply, hopefully I can finish up soon Frank
  11. I made a bo-bo on my yards ....... looks like my fore and main mast upper yards are set in the wrong position after looking at yours. I really like the way yours are positioned, but I'm not going to change mine...... too many ropes tied off now to mess with. Another learning curve under my belt Frank
  12. Nice Augie!!....... like the pencil tool, I've seen it before on MM site, but wasn't too sure about it, seems you have put it to good use! Frank
  13. Hey Derek, are you going to have enough room up there where the Admiral told you to stick it?? Frank ( rigging is look'n good!! )
  14. looks good Ron, you'll be finished before you know it !!
  15. Nice work on the boats Peter, those kits are real nice . Your build is looking great!! Frank
  16. Nice work on the rigging Popeye, It's hard sometimes trying to get the right tension on the lanyards, but you try to get them as best as you can, yours look good !! I don't think everything was so perfect on a real ship anyway. If you're pleased with the string you're using why don't you just stain it ? Frank
  17. Look'n real good Sjors, ......... now, which one is this?, it's getting hard to keep track!!
  18. I thought you just got back? ...... your rigging skills are excellent Andy ... Frank
  19. Adam, every little bit helps the ship come to life, Don't worry about huge progress jumps , I sometimes put one deadeye on and call it a day! ( Now that's real progress for me ) Your build is looking ship shape!! Frank
  20. Nice Ron , the yards and sails are looking real good !!! Frank
  21. Sorry Pawel, had you mistaken for someone else, but I'm sure your build will be an awesome too!! Frank
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