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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Hi Mates, Have been silent for a while. The Admiral needed to be hospitalized for several days – all ok now- And I then needed shoulder surgery, so L arm is braced in a immovable frame, so internet life has been limited to just looking. Today I can today actually type (SO happy that remote control hand still worked) Thanks for all the likes and super nice comments from my last post. My shipyard will stay closed for the next few weeks, but now I can catch up and post likes and comment for the builder’s logs that I so enjoy following. Cheers everybody !
  2. I had also noticed your keel planking. Your response is indeed interesting. In April 018 I visited the Vaset Museum. I also was lucky enough to spend a very informative hour with Dr. Fred Hocker (he also builds models). He also prefers to be called Fred. Super nice person. He showed me parts of the museum’s research area, we then sat and spoke about several subjects. One of which was the DeAgostini Vasa, a project that he is very involved with. He noted that, for example, the upper and lower hull gun ports are slightly miss-located. This was a cost savings compromise for a mass produced kit. Some of the inner vertical frame locations resulted in some ports having openings that are not aligned as the 1:1. This (miss-alignment) has been discussed by other builders as well. The keel planking was not discussed however. So it is indeed surprising that something (simple) such as this would not be. at least, drawn correctly on the instructions, and that it would be possibly missed by Fred. It is a part of any kit’s build that can so easily be correctly overlaid from most kit supplied single ply-board pieces. That said, you might later indeed regret not re-doing the keel planks IMO. This kit is otherwise arguably the best Vasa available. And your build is certainly excellent indeed. Regards,
  3. Amelio, Its impossible to add any more superlatives in any language about this build such art. Well as young people say (in the US) when something is so awesome, "this is sick" Regards,
  4. Dan, Just catching up as well. Such great progress. A has been said your funnels are indeed awesome. I remember as a kid that those funnels on the ship were so beautiful and futuristic looking. Your replica so captured, in scale those as well. Well done indeed. PS: pool aint so bad either (:-) Cheers,
  5. Robert, As Michael101 just posted amazing work indeed. Regarding your "how to" for the lanterns. A big thanks. I had seen your previous post for these. Tried to copy your technique for installing same in my current build. Just did not look well executed. You SOLVED this by posting how you did this. Very clever solution. Thanks for the time it took helping others - Will certainly be "the" solution for many of us who want to include working lanterns. PS: Regarding my previous envious comment - it was about your awesome shipyard set up . and, of course, your skills on this build. Regards,
  6. Hi Mates, Not an update. Shipyard has been very part-time for a week or so +. Now returning to same task, working on carriages. These won’t have as much detail included as those from my Vasa, but for at least the “front row” they need to be a bit more detailed (weather deck will get all the details that I can manage) Posting some obvious info, but could be helpful to members new to our hobby that might drop by. As always Mates thanks for comments, likes and just dropping by. Regards,
  7. E.J, Super nice - you are setting the bar higher with each update. She's looking awesome. Cheers,
  8. Hi Mates, Minor update. Added a bit of cargo to the orlop deck. Need to prob tie down those two large barrels as well. Now moving on to fabricating needed gun carriages. Kit furnished carriages in a single metal piece. Prefer to build wood ones. I do like the kit included cannons. Had several of the crested guns left over from Vasa days. May go for those brass ones If I decide to use kit guns will need to re-work the rear portion of the carriages a bit, and of course, air brush the guns black. As always thanks... Regards,
  9. Denis Very nice list. PS: American Gods, Yes indeed!! Here is an update regarding the delays http://www.syfy.com/syfywire/american-gods-season-2-starts-production
  10. Martyn, I sure am enjoying looking at all the extra bits that you are adding to your build. I think that I will copy your table idea. Can I order those bottles of beer at OddBins? I so remember those wonderful shops when I was working and living in the UK for about two years in the mid 90s
  11. Thanks for the comments I always appreciate your suggestions, critical eyes and help mates. E.J Yes that would be an excellent next project for you indeed. We all inspire each other don't we! - you inspired me to add lighting Small info. update. Had such good luck with the 0.5 mm lead using it as the cleats for inside wall timbers, thought about using smaller 0.3 lead for the deck treenails. Wanted to get brown lead, but only red and other in-appropriate colors are available, so black it is. Tried the 0.5s too large and out of scale for these tiny planks IMO. I think that that "is it" with lower gun deck planks - no mas Also ordered a 0.2mm pencil from Japan – never know may be useful one day. Regard,
  12. Nick, So glad that you have re-opened your shipyard. Yours is the best Corel Mirage that I have seen so far!! super nice work, I started this one years ago but never finished it.
  13. Andrew, Very nice start. This one is under my table up next. After binging on The Vikings" all 4 seasons - I became so motivated to build a long boat. I had originally bought the Billings Oseberg (will stay under my table) It is a monster more than 36" long - did not pay attention to the scale details. Your kit is the perfect size. Yes Amfibius' build log is excellent indeed. Good luck - I will grab a chair and follow along Cheers,
  14. Denis: You may be right. I also now know, that the orlop decks are usually flat. These internal parts of ships are all new to me. That particular deck was to be water free. I also think, in retrospect, that caulking those planks may have also been unnecessary. Still learning. That said, its close (camber)– but the camber of my installed orlop deck has actually too much. Should have been flat I think? After fitting more gun deck planks (amount to be determined) and installing carriages I may add shims to the deck frames to increase the camber just a tad of the lower gun deck. Patrick: Yes I intend on adding knees. I did not for the orlop deck, OcCre did not, and many drawings that I have seen did not either. It was a mixed decision. Both gun decks will indeed have knees, as well as the horizontal side braces that I will add. May need to play with the kit provided knees they are all ply-board bits. May just make some up. Though I must say the kit bits are a perfect fit. The last photo is my guide. Notations had been made previously. Thanks for your comments mates. Cheers,
  15. Robert: Thanks for your kind words. Your Victory is looking very awesome. Your shipyard is also a “dream”. Your lantern technique sure is clever as well. Thanks for dropping by. Anthony: Yes, that would be nice. Had not thought of that. But my stern side is very unkempt. Have paid little attention to that area (planks don’t quite align, LED wiring will wrap around vertical framing as well, treenails not added, etc,.) Thanks for the idea…I may re-consider. Patrick: Thanks as well. I sure like the beak grids on your GH. !! Started the lower gun deck (barely). Need to determine how much planking – do want to rig the carriages (at least three of them) Also need to add barrels to orlop deck.As always mates, thanks for the likes and dropping by.
  16. Patrick, Your grating work is so good! Great added details very realistic Well Done. Regards,
  17. Martyn, Sorry to read about your problems with the lights - Ouch!! I assume, that you will contact the vendor - hoping that he rectifies the issue. Too bad about the already installed hold lantern.
  18. E&T, BRILLIANT work, found your log from a posting that Denis (Popeye the sailor) made about your build at the link that I had posted regarding the OcCre version. I had NO idea - when I posted - that your research and work had almost been stolen by OcCre - SO happy that things have been resolved to your satisfaction. The series should also help drive sales for this particular ship, I would think? I will go back and spend a lot of quality time going through your amazing build log, and I will bring a ladder so as to catch your continued work from way back in your deservedly crowded shipyard Regards,
  19. Robert, Nice update indeed. PS: The word Envious just came to my mind I wonder why?
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