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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Hi Mates, Another of my small updates; finished the upper deck, installed the two upper gun deck carriages, lanterns, and door tackles. Decided to minimally detail those two carriages, as they will be so out-of-sight. Note those lantern wires need to be lengthened, and then hidden and spooled behind the side frames. Purchased a spool of the same specific wires from the LED sourced company. Those 18 wires will also need to run under the (to be made) case so that I can have the on-off switch easily available after ship is incased. Ship will only be visible from the front, and the case will be made so as to hang on a wall. Also need to add knees and support stanchions to the lower decks – later.. Now onto the upper deck details,,,, Thanks for the likes and visits.
  2. Yves, Nice start indeed. I put my scuba gear on and will follow along as well. Cheers,
  3. SUPERB work. Every detail you captured so well - Regards,
  4. Denis - thanks - kind of you to catch up as well as the good wishes. Vivian - SO nice to have you stop by - welcome back - I'll go to your log and catch up. So - as I have not quite learned "measure twice cut once"haha - rebuilt the upper deck, learned more about proper plank spacing so all in all a good mistake to learn from. Hesitant to drill holes for deck treenails - mistakes would be visually a real mess. need to ponder that one. I know that some ships did not have treenailed upper decks - need to go to my books, and Google University --- Next will be adding two carriages/guns to upper gundeck - adding last set of lanterns, and gun door ropes to underside of upper deck. As always thanks so much for your visits. Cheers,
  5. B.E., Been following along - your usual excellent work is again on full display - Nice indeed. Cheers,
  6. E.J., Your comments regarding double planking and laying wales kept me curious. So went back and gave my Vasa a look. Indeed I nailed the wales above the first layer of planking – then the outer thin planks were applied. In double-planked kits I imagine that this is only visible at the stern (assuming the ship had wales) In any case this is certainly a much more frustration free build method. Would not have thought of it were it not for your comment. -cheers -- Moving on – now learning how to plank upper deck for ST. Regards,
  7. Frank, and L.J., Thanks for your thoughts - much appreciated. Turns out the wales were correctly attached. Got confused looking at the OcCre instructions (it appears as if the wales were glued above hull planks). See first photo. Then looked for correct info and, yes E.J. you are indeed correct - thanks for posting - Second photo is a good one. Also to improve my vocabulary Frank, yes the lights are a nice addition - came out nicer than I expected. thanks for the nice compliment. ============================ Last three photos ARE where I made mistakes. Hard to believe that I did not measure correctly having the OcCre deck template as a guide. Easy fix. And in any case I was going to remove all the deck planks in order to recut and treenial them more accurately. All good. Thanks as always for your kind advice. Cheers,
  8. Hi Mates, Update; decided to leave mid-gun deck as it was - just a hammock and a table, added lanterns and gun door tackle rigging. The upper gun deck will have fully rigged carriages - towards the stern - as I did for the lower gun deck, but only two. Glad to see that all of the installed lanterns are still working. Need to still do lots of detailing on outer hull planks along with trimming back bits of wood here and there (on my list)… Seeing mistakes that I’m not too happy about. Big one, for me, is adding wales without first installing outer hull planks under the wales. I knew better but just did not think it through. Also still learning how to correctly place and pace tree nails at intended (correct) locations on floor planks. Will probably remove and redo the upper deck. It will be fully planked. What I did is not right. Grrrr – fun fun fun
  9. Ferit - yes I have also seen how to make barrels visiting a log over at Scratch Ship Model - I may play around with building one barrel for the main deck attaching it much as you did on your Berlin. Not sure that I can add the spicket as you did on yours - brilliant work. Patrick - thanks indeed, Though I did intend on "opening it up" as I had seen so well done with other cross sections.
  10. Ulises, Thanks!! - Very interesting project with so much new learning - and still learning. In fact I will need to review your current logs (masts and yard details) when I get there. As I did when I did the Vasa rigging - thanks as always. PS: Box art.
  11. So Patrick that takes care of September 1 2019 -- F1 Belgium Grand Prix
  12. Joachim, As with the other superlative details of your current build, these sails could not possibly be better replicated to scale - than the work that you have done here. Brilliant indeed.
  13. Martyn, Nice work - This De Agostini Vasa does indeed appear to be THE kit to build. I'm tempted to revisit this ship, but I would end up with an international real estate war. My sweetheart is from Brasil and I'm originally from France haha - My current one is still without a future resting place and then with Vikings next - hmmmm
  14. Hi mates, Thanks for the likes - Frank a poor attempt at adding the details from the pic below. I should have also scored the sides as well - too much work for lost detail.
  15. Continuing work on upper and main decks, but decided to revisit the hold. I always thought that it was too empty. It at least needed a few barrels. Did not like the look of straight out-of-the-box barrels so played with them for slight visual improvements, oak stain, then built a small framing. Holds were certainly filled with such barrels but this gives a bit more to the hold’s visual emptiness. As always thanks for looking in.
  16. Ferit, Very nice solution - also the support pieces for that flag staff are very delicate and look excellent! PS: thanks Dave - I have saved the photo that you included for my files as well.
  17. Jose, Brilliant work. Your knowledge, skills and this build are a pleasure to follow as well as a great learning experience for me. Your log is a miniature ship built plank by plank - amazing learning indeed- Thanks for sharing this log here at MSW. Cheers,
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