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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. NIgel, Superb update. Your deck is awesome. Treenail topic is interesting. Though it looks so perfect as it is. Michael
  2. Karl, Every possible word has already been written about this beautiful build, consequently your work has a hugely deserved large following. Love the new photos especially the one aimed up towards the grating above. A pleasure to follow along and drool. Michael
  3. Frank, Nice update. Nice job squaring the capstan holes. Your pre-inserting the upper and lower deck gun carriages sure is getting the attention that it deserves. Brilliant idea. Also tooooo late for my build (:-( I'm mentally running ideas on how to incorporate at least the carriage sides when I insert the dummies. Hmmmm solution TBD. Your idea was visionary. Michael
  4. Ulises Next time I fly up to visit them I'll get more info/pic on the machine. I saw it once and thought that it was a missing part from the International Space Station (:-) MIchael
  5. Theo, Perfect example of what can be accomplished with the Proxxon lathe in the hands of an artist. Super beautiful work. I think that you need to re-tittle your build and add "kit Bashing" (:-) A joy to follow along, look, read, and learn. Michael
  6. Joachim, Your attention and excellent execution of the smallest of details raises the bar very high. Beautiful. Your complicated ship will be a masterpiece. MIchael
  7. Ulises, I have been meaning to ask you, how or where did you find the size patterns for your sails? My son's wife has one of those amazing electronic sewing machines. She offered to do all of the sails (if I decide to add them). She even said that her machine would sew on a designed a pattern on the main sail through a download into her machine.....Hmmmm. No evidence of Vasa having any sort of emblem on its sail however. I remember my mom had a black Singer (:-) PS: I know that pre cut and stitched sails are available commercially, but I find them to be with somewhat out scale stitching. Michael
  8. Matti, Your mast platforms are so perfect. Great work. MIchael
  9. Yes you do. And I am really enjoying following your build. Excellent work.... Michael
  10. JanV, Yes I discovered Brass Black on your build. I have been using it (Amazon) as I did for the cannon metal bits. It works very well. I'm happy that I found this product while following your build. Michael
  11. JanV, Nice update - looking very excellent. Did you paint your cannon door hinges, or did you use the blackening chemical? I have not decided what to do with mine yet (:-) Michael
  12. Ulises, I'm known to be skeptical (seller claims new), this price is probably even below mainstream vendors cost IMO. "If its too good to be true"....The seller does have an excellent history however. Certainly a beautiful ship. As some say its a crap shoot. Again I'm a very doubtful type. Michael
  13. Dave, Thanks for the suggestion, as well for visiting my build. I will check this out. PS: I have been using the product pictured below for invisibly seizing rope knots. I have not tried it for rope coil placements as of yet. I discovered this glue while following Ferit's (AlphaUrsaeMinoris) amazing Berlin build. Regards, Michael
  14. NIgel, Your planking work is so excellent. Those wouldn't be English rain drops falling on your deck would they? How well I remember, and miss the four seasons (:-) MIchael
  15. Vivian, You are always so kind with your posts. Muito obrigado. Michael
  16. Hi Mates, I have come to realize that each of you will most likely build three more ships before I finish this one. (:-) But, here, surprisingly, are the completed cannons. Each of which incorporates fifty-five parts inclusive of the ropes, blocks and the single nail for anchoring the carriage to the deck (drilled a hole at the bottom of one of the four wheels for each carriage). I'm really irritated with my lack of knowledge regarding the axle pin poor locations. Darn, Nigel had the perfect solution, but it was too late... You will note that my first attempt at devising a carriage anchoring method was, in retrospect, silly. Those long nails would not allow the barrels to slip through the deck openings. This did not even occur to me (such a novice) as I was attaching them. I tried shortening the nails, but then I could not locate the tiny pre drilled hole in the deck; uncharted territory for me. So plan "C" should work, a small nail through one of the rear wheels in each carriage. Hmmm. The also really uncharted waters for me will be rigging all of these. (:-). I will use JanV's idea from his build. I promise that I won't post any more canon updates until I have them rigged and mounted! Might be a long while (:-). I so appreciate all of your really super nice comments, so encouraging, thanks for also just looking in. PS: ropes and blocks are from Chuck's at Syren (:-) Regards, Michael
  17. Vince, Your planking work will become the "go-to" model for the rest of us. Brilliant. a real pleasure for the eyes. PS: How did you simulate the caulking so Perfectly (:-)?? Michael
  18. Sherry, Your carvings are "out of this world beautiful" Nice !! Michael
  19. JanV, I will use your method for pre-rigging my carriages. Good idea. Your build is coming along very nicely. Michael
  20. Nigel, I have been meaning to respond. You are much too kind. Your words, from such an artist as yourself, are wonderful. Thanks so much. I've actually finished them. I'll post some pics. Regards, Michael
  21. Karl, Thank you. Nice of you to visit. I have been, silently, following your Billings Vasa - Nice (:-) Regards, MIchael
  22. Joachim, Capt. Steve, Matti, Mark, Dave, Nigel, Frank, Lawrence, B.E. Thanks for all of your very nice remarks. And a big thanks to all of you who clicked Like This, so nice of you to also let me know of your appreciation. I have been away for a few days and plan on getting back to the shipyard this week. Again thanks. Regards, Michael
  23. Matti, Nice update on your masts. You captured the multi piece construction very realistically. What did you use for the mast wrappings? Regards, MIchael
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