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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Lawrence, Thanks so much, I really appreciate your thoughts. Though I have gained much of my knowledge by also visiting other builds here at MSW. They are a constant source of reciprocal inspiration as well. Learning from each other is a great catalyst for improving one's skill sets, as well as trying to "raise our personal bars". Michael
  2. Peter, Oddly as a follower of your build, this, most resent update, is the first I've gotten in a while (must be my settings) Well, nice update your ship is looking very splendid indeed. 10/4 Michael
  3. Per, Thanks for sharing that astonishing opportunity. That must have been so so memorable. Great luck!! I do wish that at least, the museum would have some scaffolded walkway. Something similar to this, larger and have it just cross over to the other side. It would also allow great photographs to be taken from a new vantage point. Again cheers for your excellent experience. PS: Next time Pres. Obama stops by my home for dinner I will ask him how he liked his visit to the Vasa (:-) Michael
  4. Nigel, I have not decided at this point. I would need to actually purchase four and cut them by 2/3 thirds. Four may be "over-kill" But Ferit's point is well taken that all guns should be mounted. Michael D
  5. Buck, Thanks for your very nice comments. Regarding size; a short child. The ship is only 33" (83cm) 1/75th scale. It is actually resting on the edge of a child's table (23") so may appear much taller if your mindset thinks of a normal table hight. Michael
  6. Mark, Nice work. Your masts look very good. Good luck with your shoulder repair. I know the feeling, I had surgery on mine a year ago. two weeks after the surgery I was able to raise a single malt glass to my lips and I thought I must be healed ....NOT (:-) Michael D
  7. Rob, Thanks for the kind words as well as an interest in re-visiting my log-very nice of you. Cheers, Michael D
  8. Hi everyone, I'm still "hulling around" sort of speak. Looking around for bits of more details to incorporate onto the hull before getting serious with finishing the channels, starting weather deck cannons and then making the masts, which I fully intend to "try and make" piece by piece. So, looking through Landström's, I noticed rudder pendants (ropes) that were used to lift the rudder into place and as a means of preventing it from floating away if its fittings suffered damage (quoted from book) so added those. I also noted a bronze swivel-gun pushing through one of the stern openings. Vasa never carried these, but they were intended and four would have been mounted. So I added one. I am also working on cutting small metal rings (which will painted white) to detail those round holes. Last year, as the ship was standing on its nose, I snapped the tip of the bow, now it is protected, however uncomfortable I am with the boat standing on its nose. Pics are self-explanatory, but a couple of remarks; The rudder ropes "stuck out" from each side of the rudder with big curves, and didn't look realistic. I used a glue that Ferit has recommended for rigging (G-S Hypo Cement) Excellent; it dried on each side of the two ropes allowing for more of a right angle look (Thanks Ferit brilliant product) On the stern starboard side a cannon is missing. Well after THREE falling into the dark hole (with the dowel extensions), I gave up (for now) the ship now has a lot of rattles...and, I'm running out of replacement weapons. There were two cannons already mounted, but I removed them, as they seemed too large for the stern. These (this) replacement were (is) smaller. Hmm Lastly real close ups are very scary they so highlight the weaknesses, glue, errors, should I go on??.... Regards, Michael D
  9. Rob, Big thanks for your video link. It will be a big help for my next project. Thanks for sharing. PS: Your copper platting work is brilliant. Looks so nice. Michael
  10. Thanks guys for your positive clicks, and remarks, I was not too sure about this idea, but Nigel you are right the larger ones will now visually not be as prominent. Ferit your idea has great merit thanks for the thought. I have some smaller brass nails that I will blacken, then look at the 1:1 and the 1/10th and see where it leads. I do fear overdoing this I need to be careful (:-) (:-) PS: My tempting new avatar?? Cheers, Michael
  11. High everyone, A small, again retro, update, It seems that I still do not have enough nails in the hull, I knew that (:-). Marktiedens you're certainly laughing.... But, I did not want to add many new brass nails. The only black nails that are available are too large. JanV with his brilliant idea using Brass Black on his build log (Big Thanks to You Jan) was able to chemically blacken metal parts, especially brass with this product. Perfect solution for my build as well. I ordered a bottle. Amazing stuff. In less than a minute much smaller, and much more within scale brass nails were turned black. So I've been adding these to the larger longitudinal timbers along the hull. I might now remove some of the larger ones, and replace them with a bit smaller ones as an attempt to properly re-scale this effort. The larger nails are a bit out of scale, as had been pointed out to me way back when. I know that many of the "holes" are treenails, but for this build that detail is much too late. Hmmm. Here are a few pics of the Lanström drawing, the 1:1, the 1/10th, and a few of mine, a work still in progress, again thanks for dropping by my shipyard. Regards, Michael
  12. Frank, Looking so good. Love your gold leafing, very nice personal touch to you Vasa. MIchael
  13. Vince, After getting super interested in your Euromodels version, I also found this info FYI (:-) http://www.hellovancity.com/events/holy-ship-lifelike-replica-hms-royal-william-ship-up-for-auction-on-june-19th-2013/ I will search for "sales" and prob. put one in my closet if I find one for under 1K USD PS 2 This morning I went through those Extra 1-6 pdf instructions that are on the Euromodel site; Excellent Michael
  14. Vince, Super nice next project. I will also follow along your new build. I went online and found those instructions which you were speaking of, whoa, super nice addition to the "usual" set of instructions. Other manufacturers could certainly learn from this example. You will certainly enjoy this build. Bashing here you come..... Regards, Michael
  15. Joachim, Your level of artistry just keeps getting better and better. This will be stunning when completed. I'm so enjoying following your build. I looked at the rope making machine link. Tempting project. I need to decide very shortly how to proceed with ropes. It will be interesting to follow your solutions to the metal cables of the AV. Regards, Michael
  16. Michael, Welcome. I have also been very interested in this ship. I hope that you got a good price, it is currently at M Ex for $1,450 USD. Yes those cannon carriages are hard to look at. Though the cannons look very good. Good luck with your new build Michael (several here now) (:-)
  17. Gary, Stunning work, congrats. on your art. Michael
  18. My pleasure, after I receive it I will post it on my build log. Michael
  19. Joachim, Your idea on how to make pulleys is Brilliant !! I will try this as well. I purchased some brass rods today. What a great idea (:-) Thanks for sharing Michael
  20. Mark, So your first conundrum of 2014?. After your excellent Sergal project you may not want to again revisit the Corel Wasa. What's the old saying, sort of "too many ships not enough time"? Michael D
  21. Vince, BEAUTIFUL. Such a treat for the eyes. I love your idea of furling the lower main sail, that really allows the eyes to admire the weather deck more fully. Gongrats..on a beautiful build. A kit that most, if not all builders, would love to "rise" to. Michael
  22. Frank, That is good news. I'm happy to be following in the original builders footsteps. I noticed a slight variation on each side of mine as the channels come to life. PS: Next week Fred Hocker is sending me pdf's of the eleven parts to the lower main mast, Ill be happy to share (:-) PS 2: Your flash drive will go out in Wednesday's mail. Michael Michael`
  23. Mark, It will be a while. I have been in contact with Fred Hocker, and he will be sending me jpg's of the Vasa main mast. He said that it has eleven separate parts. So after I finish that, I will start on the main mast lower top. At that time the milling machine should get a workout. But first I will also need to buy an other attachment for it. After seeing Alexandru using this on his build log, I can see where it will a very useful as well. http://www.amazon.com/Proxxon-24264-Dividing-Attachment-MF/dp/B0016KFVVG/ref=pd_sim_hi_4 PS: Buying through Proxxon directly is cheaper and no CA sales tax (but yes shipping $) I did not remember that you also had the Corel version, do you plan on also building that one next? Michael I looked at your tops again, they look SO excellent right out of the box !! Good nice to see that, Michael
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