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Geoff Matson

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Everything posted by Geoff Matson

  1. Jay Those jackstays took some time. I am now working on the top sail yards and want to make the jackstays one size smaller and do the same for the top gallant yards. The top gallant yards will be a challange to make. But I love a challange.
  2. Looking good Harvey. Your Conny is going to be a impressive model when finished.
  3. Jay I figured you would use your grandchildrens Kinex and make a motorized one
  4. You never cease to amaze me. Great idea for the thread storage. I just use zip lock bags. May have to make a change.
  5. I finished the Fore, Main and Mizzen lower yards One of the draw backs with using oil paint to simulate the bright colors is that it tends to rub off with ahndling and will nedd to be touched up. No big deal.
  6. Jeff Great to see your progress on the boats, now all you have to do is fill them. The warner blocks are definitely an improvement from the kit blocks. For the kit I think scale is an issue. If you look at the instructions, it says to use the same size blocks for two or three different block sizes. Thats why in the future I think I will try build models in the 1/48 scale or larger so you can add the kind of details you what. As you know I am in the masting and rigging section of the build. Still working on the yards, but I plan on making all my own rigging lines. I ran into the same problems with the rigging lines as the blocks. The kit comes with about six or so different size rigging lines. If you look at the plans there are about 12 or more rigging sizes. The kit again says to use one size line for several sizes of line. I know this is a scale issue, not much difference form .006 to .008 line.
  7. Thanks Kevin. I have bookmarked this sight.
  8. Danny I was a horseshoer for 30 years and you could work in my blasksmith shop any time
  9. I know modelers who have used black pin striping tape to simulate the rings on barrels. You could alwaysa use a little CA to back up the adheasive.
  10. Yes, the Conny will give you a lot of practice making eyebolts. I just finished them for the jackstays on the main and fore yardarm. I know I will never run out because if I need more all I have to do is look on the floor I had to redo my cleats on the main and fore yards, I forgot the measurement was only from the middle to the cleat. I put them too close together. Oh well....Took them off and placed them in the right spot.
  11. Jay It sure is nice to have you blazing the trail on the masting and rigging. All your gotchas, and tips will make it easier for me to follow
  12. Thats the one nice thing about wood and plastic, don't like it , take it out and redo it. Don't woory steve, you soon have it the way you like it.
  13. Thanks for update on the sails. I am sure you will get it all figured out
  14. Steve It is great to see your boats developing. They are looking great, and show a lot of attention to detail. I agree with you about painting the hulls. The white paint will show everything!
  15. Hello Rosemarie Just found your build log and looks like you are an avid modeler and off to a good start on ship.
  16. Micro Mark has a four pin vise set for $15.50 The set will hold drill bits and wire from 0 to 3/16". I have the set and am satisfied with it. It is pin vise set #81497
  17. I use a glue called Weldbond, sold at Ace Hardware. Easy to debond using alcohol.
  18. Jeff: I can never find good straight dowels. So I make my own. For the Conny they are a strip of poplar wood from Menards. I then cut them to proper size and then sand away. themadchemist: The sanding blocks are made by GreatPlanes and called easy-touch hand sander. They fit good in your hand and are easy to use. I have five of them with grits of 80,100,150,180 and 220. Makes sanding alot easier.
  19. Geoffrey Thanks for the photos of the island, Looks like this will be an interesting build. Look forward to more posts.
  20. Making progress on the yardarms Since I have no lathe here are the tools I use to make the yardarms. I start with a square dowel and sand it down. Here is the yard before painting. Again I used styrene to simuliate the wood battens and iron fittings. Here it is painted The studding sails dowels were colored with Burnt Sienna oil paint.
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