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Posts posted by Glenn-UK

  1. 1 hour ago, James H said:


    I always build the complete mast and then install. Being able to handle it separately means I can eyeball and measure things to make sure all sections are in alignment. 

    Do you add any mast rigging such as the shrouds, less the deadeyes prior to installation, as it might be easier to size them under the crosstrees prior to installation. I am also interested to know how tight the shroud is sized to the mast as it is not clear from your build photos.

  2. I have already pre ordered this new model kit from Vanguard Models which is due to be released tomorrow. I plan to take my time with this build and it will start as a low priority side project whilst I complete by current project (Robert E Lee Paddlewheel Steamboat).


    I will start the build log in earnest after receipt of the kit. The build log of the prototype build by James Hatch was very informative and made the decision the buy this kit very easy. Also I was very impressed with Chris Watton's design, quality of materials and the standard of the build manual and plans with Speedy and I believe he has gone to another level with this kit.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your methods for adding the strops to the blocks and deadeyes, especially adding the multiple blocks to the bow sprit and rigging the cannons.


    I hope you will provide a similar guide when you rigging the shroud deadeyes (and setting the correct tension) as it has been a task I have always struggled with with previous builds. I am Ok at the woodworking skills but have great difficulty with the rigging aspects. You methods has given me the confidence to attempt another rigged build (Duchess of Kingston).


    The other problem I have is threading the rigging through the blocks. I do add a touch of ca to the end and I have also tried making a diagonal cut across the end. In the end the method I have used (which I think is wrong) is to use a micro drill  to enlarge the holes as much as possible which seems to work along with using a touch a ca of the thread and a diagonal cut end.


    Do you use beeswax (or similar) of the rigging lines (standing and running)?



  4. I have finally completed my current project which is a 1 / 250 scale model of the IJN Yamato. This is a mix of wooden construction for the hull and die cast metal for the the superstructures, armaments, etc. This is the De Agostini kit.
    The die cast parts were not the best quality and I did spend quite a bit of time rectifying manufacturing defects which was quite a chore at times. The build instructions were very basic and the supporting build photos did not really help. That said I am happy with the end result.
    My next project will be a Mississippi Steamboat, the Robert E Lee. I will start a build log once in the next day or two.
  5. I have had a very productive day, adding all the outstanding deck fittings and also adding the final parts to the superstructure, which just needs painting.


    The remaining tasks left are

    Build the two aircraft

    Build the two aircraft launch catapults

    Build the main radio mast

    Fit all the deck railings.


    I have just ordered the Amati Robert E Lee paddle steamer which will be my next build project. After that it will be either Chris Watton' s next model (due later this year) or Amati's Bismark kit, which is due for release in the new year


  6. I have completed all the work on the three main guns and 2 secondary guns. I have completed the manufacture of all the additional ant aircraft guns, some will require painting and then can be fitted to the deck.
    I have a few minor items which can now be glued to the superstructure.
    After that I have the a couple of antenna's to build and the two aircrafts launch catapults. Finally I will have the deck railings to add and fingers crossed the model will be complete, hopefully by the end of the October.
    I have added a couple of pictures of the progress to date, noting than that superstructures and deck items and not secured in place at the moment.
  7. I have now built the 3 main and 2 secondary guns. This completes all the main super structures for the deck. So I thought I would dry fit the items on the deck to get a sense of what the final build will look like. Tomorrow it will be a case of painting the main and secondary gun assemblies and adding the gun deck railings.


  8. 2 hours ago, glennard2523 said:

    I have made a start to the deck planking, this is much more in my comfort zone and this is going to be a quick and easy task.


    I started with doing the outline and then I added the central line. I am now filling on the gaps using 100mm and 50mm length planks.



    It sure is, but still has many very small parts.

  9. Today I fitted the turntables and tracks to the stern section. It was a tricky task to straighten the copper wire provided  for the tracks (it was  supplied coiled). I painted the track and turntables metalwork black. I think it looks very nice. I will continue to add the remaining parts to the stern section before I start the deck planking.




    I thought this picture would show the actual size of the model.



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