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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Welcome to MSW. Indeed, we have logs. Back on the front page, scroll down just a bit and you'll see the build logs. Inside the "Kit" area, near the top, you'll see an index listing all the kit builds.
  2. I watched the video on my Win 7 PC. Worked well. Interesting find and some very good research and cooperation by those involved.
  3. Thanks for the likes and comment. Update time. I did a lot of reading of other logs (not many out there) and tried several different approaches. The pics below show the method and result for the bow. I'm heading towards an "extra" half-frame on each side between the next 3 full frames. This is to give me some extra "meat" for planking and also to assist in frame part above the main deck. I have to remove several of them for gun ports and put them in a different spot. Testing and thinking will continue as start filling in the lower hull with balsa. Here's photos.... The last few show a dummy bowspit in place as I had to account for angles, diameter, etc. BTW, the bowspit is square to the bulkhead but looks off center due to the angle of the photos.
  4. Afonso,, I go along with what ChadB said. Start simple... trust us on this. As for kits for ships of the period you're looking for... the only one I can think of that IS accurate is the Billings Vasa. They worked with the Vasa Museum and were constantly updating the model. But it's not of countries your looking for and it is considered an "Advanced" kit. I did build it and it was my only second ship build. I had a lot of problems learning how to do it so it looked good. Anyway, we're here to help which is a big reason MSW exists. If you go for a bigger model, then we'll help when we can. While you're thinking about it, go ahead and finish your Golden Hind, It will be a good learning experience especially if you open a log.
  5. Hi Kikatinalong, I think your problem is the two strakes I've highlighted below. (see Highlight). The lowest planking strake will run along the keel such that the top of it is straight and near the bow, it will needed be shaped for that curve. The upper one (see New Strakes) shows the run of the bottom strake and also the run of the next batten or close to it. I think you really only need one more and it should run from stem to stern. Looking again, I think your second one from the top needs to be higher at the stern. I'm pretty sure we have a few carrack builds (not that kit maybe) so you might have a look at them. There's an index that fixed near the top of the kits build log section. I hope this helps.
  6. As Ken said..WOW!!!! I had to look several times as with the background it appeared to be the real thing.
  7. Hmm... windows for the aft gunner.... Look for some cello packaging (bubble packs) that are stiff and not too thin. Warm them... depending on the plastic, hot water might work to bend them to fit the shape of your window openings. I did that once probably <mumble, mumble> years ago on a car model I broke the windshield on.
  8. Hi Scooter, Welcome to MSW. Here's a link to the topic that has indexes to all the kit builds; https://modelshipworld.com/topic/17023-quick-find-indexes-to-build-logs-for-kits/ Looking at others builds will help.
  9. Welcome to MSW, Afonso. I hate to say it, but start with something small with one mast and comparatively inexpensive. It will give you the basic skills to handle a more complex ship. It might even be a good thing to do a small ship's boat (but at a good physical size) and jump back a bit to your Golden Hind. Also, you might want to look at the Index of Kit builds for the Golden Hind and learn from them while working on yours. Here's a link to the Index. It will download a PDF to your computer. https://modelshipworld.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=553744 And for all the kits here's the main topic: https://modelshipworld.com/topic/17023-quick-find-indexes-to-build-logs-for-kits/
  10. Ah..history.. part of it's aging, but the other part is when we look into something that interests us like a model that we're building. Nah, none of us are old,Alan. We just have a different amount of years experience. I haven't read PT. 1 yet... I'm planning to take some time this weekend to kick back with it.
  11. Keith, My goto reference (LittleMachineShop.com) suggests that one install the chuck on the lathe and mark the location (file scribe) and then true it. Not hard to do but patience is your biggest asset. Sidenote: When I did it, my little MM lathe was very close... like just touch of the cutter solved it. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.
  12. Have a look here in the articles database: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-materials-and-tools.php The first four articles are probably what you should read. Especially read the 4th one down about tools to avoid.
  13. Hi Tedirene, Welcome to MSW. Your Golden Hind looks great. I suggest you open a build log on Endeavor as it's a good way to get help and having others look over your shoulder.
  14. It's nice to see you back, Mark. Congrats on the rigging book for museum. I'm looking forward to following along.
  15. I'm liking that as "acknowledgement" only. I'm glad that it wasn't worse and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  16. Just make sure you look very surprised with lots compliments about the gift.
  17. I had the MM milling machine. Not great, but not bad. The more could have been more powerful and bed wider (front to back) but serviceable for modeling. It did have some vibration issues as the motor assembly/chuck, etc. was set up to be tilted and I think that wasn't a good thing for stability or accuracy. I currently have a mill from Little Machine Shop Model 4660. It's pricier than the MM but wow... more accurate and many of the accessories I bought for the MM machine work just fine on the one I have now. I did look at the Sherline but I ended up with the Little Machine Shop one but off the top of my head, I don't remember why.
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