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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. At least post the video of you falling to the floor laughing, Nenad.
  2. Thanks Carl. I found one who built it as basically a sub-assembly off ship. I'm getting a grasp of this so when I get to that point, I'll have a starting point. As for updates.... wood stabilized overnight, and so I cut it... 16 bulkheads. I dry fitted them and added a "security" beam across the top. On the morrow, I'll start getting them fixed into place with braces and adding a few boards to guide me in filling in the bow and stern. I may also do the center section also. Any way, here's pics of the day's efforts. Not 100% straight or even as not glued nor properly aligned.
  3. It's great to see you back, Michael. And your project just boggles my mind.
  4. I missed it this year, but the Confederate Air Force comes through Medford on their way from California (must be a summer circuit flying schedule) to up north.. Portland or Seattle. They usually come back down about 2 weeks later. They're only here for a few hours (food and fuel) and then off they go. Quite a site, usually one or two bombers and a couple of fighters. You might look at their site, Denis.
  5. Can you tell us made the kit?
  6. I think the word "style" works here. The French had some very beautiful ships with their carvings, motifs, etc. Wooden ships were not all that watertight compared to steel ones. The hulls were well calked but rain and waves could put water into the hold pretty quick due to the number stairs, gratings, etc. including many (especially frigates) have the open center section.
  7. The ply came into and it's "breathing" in the workshop. A bit warped (but not bad) from the changes in humidity coming cross country. I've got lots of balsa and basswood for the areas that need filling. I also have left over 1/8" ply that can use for for bracing the bulkheads. If I'm lucky, I start cutting wood on the 'morrow. If not, I continue trying wrap my head around the building of the stern area.
  8. "Thirty Seconds over Tokyo" is excellent but the B-17 wasn't the plane used. For some good reads, go to https://nationalinterest.org/profile/warfare-history-network Quite a few articles on the B-17 raids in both the Pacific and European fronts. I remember building one of those but it may not have the Lindberg kit as it was huge. Dad was irritated as he and his brothers (5 brothers including dad) were B-24 types. The only one of his brothers not in Army Air Force was in the Marines and all 6 returned home safely.
  9. Welcome to MSW. There is at least one build of her here at MSW. As far as rigging... really not much on battlewagon compared to wooden sailing ships. Other a quick search for build logs here, maybe contact the NMM over there. Or look at their website, they have literally thousands of plans. Other than those two things (build logs and the NMM) I really don't know of a good source. I hope you get an answer.
  10. Dean, It's only the thin stuff that's a problem. The 1/4" wasn't warped too bad. I let it "rest" for a day or two and it straightened right out once the moisture from humidiy, etc. evened out. Licorne was build using Hahn method which looked and worked well. The Belle Poule plans use bulkheads which is a slightly different critter. So I'll be filling the approximately 1-1/4" space between them for the planking and to lock them into place. There is a bit on the plans for using ribs but they're pretty much packed together as on the USS Constitution. Meantime, bidding my time, waiting for the wood to show up and fiddling with the plans and designing the way the stern is supposed to be built.
  11. Welcome to MSW, Duncon. I go along with what Matrim said. Feel free to ask all the questions you have. If you decide on another model, open a build log as it's the best way to get help and make friends here. I would suggest that any questions be posted in the appropriate area here as many times things get skipped over here in the "introduction" area.
  12. The inboard doors would go into the captain's cabin. The area below that is basically a "ward room" for the other officers (to use a modern term).
  13. Thanks Edward and Nenad. It's good to be in the shop. Dean, If' I'm reading you right, it would basically end up as a solid hull? Actually, I'm not seeing any warping of the 1/4" ply.
  14. The concept of best is pretty much iffy for the most part for the older companies. But, I'd look at some the newer companies like Syren Model Company (the owner is a admin here) and Vanguard Models (the owner is on this site also). You find banner ads for both on the lower right of the front page.
  15. Welcome to MSW, Haiko. It sounds like you have a good plan and now you have a great support system here. Do start a build log once you have the model in hand. It's a great way to get help and make friends. As for the tools... you can open a topic here: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/18-modeling-tools-and-workshop-equipment/
  16. Good plan. Maybe make the first model without the RC? It would be one less thing to stress out over. As for grinding, sawing, i guess it depends on how much you have to remove. The do make very small hand held jig/scroll saws that might do the trick. And many are under $20 US.
  17. Fascinating build, Claire. Your builds are something we don't see here normally. Beautiful work.
  18. Dean, I'm sticking with the 1/4" ply as I really can't go any thicker without reworking my laser which I've modified quite a bit from the original. I've looking at some builds of this model and the general practice is to fill in the gaps with balsa and/or basswood and sand that. For some reason this ship only seems to show up on one French site and there's only about 4 or so. Any way I look at it, sanding is still going to be a headache so the softer woods will be better. BTW, only the bow back to the about the 3rd maybe 4th bulkhead and the stern to the 4th from the rear will need filling. Anyway, it's an adventure to be sure. Still waiting for my plywood. Should be here by Friday so in the meantime I've been prototyping the stern and trying to get ahead of things with the drawings.
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