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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I think you made the right choice, Hamilton. Yes, plans can give you misleading info. As Grant said, find the 90% or better stuff. If it's not in the hardware store, look in the medical supply departments of some of the big box stores and/or pharmacies. Down here, it's usually either at Wal-Mart or Target and just about every pharmacy.
  2. Congratulations on another masterpiece, Bob. I too, am marveling at the details at such a small scale.
  3. Try a rotary brush on a Dremel??? I remember (again.. senior moment) someone doing that and it cleaned things up. But you will have to have a light touch.
  4. I've fiddled with the scroll saw, blades, and woods before I got my laser. I was able to do 1/32" boxwood with a jeweler's saw blade in the scroll saw and very slow speed. Not well as my eyes wouldn't allow the minute cuts, but it did cut and I didn't go very small like carvings would require. I would think that cutting oversize or even sandwiching the blank onto a piece of sacrificial wood would work. I've seen something like that around here, wheel making perhaps? Separate after cutting and put the cut blank on another slab for carving.
  5. Patrick, The 1/8th inch is real measurement and not scale. At scale the difference is about 4".
  6. Michael, It doesn't work for me either. I suspect that the problem is the latest version of Flash. I wouldn't try to roll back to an earlier version as Flash is rated as one of the most insecure pieces of software ever. So the more it's been patched (the later the version) the better. Note I'm running Win7 and now use Chrome as IE11 has issues with MSW. I also do NOT have Flash on any of the computers here at home... just too risky and it is being phased out by Firefox and Chrome around the end of the year. I've not heard when MS will phase Flash out of IE.
  7. That's a tough decision, Hamilton. The question really boils down to: "What can you live with? Will you look back and regret not redoing the keel?". I don't evey this decision as it's a tough one. Been there, done that and ended up with 2 years work hitting the scrapbox.
  8. Thank you for following along on this adventure and for the comments and "likes".... Update weekend... I've added the carlings where there will be a hatchway or ladderway. Since the French laid their planks and then put the coamings ontop of the deck planking, the carlings will seen. I've also added the mast partners, the capstan partner (I think that's the right term) and have started making bits and pieces while sorting out the deck planking. The officer's ladder from the gundeck to the lower deck can be seen laying on the beams, the crew's ladders are in work and both fit in between the main mast partner and the oven on the lower deck. I was 1/16th of an inch off on the making of the various deck pieces and planning the centerline planking (thick stuff). It should be 3/32" of an inch instead of the 1/8" I mentioned previously... a miscalculation on my part. I left the mizzen mast partner at the thicker size to better fit the pantry around it. Pictures show things ready for the next step. The second picture is just a reference shot with dummy masts and the capstan in place to get an idea of things... As always, comments, corrections, and critiques are welcome. I'm still learning this art...
  9. OC, those pics look pretty good. One wouldn't know it was an "old" camera phone unless you told them. Oh wait.. you told us...
  10. That wonderful news on the grandson and about Kevin. Hopefully the weather doesn't keep you and Phyl from going to see the grandson.
  11. Now that should ring everyone's chimes. Looks like an English bell and not a Tibetan bell.
  12. Teak? Yep.. very pricey and very lovely. To reduce the images, there's some freeware out there. If you're using Window, then Paint can handle that. Just do the "resize' function nd drop the image size down to 1600 X 1600 (not the file size as that will drop when the image is reduced to the forum parameters.
  13. Beautiful pictures, beautiful ships, and the shipyard is fascinating. Thanks for doing this Jack. It give those of us not familiar with these vessels a new perspective.
  14. Guys...nothing like pressure, eh? Seriously, I don't think I could do the work you're doing. I'm in total awe... As for keeping me busy... I'm currently buried. So.. I'll take any abuse like being called "chicken" .
  15. John, Internally, whitewash seems to be the "paint" (if it can be called paint) of choice. It was cheap.
  16. Wrapping paper tissue (painted) might just be the right thing for canvas... When you find the answer to "how to extend a day".. let me know, will you? Not enough hours at this time.
  17. Rob, When in doubt, check with the neighbors. I've done that for power tools and even the smoke coming out of the laser cutter being vented outside. Some won't notice it, others will. What Tony said about the jeweler's saw. For fine cuts, they can't be beat and if you ever go for a scroll saw, many of those will take a jeweler's saw blade also.
  18. Wow... what boggles my mind is the detail that the PE provides. Where was this stuff 30-40 years ago when I was into plastic ship???
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