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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Frank I still can't quite get over the difference in the quality of your machined parts when compared to the cast winder from the Willie Bennett kit. Mmmm...now, that's quality for you. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi folks Just a quick update for you. I’ve been doing more work on Shadow’s paint scheme. She now has a black waterline and black radar domes and other little highlights. Whilst there’s still more work to go, I reckon Shadow’s starting to look all ‘grown-up’. Have a great week, folks! Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi Mark! Happy belated New Year. Fantastic to see that you're back in the shipyard and making some progress on your Licorne. Don't worry too much about the slight boo boo with the window, I'm sure you'll work it out. All the best and stay healthy in 2018! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Frank It's been a while since I've looked in, but, wow, I'm not disappointed, that's for sure! Top job on machining the wheel; not to mention the gearing for the dredging unit. In fact, I'm sitting here just shaking my head in envy and amazement! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Denis That’s a super job you did on carving the stern. Looks great. Thanks Patrick
  6. Thanks Vaddoc I definitely agree with you about the unforgiving nature of the dreaded “close-up” photos, because I cringe whenever I take them. On the other hand, it’s probably one of the best ways to see all the little mistakes😉 that aren’t readily visible from a normal distance. Have a great week! Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hey Denis Oh My Lawd!!!! My initial reaction was "how did I miss this one"??? But, then again, I thought, no dramas, just hop on and enjoy the journey. In all seriousness, Denis, I'm sorry I missed the start of this Log...well, I have been quite distracted by other priorities lately, so following my friends on MSW has been a bit difficult lately. Nonetheless, I'm playing catch up and I'm enjoying your work immensely! Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  8. Thanks Mark! She’s sure tiny, but at the same time, Shadow’s been one hell of a challenge to pull together. Heaps of fun, though! All the best. Patrick
  9. Hi Frank Many thanks. It's certainly taken a while to get this far, but I reckon I've got at least a couple more coats and rub downs in between those coats before I'm totally satisfied. No doubt, it'll be well worthwhile in the end. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi folks!!! I hope everyone had a great Xmas and NewYear break. Well...she's getting there, folks. Please see the following photos. I'm finally getting the paint finish on Shadow's superstructure just the way I envisioned; i.e. glassy smooth, unblemished, glossy and crisp. I know that it's hard to tell from these photos, but i reckon she's looking pretty good. Also, I've worked hard to get the hull nice, smooth and glossy as well. I gotta say, that the gold hull is starting to really pop now. Have a great week! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Nenad I also would like to echo everyone else’s comments about the lifeboats. Top job and you must be really proud of them. Having said that, you and your family must take precedence over Her Majesty and us at MSW. Take care and good luck with the cataract. Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hi Vaddoc Wow...very, very nice indeed. I especially like the close up shots emphasising the treenails. They really show up beautifully. It’d be almost a shame to paint the hull, though. Cheers. Patrick
  13. Happy New Year Nils! I haven’t had much of a chance to drop by lately...in fact today was my first chance to visit MSW for quite a while. Boy, oh boy, oh boy...what an absolutely superb job you’re doing; but, that’s not surprising. Top job! Cheers. Patrick
  14. Hi Vaddoc Thanks! I hear your pain about ‘brush painting’....I usually pride myself on being able to get a good finish on my models, but, sometimes things just take longer than others to get right. I’ll keep perservering. As for the weather here, yep, you’re right. Tis summer time here and it’s definitely hot. I much prefer the winter (although our winter is probably equivalent to your Spring). Have a great New Year! Enjoy. Cheers. Patrick
  15. Hi Bob Many thanks!!! I didn’t even know such things existed. Having said that, I think my credit card is going to take a big hit! Thanks for the tip. Cheers. Patrick
  16. Happy New Year everyone!!!!! Firstly, my apologies for not being able to comment on many build logs lately, as I’ve not really had much time....hopefully this will change in the future. Secondly, I’m still chasing that elusive perfectly smooth and unblemished paint job on Shadow’s superstructure. Sadly, the more I look at the close-up photos of Shadow, the more I realise that I’ve still got a lot of work to go. Oh well......give it time and I’ll get it ‘just right’. Anyhow, have a great 2018!!!! Cheers. Patrick
  17. Very nice, Ken. You're really romping along with the cabins and decks now. Great progress. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi John Thanks heaps for your very kind words. Much appreciated. Well....Shadow’s teeny tiny, for sure...but heaps of fun to build. Thanks again, and enjoy your weekend! Cheers. Patrick
  19. Hi Jond Many thanks! However, someone with your skills will have absolutely no problems doing teeny tiny ships, or anything smaller than 1/96. My only advice to you is to go for it! You’ll be amazed at the results, I’m sure. Cheers. Patrick
  20. Hi Philo Now, that looked like a fun build! Very nice. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Vaddoc She’s definitely coming along very nicely! As as for the ‘amount of material that this boat is consuming’....well....just look at the size of it! She’s HUGE😉. Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  22. Hi Adrian. Count me in. It looks fascinating! Cheers. Patrick
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