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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Mehmet I'm totally gobsmacked at those figures! Can you explain how you made them? Were they carved, or sculpted out of modelling clay? Either way, they look terrific. i especially love the effect that you've created as the crew strain to launch the pot over the side. A picture paints a thousand words! Cheers. Pareick
  2. Hi Folks Many thanks for all of your Likes and comments. Greatly appreciated. Tonight, I did a bit more work on Shadow's tender which is berthed in the foc'sle. Principally, I've added the crane that is used to lift the tender out of her berth in the bows into the water. Also, I kinda got a bit nostalgic and was wondering what Shadow would look like with two of her siblings in the fleet, namely Majellan and Mystic, (both of which have Build Logs in this Forum). So, I took them out for a brief photo-shoot. Mmmmmm, not bad, I reckon. I hope you enjoy these photos. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Frank Thanks, but I'm actually ashamed and embarrassed to say that I've only got cheap and blunt wood files and worn out wet and dry sandpaper! Oh, but wait...It'll be Father's Day in Australia soon. Maybe if I drop some not-so-subtle hints about my wish-list...Who knows???? Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  4. Thanks Denis. Great to to hear from you. I hope you're going well. Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi Frank Dang! Kathryn's all painted and looks really, really nice. Without a doubt, all of your hard prep is paying off. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  6. Thanks heaps, Piet! I hope you and Gwen are going well. Cheers Patrick
  7. I am so sad to hear this news. My sincere condolences to Bob's wife, family and friends. I always looked forward to Bob's advice, his wisdom, his friendship and encouragement. You will be missed. Patrick
  8. Thanks Nenad I don't know about 'no limits', but I reckon I'll give anything a go. Sometimes it works out. Other times, it goes straight into the rubbish bin. No worries though, at least I'm having fun trying. Thanks for your compliments. All the best. Patrick
  9. Hi Julie My advice would be to just get in there and do it! You'll be amazed at what you'll achieve; especially with your level of woodworking and carpentry skills. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi everyone Many thanks for all of your comments and Likes. Greatly appreciated as always! Shadow has a third Tender, which is located right up in the forecastle. As I didn't have any detailed plans as to what the tender looked like, I decided to base it on an actual jet powered tender (a Castoldi JT21) which I found on the Internet (http://www.castoldijet.it/en/jettenders_en/jt21_en.html). The following photos show my attempt at building my version. She's still pretty rough at this stage. A lot more sanding and painting are required, but at least it's a start. Also featured in the photos below are the rear garage doors (where Shadow's two larger tenders are located). I chose to temporarily glue the doors in the opened position at this stage, in order to show the overall effect. Still lots of fun to go, folks! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Mitbok Your workmanship is just superb! What's more, your weathering techniques, makes you think that it's the real ship, not the model that's appearing in the photos. Nice! Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hi Paul Many thanks for your compliments and I'm pleased that you like Shadow's progress. She sure has been an absolutely joy to build and, what's more, I haven't had any major stuff-ups so far, either. Who would've thunk it? Thanks also for liking Shadow's shadow. I'll check out that movie one day, too. All the best. Patrick
  13. Hi Greg Thanks for your compliments. How do I do it? My Dad always used to say that it's got nothing to do with 'patience', instead, one can do anything if they're really interested! Well, that's my excuse anyway. Have a good week. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Dave I think your wife was right. Your model's definitely looking more like a boat now. I can just imagine what she'll look like finished. Sleek, beautiful and elegant. Nicel done. Cheers. Patrick
  15. Oh! You're right. I'll delete my other post.
  16. Hi Vaddoc Very nice, especially now that the elegance of the hull is starting to shine through. That's an interesting problem that you have about releasing the hull from the base board. I've little doubt that you'll think of a way to do it with minimal damage. Here's hoping! All the best. Patrick
  17. Hi John Many thanks for your comment. I must admit that I keep forgetting how small Shadow is, i.e. until I look at the photos of the model next to one of my watches, or a mandarine, etc. Yep, tiny, for sure, but heaps of fun. Thanks for following along! Have a great weekend....PS- I miss reading your 'adventure stories' of when you were working as Water Police Officer (I think). Any more yarns to share???? Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Paul She looks beautiful on the water. I especially like the last photo where she has her lee rail almost under water as she heels in the breeze. Your boat brings back many pleasant memories for me from when I sailed my own RC yachts. Cheers Patrick
  19. Yep-Good point, Nenad. Can't argue with that. Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  20. Thanks Lawrence! I gotta love building these tiny models. They certainly take up less space in the house! All the best. Patrick
  21. Thanks Mark, Nenad and Jay. Now, I'm blushing! Cheers. Patrick
  22. Hey Frank Many thanks. The tenders are proving to be quite a challenge, but, hey, it wouldn't be worth it if they were easy, would they? Have a great day/night. Cheers. Patrick
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