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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Denis Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I'm just catching up after a couple of week's inaction due to our house being painted-I have to say, though, that your ingenuity in re-purposing materials into fittings for your boat is highly commendable. They look the bees knees! Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  2. Congratulations Dave!!!! Your SOS is certainly a triumph in skill and talent. Each update has caused me to marvel even more, from the initial hull, through to the ornamentation and moldings, right through to the rigging and, now the flags. Marvellous, just marvellous. Have a great Christmas and 2017. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Brian It's great to see you back at the work table. Your Mary is going to look lovely when she's done, especially with her beautiful sheer line, rakish bow and gilded ornamentation. Oh, and have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! All the best Patrick
  4. Hi Ken You're definitely powering along with the hull. It's also nice to see that "Mr Geometry" is looking after you. All the best! Patrick
  5. Hi Bob Very, very nice. Those clerestory windows add, let's just say, a certain style and pizzazz to the overall ship. Very nice! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Nenad This boat looks really nice. You're going to love building this one, for sure. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Frank That looks like a fun build for sure. I'm in! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Frank Can you pls refresh my memory as to what your next project is? Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Rob You may be going 'small piece by small piece', but when looked upon as a whole model, the overall impression is Wow! Looking good. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Dave They actually do work? That's even more impressive! Nice. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Dave Top job on those pumps. They look so real, that I'm sure that they could actually work. Cheers Patrick
  12. Simply stunning and as Carl has said....BIG!!! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Jeff Very clever 're-work' of the table. It looks fit for purpose and will put you in good stead for many more models to come. I'm looking forward to when you can christen it with your Preussen. Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  14. Congratulations on completing your wonderful Dunbrody, Frank. What a tremendous achievement. Sheer precision coupled with a huge dollop of passion and talent, have all come together masterfully. Seriously well done! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Denis - thanks. She's coming along rather nicely, I must say. Sadly, time is scarce as our house is in a state of upheaval because the painters are going through the whole house. Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon, so that I can start building again. Hi Lawrence - Thanks and I have to admit that I also really like those water shots, as well. Shadow is really starting to look nice now. Kinda like all 'grown up' with her new colour scheme . Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Bob Nothing that's designed nowadays, (it seems), can come even close to the grace and classiness of the designs that were typical of the era of your boat. I guess that's why your boat has such widespread appeal. Oh.... and, what a top job you're doing, too! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Vaddoc Lovely to see the hull starting to come together, with the keel, stem and sternposts added. Wow, she's big! You could easily fit some RC gear in her, couldn't you?? Hint... Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Michael Thanks for the compliment about the colours. It was a brave choice, but I'm glad it's paid off. All the best for the week. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hey Kees I have to agree with Carl. That's a really nice glass storage compartment. There's nothing like good 'peace of mind', knowing that your hard work is well protected. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Mark Wow. That's some seriously nice work, there. Pretty darn hard to find fault with anything that you've done. Nice!!! Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Nils Once again, exemplary work. You're definitely powering along with your KWDG. Before you know it, you'll be fitting the last piece and settling her into her display case. Nicely done! Cheers Patrick
  22. Thanks Elijah! Yep, I get ya. It is kinda scary risking your boat in the water. Better to be safe, than sorry. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
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