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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Greg! I must admit to also being pretty pleased with how Shadow's turning out. As I mentioned earlier on in this Log, there's actually been no major stuff ups, with her construction, so far. Mmmmm, that's definitely not like me, as I'm usually more accustomed to more stuff-ups than positives, but, hey, I'm not complaining. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  2. Thanks Carl. My initial choice was going to be red, but I thought that Shadow deserved something a bit more special. So, silver it was. No regrets, that's for sure! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Bob - many thanks and yep, you're right, there's still a bucket load more to go. Thanks for the compliment! Hi Frank - many thanks. The selection of gold and silver paints was pretty risky to use because they're not very common, but I'm glad I've settled upon using them. You're right, also, about the black waterline. It'll really add a touch of class to the hull. All the best, guys! Cheers Patrick
  4. HI folks! Thanks for all of your comments and Likes; which I enjoy very much. Well, Shadow's journey continues. I've painted the underwater section of her hull a silver colour. Why? Because the real ship was built out of aluminium and I figured, that an aluminium looking under-hull would be fitting. Besides, I have seen a few pictures of other mega yachts with silver coloured under-hulls and they looked stunning (well, to my eye, anyway). Therefore, I'm kinda sticking with the current metallic colour scheme of gold above-water and silver underwater. I'll add a black water-line later on. I've also laid the individually planked wooden decks tonight. They still require sanding and trimming, but hey, as with the whole model, there's still a bucket load more work to go! I hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick .
  5. Hi Gerhad I'm totally lost but amazed at what you're doing. While I don't understand the journey, I'm looking forward to the destination; ie seeing the engine running! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Rob Wow!!!!!! How'd you do it???? I stand respectfully in awe (and slightly jealous) of your skills. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Steve That's a really impressive piece of engineering there. I'm sure you've made it look easier than it actually was. Great job! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Denis Thanks! I was also thinking about the ballasting at the stern; to get her nice and level. The sad thing is that once the internal details are added, there's absolutely no way she'd float. But, hey, it was fun trying her out on the water (probably her first and last time, though). Have a great day! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Mark Marvellous work. I reckon your patience, confidence and adept use of the Death Star are definitely paying off nicely. Well done. I also agree with Michael about the removal of the large sheet...but, then again, I'm pretty impatient. All in good time, I'm sure. All the best. Patrick
  10. Welcome back Giorgio. Ingomar's looking better and better, especially with the bowsprit and tackle. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Gerhad Nice to hear that you're back! I guess you've been banned permanently from riding bikes ever again???? All the best. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Bob - thanks and you're right. The fun stuff can now begin! Hey Greg - How great to hear from you! I hope you're going well and fighting those nasties. Thanks for your compliments. Take care. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Nils Many thanks. That's a wonderful compliment, especially coming from someone such as yourself! Greatly appreciated. Cheers Patrick
  14. Many thanks Nenad and Mark. I also reckon she looked great on the water. Better than I thought she would actually. Interesting comments about the frogs, Nenad. There's koi and goldfish lurking beneath the surface. Given that the koi are about three times the size of Shadow....the potential for a major incident is very high! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Vaddoc You may suspect that your Admiral will not be happy....but, at least you're not womanising and boozing (I hope, anyway)! Besides, there's no doubting that you're doing a great job pulling your ship together and sometimes you just have to spend a few bucks! All in all, you're doing a great job on your ship. I can't wait to see her all framed and planked. That'll be a proud moment, for sure. Cheers Patrick
  16. Thanks Frank. I was surprised as well about the balanced way that she floated. A tad lower in the bow than I would've liked, but, hey, I'm just glad that she didn't sink! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Bob Great job on the hull! Two words come to mind...well, three actually: Sleek. Beautiful Elegant. I'm gonna enjoy watching you build these little beauties! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hey Kees Absolutely fantastic to see you back at it! Love the workshop and don't get me started on the Triplets! Can I have one????? All the best Patrick
  19. Hi everyone! Thanks for your comments and Likes. Greatly appreciated. Well.....she FLOATS!!!!! Who would've thunk it, hey? After doing some more wet and dry sanding and painting of the hull and superstructure last night, I thought I'd see if Shadow actually floats. So, off I went to one of our garden ponds and, well, I'll let the pictures say the rest... Enjoy Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Denis I've just done a very quick catch up and wow, have I missed a lot. Absolutely amazing. I love the details and the thought processes that you've put into designing and building everything. Marvellous stuff!! Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Charlie I'm just catching up with your Build Log and it's really impressive so far; especially your commitment to accurately shaping the hulls. Nice!!! Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi Nils I'm just catching up on your KWDG. Wow, wow and triple wow! I tell you what, every time I say that I can't do something, I'll look at your KWDG for inspiration. That's enough to teach me that anything's possible and that if you strive to do your best, anything's possible. Inspirational. Cheers Patrick
  23. Hi Vaddoc - many thanks. The break has been too long. Hopefully, now that things are getting back to normal, I can look forward to catching up with everyone's builds; yours especially! Thanks Steve. Lots of work still to go, though! Much appreciated, as always. Hi Frank - yep, you're right. Sometimes, these 'time outs' are unavoidable, but at least once they're over, it's full steam ahead again. Hi Gary Many thanks and greatly appreciated. It's great to have you onboard for Shadow's journey. Thanks Denis - It's amazing what a lot of putty and time can do! Thanks Nils. I've got a lot of catching up to do, that's for sure! Hi Elijah - thanks! You could be right about this time of the year. I think everyone's starting to feel the stress of Christmas, holidays, etc. Hectic times, that's for sure! Cheers Patrick
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