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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi John Many thanks for your compliments and for all of your Likes after following Majellan's past posts. Greatly appreciated . All the best! Cheers Patrick
  2. HI everyone Ok. I'm guilty as charged. I'm just having too much fun taking photos of Majellan. I may have gone a bit overboard by taking the following 11 photos, but I reckon she's one hell of a photogenic "looker". So, please bear with me. Of particular interest are the ship's tender and one of the jet ski's which have been casually located on the aft garage deck, just waiting to be launched. However .........these close-ups keep highlighting all the mistakes and 'still to be done jobs'. Don't worry. I'll get around to them, soon. One of the first will be to properly install the railings to ensure that they're all straight and level.... I hope you enjoy the photos, folks. Have a great week, everyone! Cheers Patrick
  3. Very nice! I especially like the design work on the sails and the hull. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Piet Thanks - yes, the life rafts are, or, at least were going to be painted. However, Smartypants here went and glued them in before painting them! Now...I have to get out my finest paint brush and try to carefully paint them. A job made all the more difficult because I'll need to avoid painting the wire baskets that they're sitting in. Wish me luck! Cheers Patrick
  5. Very nice Daniel!!! Superb work since your last update. Cannons good. Deck good. Catheads good. Bulwarks good. Railings good. Mast good. Bowsprit good.... But, oh my, the curved staircases leading up the quarter deck add an even more magical touch to your little beauty! I reckon this she's gonna be a little masterpiece, once finished, for sure! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Piet Thanks for your compliment above, but trust, me, even my nano micro-nuclear submarine and cutter models which I put in my previous model Symphony, isn't a touch on what you're doing here. Seriously teeny tiny marvels, for sure! Also, I doubt that you'd have a need to be scared of Typhoon Gwen. You've been doing lots of work on your yard and the house lately, so I'm sure all's ship-shape already. Still pays to be cautious, though..! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Jond They're alive!! Beautiful video. It brings back lots of memories of when I sailed mine; many a years ago. Love it. Cheers Patrick
  8. Thanks Brian! It certainly sounds like you made the right move to Denver, especially if the jobs are there. Best of luck. Thanks also, for the challenge. I do have another ship in the pipeline. It'll make Majellan look like a tiny run-about; assuming of course, that I can pull it off: https://www.yachtcharterfleet.com/luxury-charter-yacht-24129/mary-jean-ii-photos.htm#yacht-tabs). All the best! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Augustus Some mighty fine work, you've got there! I love the workmanship and the quality of the planking and the details, such as the hinges on the beakhead doors. Nicely done! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Brian It's great to hear that you're still working (albeit slowly) on your Yacht Mary. As usual, life always gets in the way, but I'm looking forward to your photos and updates. Congrats, also, on your move to Denver. As an Aussie, the only thing that Denver brings to mind is John Denver and his Rocky Mountain High song , but I'm sure that it's one hell of a beautiful spot. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi everyone Thanks for all of your comments and Likes! Just a quick update - Last night I added the four life rafts (two on each side) that hang off the sides of the Sun Deck. The close-up photos show that they still require some 'tidying up', but, that can be done later. Have a great weekend, folks! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Peter It certainly looks like you've had your work cut out for you adjusting the hull to match the Museum's plans, however, as is shown by the first post, it was a challenge which you've conquered successfully. Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Piet Oh come on!!! A 30 foot sloop. A partially built schooner on the slipways. Another slipway. And...all of this in micro-miniature!!!!! Utterly amazing, that's all I can say. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Mark - thanks. I'm glad you like her. Hi Steve. Many thanks. Still lots of work to go, but I'm loving working on her. Have a great weekend, guys! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Denis With the 'baby bird' leaving the nest, I'd assume that you and the Admiral will become empty nesters? Tis both a sad and joyous occasion, all at the same time when that happens. I wish you all well. Cheers Patrick
  16. Thanks Denis. The paint on the hull was one thing that has bugged me all along; hence why I'm so glad that I've finally tackled it. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  17. Thanks Frank. My 'way of thinking' says that if it's on the real ship, then I at least should try to replicate it on the model (within reason of course, and assuming that it's within my capabilities to do it). Well...that's the theory, anyway! All the best Patrick
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