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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Excellent work mate - so difficult at this stage - I think when I get my Flyhawk I will just leave it in the box. OC.
  2. Sure, we lived in our old cottage for about a year (only rented) while there we would hear cupboards and draws being opened up stairs while we were down stairs, we would also hear our doors opening on thier own, we used to have the old latches on all doors and we would hear these lifting, also our bathroom door that I kept painted in flat Black paint woukd keep having chalk writting on it, we were able to trace a few of the letters and part made up names to a gravestone in our village church graveyard. We would hear foot steps around the house - up stairs when we were down and downstairs when we were up. We moved not because of the ghosts but it was expensive living there. OC.
  3. Evening all, more progress today, I got the sheet out that contains the bases, then cut out the base for the bottom of the farmhouse, this was then marked out for the kitchen/living room, then I made a paper template for the kitchen floor and marked out some tiles (same as I did for the toliet, these are individual paper tiles cut out then glued in place. then I painted the mortar in between the tiles. I then turned my attention to the living room - I decided to just simulate wood floor boards that were measured then marked with a pancil, then I applied a few coats of 50/50 mix of PVA then I applied a few coats. After dry I sanded it slightly to give it a slight worn look. OC.
  4. You know brother - thats an Excellent idea, almost like my idea of strenthening my masts with wood dowels in my Peal build, If I got some rod that was bendable yet strong. OC.
  5. Thats an interesting photo, we used to live in a 17th century haunted cottage - I have to be honest most of my influence of the farmhouse I am building came from that with a basic Black woodwork and White washed walls throughout. OC.
  6. Evening all, more progress with the farmhouse, firstly I checked how many sticks I had that I would use for floor boards, then I squared off the ends and flattened the edges, I then measured the floor plan and transfered that to a piece of paper, I then started laying the planks/sticks and cut them to the correct lengths, they were then glued down using PVA. After drying with the dryer, I was able to dry fit it, it only needed a little fiddling and adjustment here and there, then it was glued in place with a few edge pieces fitted. Here is the current stage. OC.
  7. Coming along nicely Alan - cats always seem to have an eye and point things out, isn't she lloking superb on your water with those reflections. OC.
  8. Thanks Scott, I hadn't intended to to be honest its never really appealed to me lighting up a build. OC.
  9. Evening all, Some good progress today - I finished the loo door and put a couple of coats of Black on it then it was glued in the open position, then I measured up the floor framing that goes around each wall, I then cut some lengths of MDF from the edge of the frets, these were then placed in between the windows and along both ends. Then the magic time arrived to join up all Four ends - gentle job keeping it square while making sure all the joints was pushed home, I dry fitted the centre wall with the stairs. So this is the current situation - letting it glue. OC.
  10. Thanks Ron, I am hoping to do a bit to it to kind of improve its look - make it more like the real skeleton - sharpen the teeth etc, also I wish to make it stand more head down with both legs bent further back (hope I will have the ability to do that, it comes with a base with feet impressions cast into it - again hope I can still us that or re invent another one where I will be able to attach the feet down to support it. Then of course will be the painting/weathering to get as close to a real dinosaur skeleton as possible. This kind of stance (its the actual one I saw as a kid in London - not my pic though) OC.
  11. Evening all, some more progress - I built a toilet/box/heads then gave it a lick of Black paint, it was then placed in the loo under the stairs, I then fitted a small triangle piece to square the top where the door will go (when I build it) I then gave the whole thing a few coats of White and Black paint. OC.
  12. Got a surprise build I have just pulled the trigger on (it wont be started for some time though as I have my heart in my Waterloo build at the moment) When I was a youngster I visited my brother in London and he took me the the Natural History Museum, I was gob smacked to see not just the Huge skeleton of Diplodocus - but what made me stand there open mouthed was the skeleton of T Rex. I always wanted to do a skeleton model of T Rex but factors never allowed for this - till I found a monster of a skeleton kit on flea bay - couldn't help it the pull was too strong. The attraction of a skeleton over a flesh model is I have only known the skeleton and it represents what I saw in the flesh, same with the admiral she remembers seeing the same one. Its Three feet long by about Two feet tall. So this is the bad boy kit - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110629895158 OC.
  13. That is looking mighty fine EJ, I agree on your decision about the Yellow Ocre - surely the gold would have been left to the ornate carvings. OC.
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