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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all, Firstly a Huge Thank You to Everyine for pushing this to over 30K - amazing😲 So those pics I promised - I have assembled the Two stable blocks - still awaiting some touch ups and the roofs. OC.
  2. So right mate, Think I was influenced by the RN versions that carried the despatches back from the battle of Trafalgar. OC.
  3. I think I am correct in thinking this - wasn't a lot of the British version's painted in Black and Yellow Ocre? OC.
  4. Nice piece of kit brother - that lens is one of the really good ones (yep I owned one once when I was canon shooter) OC.
  5. Some excellent progress - you are doing a fab job on what is an old kit - very nice. OC.
  6. Excellent work Brother - cant beat a "Toom" very nice work, and I spied a 55-250STM on the bench😉 OC.
  7. Watch out for the fraying - I painted mine over with PVA first, before trimming. OC.
  8. Evening all, a bit more progress on the stables - I got the inside lower brick work painted Black (to match the farmhouse as its like that all the way round the inside walls) but after chatting with the admiral - as the room was starting to look like a dump tip with my table cluttered and messy making the rest of the room look messy, so I had a tidy up and put away most of my tools/tubs etc, then latter when I returned to do some more work on the build I just got out what I needed not everything. Its the pitfall of not having a work area or man cave. Anyway the next bit of work that was started and finished was a pre cut section of floor flag paving - I put a sand fill in down first, then picked out the different flag stones in different shades of Grey, and finished off with a couple of dirt washes as it would have been well worn. Foregot to take a pic - will tomorrow. OC.
  9. Smashing work Kevin - really nice, I know what you mean about the motion sickness - when I used to watch cowboy films and saw the these carriages bouncing about so mutch I used to think that no way would I have gone in one. OC.
  10. Very well said Mike, very similar class to the Corel Greyhound kit - quite a few of us tried to bring that kit to life. OC.
  11. I was tempted Mark, but the call of the master builder at the Farm was too strong - he said "Son you must finish it - all the little people in your box need you". OC.
  12. I was watching some guy on a video - free hand doing the different camo shades on a Me 109 including the blotches - amazing what you can do with practice. OC.
  13. Thank you Alan, I have a few kits in my stash that will do well with the airbrush I am sure - from Tanks to Aircraft. OC.
  14. So guess what turned up yesterday - it cost me a fair bit (for plastic modeling, it makes a gentle puring sound and you can inflate tyres with it if you want to) yep my airbrush kit has arrived Cam in a huge box quite heavy and contained a bout a Million of those styrene bits for protection - did they fall all over the floor when taking the boxes out - "cause they did". Its put away in my model cupboard till I get around to trying it out. OC.
  15. Thanks Ken, I have purchased Two bottles of Vallejo airbrush cleaner, and will try thinning the acrylic paints using distilled water (will let some boild water go cold them put them in a few of my eye dropper empty bottles, that way I can gauge the mix by drops. OC.
  16. Evening all, more progress - Black Paint time on the doors/frames and window frames, oh and look what arrived in the post - my Two carts to go outside on the roadway acting as a partial defence. OC.
  17. Very nice work mate, its a completley new science to me - so I will just follow on with an open mouth in amazed-ment of how thease 3d printing voo doo works. OC.
  18. That is looking lovely Alan, I think all who attempt and do well at this scale deserve a medal. OC.
  19. Very nice work mate - those breakwaters look so scale accurate - even include the partition for access by the look of it - most impressive. For so long we have been waiting for decent scale accurate kits - now we are spoiled for choice. OC.
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