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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. This is the best I can do Chris - I think on the out side of the wing there would be a half cone shape opening (imagine a cone cut down the middle, inside this the link rod would go where it would meet the pivit conection on the Aileron and the other way it would dissapeer inside the wing. Hope this helps - had a quick fiddle in Paint. OC.
  2. Thank you @king derelict and @lmagna both Lots of studying than playing around to do, think my first job will be priming my figures with my Vallejo Primer. OC.
  3. Yep, I have been watching some videos on spraying with acrylics and it shows the frequent cleaning of the airbrush - good job I brought some Vallejo cleaner - came today, I have been debating for paint thinners - distilled water or acrylic thinning agents? OC.
  4. I have brought my spray booth - its a 16x16x16Inch double wall cardboard flat pack box, last of the big spenders me lol. OC.
  5. That is Excellent close clean work mate - all your projects are like mini engineering jobs. OC.
  6. Mine wont have any sort of exhaust duct - it will just be a knocked up cardboard box with a turntable and my light peering in over the top. Like this - OC.
  7. I think mine will be - build the cardboard box best I can make sure it can be lit by my light, make sure door is always open (as it always is even If I am freezing) possible wear a muzzle(I mean mask) and gently spray the thing. OC.
  8. But the smell should be none existent using Vallejo acrylic paints and with the airbrush putting out such a fine mist surely it should be fine? that's what I keep telling myself otherwise I have wasted a lot of money on something I can not use, this is coming form someone who used to paint with Enamels in a living room environment, with all those vapours and fumes we were used to - and the thinners. OC.
  9. My problem is - I am a living room kit builder I am about 15 feet away from the admiral who has breathing issues from anything smelly, Even when I used to use tamiya rattle cans out side she could smell them - thats why I decided to make all my painting Acrylic and never use any other paint format, infact I have a stash of Tamiya rattle cans that need binning. Painting my figures has/is an Absolute delight as brushing on my acrylic paints has Zero affect on either of us - I was hoping uisng an airbrush with the same paints would be the same - that is why I brought it. OC.
  10. Where I sit its against a back wall with no window the closest outlet to me about Two feet to my side is our back door thats kept open even in the winter, I have been planning to make a cardboard box as its the only real route that works for me, I am also running out of space as its a tiny house we live in more like a shoe box. OC.
  11. That would be a bit tricky the venting side of things, I do sit next to our open door leading into our garden/yard and and I have my table light that is more than strong enough that is adjustable in height and reach, as long as that can peer over the top of the box - it will be ample light. I am trying to do it without any expense as I have been giving my wallet some serious knocking and its starting to complain. Oh - I have seen turntables for a few quid on flea bay. OC.
  12. Hi all, just thinking and planning in advance of getting my airbrush kit this week, I assume a kind of spray booth would be useful if not essential? would I get away with making a cardboard box type with floor/sides/back/part roof but with a cut out to allow my lamp coverage to illuminate the thing being sprayed, also I assume spraying Acrylics in a living room will not cause any issues of spray vapour flying about causing us problems, I know I have seen some people where a mask (what's one of them lol) when actually sparying. Any ideas folks? OC.
  13. I'm in Phil, that looks like quite a nicely detailed kit - looking forward to seeing more. OC.
  14. I should have said - ignore that part on the left in my pic, that will be locked away inside the other section of the stabbles - joined by the slot. OC.
  15. Evening all, more work this evening - its "Painting time" - the stables have Four main walls each with brick and paint detail, I carried on my routine from the farmhouse - sand colour worked into the mortar gaps, then a brick colour carefully brushed over the top, then the White built up in layers leaving it thinner close to were it meets the bricks - lots more to do. OC.
  16. Could do the primer I guess - and flat clear top coats - never thought of that - thank you Mark. OC.
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