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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. That is looking so nice Denis, that paintwork is perfect, also like your other builds you show. OC.
  2. I see mate, I went with that route because Pontos showed it in thier instructions - lots and lots of cut outs to remove so things could sit on the plastic deck under the wood decking. OC.
  3. Thank you kindly for that Lou, mine arrives next Tue/Wed, but I won't be tempted to play with it till my Waterloo Dio is finished (so probably 2023) Lol OC.
  4. Will you be doing same as I did on my Warspite - and cutting out the small pieces of decking under all those rectangles? OC.
  5. I am hoping that once I know how to set it up (getting the right pressure - thiness of the paint) it will be like an extension of using a brush, where a steady hand will make a lot of difference, time will tell my friend - time will tell. OC.
  6. Evening all, some boring progress tonight that doesn warrant a photo - I have been doing some - sizing, marking and cutting to make the stables and base the correct size, this took some thinking about as the pieces interlock including a sloted section, but after a few hours I got there. Tomorrow will be the start of painting the individual pieces including some more brick work. OC.
  7. "Ah there it is" looks like a really nice kit, I built an Artesania Latina Victory kit before the crash in here, what struck me was the quality of the materials, hope the same follows into your build mate. OC.
  8. Thank you Craig, I will probably lean on you a bit for more tips when I get round to using it. OC.
  9. Thank you kindly Ken, think it will be reading, videos and repeate till I get to use it, probably on Hood after LHS is finished. OC.
  10. Just pulled the trigger on this - Most expensive modeling item I have ever brought. OC. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/380603061384
  11. Thank you so much Gary, I take your compliments as a real honour, you are inspiration with your builds. OC.
  12. Thank you all for the advice (just what our home here is all about) I think I will pull the trigger on it. OC.
  13. This is what I have seen and caught my eye - OC. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/381160596988?hash=item58bef125fc:g:kV4AAOSwQXlcRY4H
  14. I am seriously looking into getting an airbrush kit, it will be my last chance to get one if I do - I just think it will make some of my kit painting easier than using rattle cans outside, I have been looking in Flea Bay and seen a few (one that impressed me was not just the low noise 54db but its from an actual UK airbrush specialist. Is it a case of getting a fairly good one taht would serve me over the years - or would any cheap one do as long as it was quiet under 55db? OC.
  15. Excellent work Alan, even the PE looks mighty fine - sure am loving these Flayhawk kits for detail. OC.
  16. Next stage started is the Stable block, after viewing an over head view of the farm complex it became apparent that this kit is too long one way but corect the other - its supposed to be a square more or less, so I placed the stables sections on the table and looked at any ways to reduce the length of the one stable, I found out I would be able to trim it down with my sharp blade and ruler and create another slot, I did a similar thing to the outer wall of the one stable by trimming the end, this reduced it by about Three inches and will make the whole thing more square in shape. OC.
  17. Evening all, the farmhouse is now finished and weathered - just some basic wash and a wee bit of dry brushing. OC.
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