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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thank you sincerley ej, yep the rest of the boat is being painted/weathered black/grey and shaded with buff/white. OC.
  2. Thank you denis, yep quite unique to to Captain Jacks little boat (as he would call it" OC.
  3. Thank you wallace, its turned out better than I thought - but its one of those things with weathering - just do it in thin layers till you reach what you are happy with. OC.
  4. Next I decided to tackle the little side project - the pearls small shore boat, this is a kit in itself and comes all together on a fret with everything there, first off I cut both hull sides away and did a bit of tidy work inside and out to remove a couple of injection marks and to give the inside walls a bit of texture. Next off I worked on the lower deck fitting - this was aslo worked on a bit then I applied a couple of coats of bluff paint, then after drying with the hairdryer I mixed up a watery mix of dark grey/black and just brushed it on in a rought fashion - several light coats with drying between coats, and the final result is a weathered old deck. This is my current situation - here's the pics - OC.
  5. Evening all, some good progress on the pearl today - firstly I drilled out the holes in the hull, then I applied some glue and fitted the nine lid rope devices, I then turned the ship around and tied the ropes together that I had fitted before - just need trimming than painting. OC.
  6. Mind You............I could make the Anchors from 24c gold, old jack would want many many anchors then - probably a ship full. OC.
  7. I only have two to do - pirates were stingy - if it wasn't gold they wern't interested.............. OC.
  8. Mind you - not far to go now, after I fit those and attach the ropes/paint them, I can then move onto the anchors - im looking forward to doing the anchors. OC.
  9. No need to applogize kevin I think it takes at lot to keep up momentum or even do loads on our builds in one go, you are doing a Fantastic job and its a pleasure to look at and read through. OC.
  10. Wait till I get started on the standing rigging and shrouds - that will test my patience...........and everyone elses.😧 OC.
  11. More work today - I cleaned up the lifting beams then drilled a hole in the center/top of each, then I cut nine lengths of rope and stiffened the ends with some pva, then I glued the ropes in place as before. Just a couple of pics - OC.
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