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Old Collingwood

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Posts posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I will repeat the same on the other hul side  then install the hull supports before joining both hull sections together, i will then work on the constructed hull and clean up the seam at the bottom where the two halves join,  i am also considering opening up the anchor chain openings as i am sure these should be tube like and not just slits like they are at the moment.



  2. Before i start my build just a bit of background information on my desisition to build the Old Lady,   my late farther was in the Fleet Air Arm and was an airframe fitter, he worked on many types but his main knowledge was on Sea Fires and  a few sea planes, this nearly led to a placement on HMS Warspite but unforetunatly he was to late gaining his grades and by then i believe the airwing on warspite had de commisioned so he stayed land locked and went to Oz instead prep-ing Sea Fires to come back to the Uk.



  3. Hello OC,


    thank you for the kind words. in my humble opinion, the best is always a priming with a pale brown or gray and then give a nic´ce wash with oil or casein paint.


    As I am no expert in those technics, i Used real planking, just have a google. In this build and "by the deep 17" there is shown the casein paint for the hull.



    Many thanks for that,  it is for my 1/350 scale plastic HMS Warspite BB ship i have just brought,  she had teak decks that were regularly holystoned so i guess they would be very similar to HMS Victory's decks esp. when dry and faded, as they are plastic and of very good detail i am looking for a scale paint that is the right light shade for her.



  4. Hiya some really great workmanship and with so much entertainment - Brilliant,    can i ask your oppinion please - can you recommend a deck paint for plastic that would replicate and show a good example of holystoned teak, i have seen weathered teak in real life A.K.A  - my outside garden bench, and it is a deffinate light grey in color.


    Any tips as to what color paint i should get for this i would be delighted.



  5. I collected my new kit and after opening the sturdy box, i was amazed at the fine moldings inside - the hull sides look superb and i will want to preserve as much of that fine detail as possible,  i am not sure what stages of build i will seperate and do, but i will construct the hull and paint it before adding the deck etc,  any ideas for painting the black  hull line folks?



  6. Thanks for the replies folks :)  I am still not sure how to build her,  i am not old enough to have seen her in her glory years coming in and out of Plymouth, and as i explained i have walked across the beach at Penzance to St Michaels Mount on the stone path, from where you can just make out the corel remains of her.

    If i display her as she was at Prussia Cove i assume i would have to a diaramma,   as she was just a slightly dismantled state minus gun barrals etc,  but to construct her as she was at a later stage in Penzance Bay would be just a feature less hull.


    Desisitions desisitions :o



  7. Right then folks ......Change of plan   i have changed my mind about building  HMS Illustrious and have now orderd HMS Warspite in 1/350 scale, she arrives by next weekend.


    Anyway after seeing her wreck via a wet path (whats left of her - just bits of her bottom area and keel under water)  i am pondering over building her as a full display stand model but weathered,  a  part wreck as she was when she was  wrecked against the rocks near Prussia Cove,  to display her even more dissmantled as she was when she was towed into Penzance bay and taken down section by section(this woulkd meen just displaying a hulk with very little details.


    It would be a shame me thinks not to show her in her glory.



  8. I like the paint scheme a lot Collingwood - distinct and interesting - the red gives a nice warmth against the tones of the wood - she's shaping up into a real beauty!


    Many thanks mate, I do like the color mix myself with a bit of red ocre and the natural wood as I am sure most ships of the period would have been, just like in the Victory disscussion on the black and yellow ocre stripes at Trafalger, my oppinion Is that the yellow ocre may infact have been a natural wood like mine, I think this would be more history realistic.

  9. Hi all,  I have just been having a little break, with the better weather over here for a while I have been out doing my other hobby, photographing planes, also I have been given a gift of a Mantua HMS President Frigate,  but like I posted on another section on here, I am unsure about its scale acuracy so I may just canabolise it for parts and wood to carry on with this build.

    It may seem a complete wast of a potentialy good President kit, but if its not scale acurate I dont want to build it.



    Old Colly

  10. I decided to do abit of work on testing a paint scheme on the transom and side window, i think i will go with a mainly red ocre and black tar scheme for the paint decoration as they seem to compliment each other, and lets just say that the ships commander had a barrel load so he decided to use  them, ive also painted the whale and done some other paintwork to see how it will look.

    What do you think?







  11. Thank you hamilton,  i have been tyding up the mast surrounds where they enter the decks, so i could get the correct and accurate positioning before i plank the main deck, this will give me a break from the hull planking as all that carefull work wetting and heating the hull planks was abit of a bore and tiresome,  i have  also constructed a solid backing for the main cabin front details, i will add these either after fitting the deck or possibly before? then i suppose i will have to continue on the other side of the hull with the planks down to and icluding the whale to match..... 




  12. Many thanks for the picture harlequin, i am going to approach this section sometime latter,   for now i have been continuing with the hull planking down to and including the whale, i have also cut out the oar slots and the lower deck acsess port, i have set up the whale planking by using two sections - one 2mm by 2mm  and the other 4mm by 2mm i think 6mm is quite a good width for the whale.


    Here's the latest pics..






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