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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thank you kindly Ken, she has been on anti biotics for a couple of weeks, hoping that stopped it getting any worst. OC.
  2. Evening all, I must be on the mend mainly just left with a loss of taste and a bit of a groggy head, anyway I managed to do an hour on the bench adding a few more paint layers on the injured bunch, no pics as my phone was flat. Good to be back on it instead of feeling sorry for myself. OC.
  3. Thank you kindly Jack, yep we do just that the bedroom window is kept on the latch about an Inch wide. OC.
  4. Your doing some great work Denis - there is somthing so organic about planes built in wood/balsa, what I remember about the one my dad brought for me and started building - I think it was designed to be a R/C model as it had the moveable control surfaces and all the push rods routed inside the wings through the formers, can't rmember more than that though except think it had about a 120cm wing span. OC.
  5. Thank you so much Craig, yep I am on a yearly uptake of vitamins - Vit C 1000mg (I take 500mg a day but have upped it to 1000mg - I smash it up in a cup and take with Lemsip powders) also take Vit D 1000mg daily Zinc and Hemp capsules all to try to build up my Immune system. Lack of fresh air hasn't helped as its been very very wet for the last few weeks, we have been indoors with the heating on (I know that doesn't help much). OC.
  6. Thank you kindly Alan, yep its been a really rough time for us both, will be glad to see the end of it for both of us. OC.
  7. Evening all, Day Six with the dreaded lergy - really knocked me about - head that feels like I am in a cloud, aches and pains wooly throat lost my appetite - so chicken cuppa soaps are about the only thig I can tolerate, the admiral is rough with it now megga cough etc - she is really going through it. Can't wait till we are both well - wan't to get my concentration back so I can carry on with my build. OC.
  8. Evening all, I havn't done anymore on my dio yesterday - I need to start on the scenery soon (looking forward to that) including some orchard trees (one of those living tree sets) and the Four injured I showed part painted, but at the moment I am suffering from man flu - shakes and all that - dosing myself up with vit c and d and lemsip powders, just waiting for me immune system to do its stuff and kill off the lergy. I can't wait to start putting it all together to tell my dio story. OC
  9. Andrew some folks swear by Tamiya rattle can primer - Its supposed to be really good - just needs lots of ventilation due to the odour while its drying. OC.
  10. Well worth messing with this kit - as lots can be done with it - as the Three of us found out. OC.
  11. Thanks for the mention @Edwardkenway with regards to Primer I have only played around and used the Vallejo Acrylic Surface Primer - its great on figures as it shrinks down and follows the profile of the figures - only complaint - its not all that tough and can scrape away if knocked, its ok once paint layers are layed ontop though. OC.
  12. Evening all, last of my 2nd KGL duly washed and dry brushed and finished minus their flat top coat, I then found another Four injured mixed and the paint process is starting. OC.
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