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Everything posted by Gahm

  1. I can only agree with the above comments. It is beyond me how you can do such marvelous work at such small scale! I am really looking forward to see this model move to completion! Thomas
  2. Beautifully done, B.E.! A pleasure to follow your build log! Thomas
  3. Thank you, B.E. and Glenn for your kind words, and again thanks for all the likes! Glenn, the loop was closed with a 'simulated splice', i.e. I glued both ends together with CA and served the connection with the two ends of the serving thread, which I had left there for this purpose when serving the rope. Thomas
  4. This is an amazing model! It shows what you can do with outstanding craftsmanship, artistic talent, and a good sense for innovation! Thomas
  5. Fantastic job, Johann! I will use this as reference (again) once I am at that point with my Syren 🙂 Thomas
  6. Great looking wheel, Mike! Especially the spokes are the tricky part, and you did an excellent job! Thomas
  7. Making these columns looks like a pretty tedious job. But as usual, wonderful execution on your part! Thomas
  8. The end result looks very good! Careful work and perseverance clearly paid off! Thomas
  9. Thank you Chuck and Stuntflyer for your kind comments! And thanks for all the likes! I am looking forward to finally being able to permanently mount the bowsprit. I have been waiting for this moment for quite a while 🙂 Thomas
  10. I finally had the time to continue with the fore stay, bob stay, and bowsprit shroud collars. To make life easier I added some extensions to my Syren serving machine (Img_1). I also used the open and closed heart kits from Syren. They show more details than the parts provided in the initial ship model kit (Img_3), and being assembled of three different wood layers the danger of accidentally breaking them is minimal. The ropes for the collars were all served with a 100 wt silk thread. For the round seizings I used a 100wt silk thread of a slightly different color. Images 2 – 7 show the process and the final result. Img_8 presents the bowsprit assembly in its current state. Thomas Img_1 Img_2 Img_3 Img_4 Img_5 Img_6 Img_7 Img_8
  11. What a fantastic build! Thomas
  12. Wonderful work and craftsmanship! Thomas
  13. This is such an impressive model and build log! Thank you for sharing! Thomas
  14. Your level of detail at that scale and quality of execution is just mind-bugling! Thomas
  15. Outstanding craftsmanship! A real treat to follow your progress! Thomas
  16. Your decoration really turned out amazing! Wonderful job, B.E.! Thomas
  17. I am really sorry to hear about your wife's passing! My deepest condolences! Thomas
  18. Outstanding model, outstanding craftsmanship! Thomas
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