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Shipyard sid

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Everything posted by Shipyard sid

  1. Hello Richard It might be a good idea to post us a few pictures, so we can all see the stage you are at. There will be plenty of members following your build, and it would be helpful for us all to see how your build is progressing, and give advice if necessary. Best regards DAVID
  2. Hello michael I thought you had passed that stage. Others may give you advice on this, and maybe better advice, which will prob include soaking. What I did was give the strips a good sanding. and added a slight taper at the front of the strip for approx 2" for a lead in, and tapped it through the slots, with no problems, but that was only me. Regards DAVID
  3. Hello michael As I said I planked both decks with four butt shift, but Rich is correct, very little is seen of the deck. I dont know what you mean about the 5 mm ply on the canons and curve. DAVID
  4. Hello michael Always nice to see another jotika build starting. Just enjoy it but take your time. Here's a bit of advice, prob the road you know, but maybe not. Before you start fitting any bulkheads sand down the bearding line on the keel while you can, lay it flat. ( See page 3 of your manual, ...before planking the hull... ). Maybe fit supports in the keel for mounting pillars while you can. See my Diana log. As I said prob the road you know. Regards DAVID
  5. Greetings Got your message, I will send jig as soon as I get back home on Friday. I am probably totally wrong, but how close to the bottom of the keel are the two ply plates,you have fitted across the hole for the display rods? I cannot tell from the photo you have posted. Sorry if I am telling you the road you know, but they need to be set high enough up for your planking to clear them. Regards DAVID
  6. Greetings young man It's me!!!!! Have a look at admiralty shipmodels. They box up and deliver their own completed models. They show their simple way for the buyer to collect. They also deliver with their secure and customized packaging, and you can contact them. They say they will send you details of their optimized and customized packaging. And they use UPS when they send their own products. So how they do it might help. I can give some good ideas I have, but I know you will only shout at me, Regards DAVID
  7. Greetings all Here's a model of the Trincomalee, DAVID
  8. Greetings all Yes it's well worth a visit, I have been to see it three times in the past few months and I live a ten minute walk from it. There is also a small museum on the site relating to the history of Hartlepool, and the restored PPS Wingfield Castle Paddle Steamer. I am not sure if it is used as a cafe, but it a real mess and looks like it's been neglected. I remember the Trincomalee arriving in Hartlepool in late 1980, and it was called the HMS Foudroyant but as most of you will know it had a name change to the Trincomalee. if you don't want to drive here, the best bet is Kings Cross direct to Hartlepool, no changes on the grand central train. Only three hours. I have lots of photos of the ship including below deck if you want me to post any, but I know lots have been posted before. If you come don't mention the hanging of the monkey, as we still have some rope left over. I am off now, I am going to Greenwich on Saturday for a look around the Cutty Sark and the National Maritime museum. My sons house is a 30 minutes DLR run from Greenwich. I am spoilt. If you need any info about the trinc or visiting just give me a bell. Just noticed POMPEY 2 has posted about 1000 dam photos of it !!!!!! It's a waste of time me posting any LOL . Cheers DAVID
  9. Just found your log. Excellent work throughout. Just keep enjoying it, and post lots of photos . Well done...DAVID
  10. Well what's going on now ?????? Mark my words, you will all finish up as an Orchestra, waving your masts as batons!!!. Well you all pulled your chairs up and got your popcorn out !!!!! What are you going to do now!!!! lol. I am going home!! DAVID
  11. Hello I left my rudder until all the deck work was completed. You are in no hurry at all to fit the rudder. I completed all the deckwork then the quarter gallery's and stern fascia, then the rudder. I then fitted the gunport lids and all the work around the hull. It is possible you could knock the rudder off while you are doing deck work, so why have fitted so early. It is your choice, but my advice is do not fit anything around the hull of the ship which is vulnerable or not nessesary, until all the deckwork is completed. Just take your time and enjoy it. DAVID
  12. Greetings There you go !!!! Well done Robert. I have few helpful ideas which may help at the standing rigging stage, when you begin it next week. Just keep enjoying it. Regards DAVID
  13. Greetings Heinz Wishing you and your family a happy and heathy 2017. Your standard has been excellent throughout your build. As for your beak head the quality of your work just continues to be very impressive, and your build and log are joy to follow.... Best regards DAVID
  14. Hello Robert You will have no problem sorting it. I remember fitting mine and they are perfect from about 5 yards. And yes I was the site engineer, but cannot spell site it might have an H in it. Anyway as most of us Victory builders I used Gil's log as a reference most of the time, and noticed he left the quarter gallery skins off the ship until the very end, which I often mention to other builders during the planking stage. But I had already fitted mine, and have just checked Gils log and noticed how clever he was in fitting them. This is as we know is easy in hindsight. As I said before you will have no problem sorting it. Regards DAVID
  15. Greetings young man Hello Jerry. Hope you are both keeping well, and wishing you a happy and healthy new year for 2017 and keep up your cracking joinery work. Guess were I was on CHRISTMAS EVE. Take care DAVID
  16. Hello Robert Excellent work, and in such a short period of time. The way this going you will soon be into what was my favourite part of the build, the masts and rigging. Well done. DAVID... oops!!! One of your canons is shooting the sea !!
  17. Greeting graham whoops !!!!!! Looks like I got the wrong part number. Age thing..... as long as you understand. DAVID
  18. Hello graham Well here we go again with another Caldercraft Victory, and your work is really impressive, just take your time and enjoy it. DAVID
  19. Hello Robert Merry Xmas to you and all your family. OK show us your new toy. Have a look at OC log, Old collingwood who is building The Warspite. You can join he's dam camera club. I have had words with him. Yep see he's log last two pages !!!!!!!. I think he's log is on page one. Best wishes DAVID
  20. Hello OC This is all your fault Collingwood !! posting a photo of your dam flashy ( get it ) camera !!!!! You have now got your camera club!!!!!!. LOL. How is the Warspite coming along?? DAVID
  21. Greetings Robert Well here we go again !!!!! Cracking build and now we are treated to fine art work!!!!! and not a brush stroke to be seen. I did not dare take a close up like you have. Here's a photo of mine. OK !! it's jotikas really. I painted thin strip and glued it on, which it looks like jotikas have done DAVID
  22. Greetings Well done, still excellent work. My camera is a different shape to yours. But I am not jealous of yours, because my Box Brownie does not need batteries and yours does. !!! DAVID
  23. Greetings Well this is looking really good, yep excellent work. Just keep enjoying it. As for the jutting out, as you call it, EJ_L has hit the nail on the head. Once the brass profile and brass patterns are fitted it will be OK. Here is a photo of jokitas build with the profile and patterns fitted . Best regards DAVID
  24. Greetings Robert Excellent work as per usual, nothing ever changes. Cracking idea coppering the roof. Mort it's to stop the rain getting in. The Bell could get ringing wet.. DAVID
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