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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. What a great idea with the zip-tie. That windlass set up (Britannia metal) is a joke.
  2. May I curse you Dgerth?😉 I have been looking into this half model for a long time and has said to myself - "Don't buy it, don't buy it - you have to many to finish as it is". You didn't make it easier for me, your instructions are well written along with modifications. Thus on top of a great half kit without rigging..... it's a model I can have displayed in my hallway.... Now I curse you...... order was placed! LOL!😆 But that will be for the better good, supporting what I believe in, Models coming from true designers that will paid for what they have designed and also supporting the Great organization of NRG.
  3. Joe, I have read through your build log..... Now this build of yours is really good, but I do have a problem with all the pictures.... Don't take me wrong, ... I think many others may agree with me. Your work area are to clean!😄. Maybe I have seen a speckle or two of some saw dust.... And all tools are in place.... Beautiful job done!
  4. Amalio, how on earth do you do that type of lathing? First picture of yours it's hard to determine the size of object. Then suddenly finger is holding it, and I know directly how small and delicate the part is. Your skills amazes me ....... What brand of lathe are you using?
  5. Haven't tried DAB brand but as all CA glues depending on bonding time all will set hard. However, if you ever want to glue 3d printed pla (+) parts together use epoxy. I know by experience....
  6. Håkan, that's a beautiful location ..... I miss the snow in one way, but lately having temps at 12 °C it's nice not to have to worry about slick roads .... however the workshop of mine is cold... has a solid concrete pad radiating the cold from the ground into the shop. Heating solution is under consideration. Now as for the Kåg, what you have done is beautiful, and I am looking forward to more of it... Bästa hälsningar Per
  7. Welcome to MSW, Andy. Wow you certainly entered with a nice build. I think we are all interested in what will come next, and please start a build log when that happens.
  8. The yacht club signa of Trälhavets Båtklubb, that I belong to. Only as a passive supporting member.
  9. Amazing, I need to get a new compressor with tank. Because having a tank is essential for even pressure and proper constant airflow. I haven't had any issues with Vallejo paint - I used the thinner with their regular "brush" paint - not with the air. My Bluenose is painted with Vallejo. Practice, practice and more practice is essential to achieve proper coating. Never thought about using the pure air from the brush as quick drying. Thanks for all the videos - these can be used for any type of airbrushing.
  10. I bought poplar for a solid hull freighter, since the ship will be painted I am not concerned about the miss-coloring that may come with this type of wood.
  11. Paul, I just caught up reading through your build log, and if this is your first build - well, my hat off to you! You are doing a fantastic and nice job. The dory shouldn't give you any problem.
  12. Yves, I am looking forward to read a review of this kit. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Hej Henrik, Long time ago I was so close to get a non-started Agamemnon without cost, unfortunately someone beat me to it. No big loss, I have plenty of models to take care of. But following yours is great, love the detail work that comes along with ships like these. Happy New Year Gott Nytt År
  14. Hello Arthur From PNW a warm to RC sailing is so relaxing , great to another "sailor" with us. As you see I am also a RC sailor but in another class....
  15. Greg, that is very generous of you, I have been looking at the plans for a long time and really like them. So maybe now I will do something about it. I do have other projects to attend before commencing a new journey.
  16. Use the link Toni provided in the first posting; Lining Off your hull for planking
  17. When I painted my Bluenose I used Crylon grey primer, worked like a charm and let see me where to do more sanding or filling. After that I airbrushed the hull, my first air brush adventure.
  18. Someone told long time ago that Texas Instrument TI-33 had more computing power than the lunar module, but I can be wrong.
  19. Yep, home economics was mandatory for me too, this in Sweden. They should have that on the schedule today along with shop education and mandatory for both girls and boys, essential surviving skills.
  20. Had mechanical drafting on my schedule in 1983-1984 as an exchange student. In our class room we had a computer station with two 5.25" drives and a 15" mono-chrome display, that we had to learn to work to. In my room, back home in Sweden (late 70's) I had a professional drafting table (hydraulic lift, and oil damped X-Y ruler), do I miss that table today.... yes! Heavy and very stable 40 x 60 table. If I can find such I will buy it directly. However, what I learned working with a 2H pen drafting in 2d and perspective has given me the knowledge for todays 2d and 3d computer drafting. When SketchUp came out on the market I bought a license and have used ever since, since 2017 I learned to use Fusion360. During the early 90's I worked for company converting 2d pencil plan to CAD plans, this with AutoCad R11 probably the best version ever made. Using pencil, eraser and paper for design today is a forgotten skill. I even learned how to make exploded views on the paper. Designers of today need to learn the basic using paper and pen, and creating models using clay or other material for displaying ...... dread the day when the whole server system goes down and your deadline is tomorrow.
  21. Rigging a plastic model is much trickier than a wood model, specially if you use the plastic masts as they will bend easier under the tension from the lines. I intend to make my own rope with the machine I bought from Chuck, this way I can get thinner lines rigging rope than provided in my Revell USS Constitution kit.
  22. I posted this news May 14, 2020, you can find it under Naval History on this day.
  23. Bosco, I have removed the link due to copyright infringement. The content ranges from a majority of dull documents to a number of copyrighted books, fiction and non-fiction alike. There are two sides to the problem: First, this site provides the means to upload copyrighted material without “editorial interference or approval”, thus creating financial damage to the publishing industry.
  24. Skibee, You mentioned carving the hull, most kits that has a solid hull is pre-shaped, there is more sanding than carving. Unless, you are building your ship from a solid rectangular block. Then you have a of carving to do. Good luck with your choice and Happy Holiday.
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