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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. I have heard about Testors Window Cement and maker. Will have to look it up on youtube, and see how it works.
  2. Gentlemen, after reading through this topic I ask some of you to tone down. Henry X has found an interesting ship, he like to restore it and asking for support and help. I am talking from my point of view but also as a moderator, He has my 100% support and like to see encouragement instead of detergent language. We have all been in a dire situation taking on a challenge. I like to see what he can do with this Dutch Yacht - kit or not!
  3. Bob, The part number from ModelExpo is MS1401B(r) according to my part list. Bought a package of 150 brass via ModelExpo amazon site.... price 23 dollar (free shipping) And yes, I leaning towards the black ones as well, the shiny brass doesn't look right.
  4. Hi Kloppie, Welcome to our MSW. Please re-type your post in English so we can help out - English is the language at this site. If you have bought the kit Endeavour we have build logs to help you. Start a build log yourself with pictures as this will help when questions will occur.
  5. Dan, that's starting to look like a half hull. Nice job.
  6. My Admiral didn't recommend the glass. They shatter way to easy. She's been in the medical field for 35 years. She recommended super thin plexiglass or acetate film for the windows we need.
  7. John, I found a company making microscope cover on their website I they listed Microscope Cover Glass - 24mm x 40mm x 0.14mm Thick (Number 1 Thickness) This was the thinnest they had available. One package of 82 each would cost you 36 dollars! phwee.....
  8. As discussed in previous postings the question has been what material to use for glass pane. I looked into the super-thin glass, I am curious how they will hold up for transport with USPS or UPS? Then the sheets were rather large and not so cheap either. However, next to on the work bench I had an old billing envelope with that address window, and I thought to myself..... "hmm, maybe that can be used for the pane I am looking for?!" Sure enough, it's clear enough to reveal detail underneath. So, yes that became my window pane. Works great with CA as well.
  9. Gentlemen and ladies (have to include them too), I need your input regarding belaying pins, should I use the brass pins as they are or should I go with the blackened? I have plenty of each. And yes there is some touch up to be done before they are in place.
  10. Hi John, I used regular double sided tape you can find anywhere, craftstore, supermarket etc. I use the Scotch brand.
  11. Desalgu, This kit shouldn't give you any issues as you already built one longboat already, which was a kit in the kit of Syren. I loved this kit, even with it's intraget details involved. I have Syren started and now waiting on the shelf. Looking forward of your build log.
  12. John, interesting about your bulkhead situation and the deckplanking. I didn't encounter that problem. I am back working on my Bluenose. Getting close to the rigging process.
  13. Håkan, I like the progress of Kogen. The colorization is perfect, something you definitely in Swedish water.
  14. I am to embark the work of making my own rope.
  15. Give me a GT40 and I will be very happy! Now back to this amazing build.
  16. As we all know, Lamborghini was not about super cars..... nope, it started with Tractors....
  17. Love the Lamborghini brand but not the new designs, call me old fashion but the Jalpa, Muira and Countach are my cars..... need a go-fund-me starter too.....😁
  18. Andre, I have a friend who gave up on this beautiful yacht. It's still in his shop. My hat off to you as you could have fooled me for being an experienced modeler.
  19. Oregon Lenny, warm . Upload pictures to your build log and let us help your from there. As for tools, x-acto knife (specially blade #11) will be your friend, be careful it's very sharp, some various files and sandpaper.
  20. Routed Frames? That was new to me as well. However, you did a great job cutting them out and gotten this far. Btw Colin, Warm
  21. Andre, You have done a fantastic work planking her, this as the frames are to few to create a stable surface. The second planking is beautiful done. Something tells me you are not a newbie to ship modelling.
  22. That's very interesting, do you happen to have a link for the glass?
  23. TK 5028, Welcome to MSW, If you don't know where to start and to get your planking experience I would recommend the NRG half hull kit. Our World is filled with so many tips and tutorials.
  24. John, Try Vallejo Air. It's a paint ready to be sprayed. No need to dilute at all.
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