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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. You are off! Nice start. Question: When you glued the bulkheads in place did you use a square, in order to them all angled correctly? It will help in the long run. Now the planking you are about to do, make sure to soak them. They look fragile and it won't take much to break them. Soak them put in place but don't glue, they will take shape and will spring back a little once dried. Make sure they are completely dried before removing them from the hull-skeleton. Before any planking. Put a plank over three - four bulkheads don't bend to much. Take a look how they are touching the bulkheads. The planks need to have as good as 100% contact surface. Fairing the bulkheads are essential. Looking forward to your next step.
  2. Will the diagram for the rigging you illustrated be included in the manual? If so, you will be the first I have seen doing a great job of directing where lines are supposed to be going. Beautiful cad-job, unfortunate I like to live a little longer, so buying another kit is not healthy for me. My Admiral, is wondering about the other ships waiting to be launched.
  3. Joe, during what years did you work for Raytheon? I have worked for Decca Navigator & Radar, which later became Racal-Decca and even later just Racal, that was in Sweden.
  4. Welcome to us Andre, I have just greeted another new member that has been lurking around in our world, so it pleases us that you also took the step to join us. The longboat you choose as of first model is great. I have looked at the model several times and shouldn't give you to much of trouble. Build log will help you and help us, when you find yourself in trouble. Again,
  5. SweepHall, I know your language is really hard to understand, but even the writing...😇 However, we are all glad to see a lurker becoming an active member. Start a build log, that will help you in the future with your building quest.
  6. Jeff a warm welcome back to us. As you see our layout has changed, but still we are the warm and happy ship builders from all around the world. Glad to see you back.
  7. I have to say I like your introduction. It takes effort to turn away from gaming to do something completely different. I am glad to hear you have a great neighbor that are willing to help you out, such help are very valuable. So with that being said, Start build logs, they will help you and us when you are getting stuck. Because that happens to everyone.
  8. Mike, I like the timeline, some day. I have to much going on right now I hardly have time for fun. And FUN is important!😎
  9. A very best to Welcome to you, Liteflight. Your entrance is splendid! And with a start of a build log. Please set yourself up with such, to much of our pleasure. Questions? I know you will have plenty of them, feel free to ask, answers will follow. Please follow others build logs too...... even not related to yours, you might find answers that can help you. Again, Warm Welcome to MSW
  10. They do.... Release date not set yet.
  11. Saw the trailer, so disappointed. To much obvious CGI in my humble opinion. Will wait for blueray or freebee on the tube.
  12. Tjenahoppsan Alexander, (for non-Swedes there is no translation), varmt välkommen till MSW. Här kan du hitta det mesta i informationsväg och ställ gärna frågor. Warm Welcome to MSW. You have found the right source for any information and more about ship modelling, and feel free to ask questions. Vänliga sommar hälsningar Best summer greetings Per
  13. Jack, warm welcome to MSW, enjoy what we have to offer and feel free to ask questions. That's the reason of our Forum.
  14. Bob, I don't mind at all. Yes, that's what I did. It was the stanchions I did it to. But they were cut of after the planking was done and replaced.
  15. John, I am sorry but, I would appreciate if you could list the post number so I can find it easier. Because I can't recall anything about thinning the bulkheads. Thanks for asking.
  16. Ed, a warm welcome to MSW and your start of Bluenose. I would trim that part, it will be covered once painted. I like to suggest you start a build log, that way your questions will be more visible. Just a thought.
  17. Medy, Are you making those models from scratch or is it kits, or maybe by order from customer? Very nice models, you even got the black marble top.
  18. Medy lin, warm welcome to MSW, those yachts and ships are extraordinary. We have very few modern ships here at MSW, so these are very nice to see. Thank you.
  19. Hank, creating a work space takes longer than you think. Besides there is a lot of planning involved too. When do you think you will be done?
  20. However, you creations are as I said before, really nice. I have been working with Fusion360 and still prefer the regular planks and sticks for my models.
  21. He's also a MSW member but haven't been here in a long time. He has the longboat, syren and amatis Endavour (large kit) stalled.
  22. Aah, that's the one Naval Action - but anyway he is lost in that world😄
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