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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. I am using two chairs, an adjustable office chair for seating a regular table height, and a tall for the workbench also adjustable. The tall one I bought at Staples only used as a display model.
  2. Clive, a long time ago a wise man said "You are never to old to learn something new". With those words I say
  3. From Pacific North West
  4. Saw my dentist the other day and asked him about his glasses. They are custom made for each dentist as none of their eyes are the same. However, the magnification of is 25x and he had look at teeth from 24 inches away still having everything sharp. Cost - a staggering 2500 dollars, so find the best glasses with magnification to your budget. I am using Opti-Visor which works good but the headband is too stiff to be comfortable.
  5. Tom, those carving are so exquisite. Just amazing and beautiful.
  6. George, I just finished reading your build log with interest. Looking good and you have overcome small difficulties very well. Keep up the good work!
  7. Brent, a bid you a warm
  8. Olaf, thanks for the videos, I would recommend everyone to use the technique from the last video. I have been doing somwthing similar. But this is the way to go.
  9. The Dino has always been one of my few sport car favorites. Very nice build!
  10. Very nice review, but when watching this video my low point was the person reviewing the kit. There were several places where he stumbled on definitions of parts. That being said, I still like to get one of the Sherbourne kit some day. I truly believe I can do her true justice. And being presented in the new lawyer bookcase that the Admiral and I will pick up in a month. Chris, one day my order will drop into your box.
  11. Hej Klas och välkommen ombord, Hello Klas
  12. Frank, I am so sorry to hear about your cerebral palsy, just read your input now in this posting. Looking forward to seeing what you are into regarding build , see my other posting regarding Soleil Royal - Aurora/Heller.
  13. Frank, I have no information on the "Prestige Series". Your kit is the one of the last in the series released 1977. Found this interesting information for you. Aurora Plastic Model Kits – A Brief History – Old Model Kits Blog I do hope you enjoy this video: Found this history as well; One website over in Europe that might be helpful for you to get higher quality parts for your kit is HiSmodel. Hope this is somewhat helpful.
  14. Soleil Royal, Aurora Heller 6550 (1977) (scalemates.com) Aurora and Heller had a joint venture between 1972 and 1977. The kit you have is a rare one. That's why you had a little hard time to find information and no I couldn't find any videos either. There is/was an unopen box at auction in pristine condition a while back. Don't know the outcome of it.
  15. Tim, that looks real good. When I will be back at my Bluenose I will make her naked......😀, no sails as it takes away a lot of the nice rigging.
  16. Wayne, your age or what type of model or time era doesn't matter. Anything related to ships or boats are welcome. So from Pacific NorthWest I say
  17. Again I could be wrong, but looking at the "distance" to the other ships in the foreground she must be a huge one.
  18. I wonder about that "picture"/painting..... it looks altered to me, the rendering doesn't match the overall picture. I might be wrong.
  19. In 1741, Tyger measured 130 feet long and weighed 704 tons. It carried six 6-pounders on the quarter deck, twenty-two 9-pounders on the upper deck, and twenty-two 18-pounders on the gun deck. Source: Rediscovering HMS Tyger (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)
  20. Dave, I am using a unit which can be found craft stores. This one will do the poly/cotton combination and create a nice cut, but also to be used as a thread sealer.
  21. Laser cut cushions? Well, that is new..... not even the extreme modern yachts has that....😁 Chuck, that looks amazing!
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