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Everything posted by DBorgens

  1. Per, Looks to be a great start. Why do parts work better the second (or third or fourth) time around?
  2. Dave, You are doing an amazing job here. I love your turnbuckles, shackles. I will definitely take notes for future builds thiugh I don't have a mill (possible stretch "reason" to buy?). Your masting sketches are also a great idea and well done. Your log is a big part of the "great practicum" we find here on MSW. Keep contributing and enjoy your build, we are.
  3. Dave, I am no expert but they look good to me. They are the same size as mine 😄!
  4. Hi Gil, I just stumbled across your Dragon. She is certainly a beautiful craft. I'll happily pull up a chair and watch.
  5. Steve, l am planking mine with boxwood. This is my first use of boxwood and it is harder than basswoods so I am getting used to it. So far so good. Just plan to soften the wood when planking and forming the wood. I've not used maple but am sure you'll do well.
  6. (We spectators) are glad to see you back building and doing great work. Relax, you are making great progress. If you enjoy your building and are satisfied with the results, well, what more can you ask?
  7. Paul, Your planking is looking good, the stern should clean up nicely. I will also pull up a chair and watch if you don't mind.
  8. If that is spaghetti, may I have a bowl? Terrific work Sjors, she is a beauty to be proud of.
  9. Nice work Per, especially considering the "difficulties". I'll stand in the back if all chairs are taken.
  10. BE Thank you, thank you, thank you! You log was a joy to read and we will use and enjoy this rebuild. I hope to use many of your tips and improvements. We are happy with the return of the standard for Pegasus and for build logs in general. Keep up the great work, we are cheering from the bleachers.
  11. Per, Excellent gift for the admiral. Well done, especially with the "fiddly bits".
  12. Sean, Superb work completing Augie's Confereracy. Thank you for taking on this task and for sharing the journey.
  13. I only hope my Pinnace ("full size" if you can call it that) turns out as well as your boats. Excellent work! This has been a fun log to follow. Dave B
  14. Derek, I think almost everyone breaks the keel here so don't get down on yourself. I put blocks in as you are doing and had no further problems. While fairing the hull keep a light hand and some patience. Some bulkheads needed fillers but there were not many and not too thick. Dave B
  15. Sean, Beautifl work! Augie must be smiling as he watches you finish well. Keep posting, love the photos. Dave B
  16. Dave, I like how you give the windlass some character with the natural wood and the brass guard. Well done! Dave B
  17. Dave, I like your gear and envy your milling machine. Looks like a lot of fun. I think this breakage is common and most of us simply drilled the gears and fixed them to a rod. Have a Merry Christmas! Dave B
  18. Andrew, Great looking start. At 9 I would only have dreamed of making a boat like this. You're starting well and I look forward to seeing your progress. Welcome to MSW! Dave B
  19. Chris, Looking good. I especially like your workmen. This will be a very nice diorama, I would love to see it when you're donne. Dave B
  20. Sweet! That is the way I did them though you have done much better. After trying to form the pintles anf failing miserably (I did not know to anneal the brass at that time) I decided soldering would give a better result. Keep posting, we enjoy following your build. Dave B
  21. Dave, Your printed scrollwork is beautiful. You may have started something. Perhaps you will get enough requests for custom printing to justify a new printer. Your Bluenose is shaping up into a lovely laddy! Dave B
  22. Beautiful nameplates Dave. I am intrigued by your printed scrollwork idea, it should also look great. I think most of us freehand it with varying results (so-so in my case). Keep working at the pintles, you will be proud of the result. Dave B
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