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Posts posted by alde

  1. Bob,


    When I ordered my Halifax kit they told me they were no longer offering the laser cut stern details because they no longer have the service of the more delicate laser cutter. They now only have the resin parts. How is the quality of the resin castings? I'm sure they will be fine but I may try carving my own with the resin as a backup.

  2. Not much progress but in the spirit of keeping the log up to date this is where I am. I really took my time bending and fitting the first plank. It's defenety bent in 3 dimensions and laid down with very little clamping needed. Maybe I'm getting a handle on it now but I'm sure taking my time. I'm going really slow. I hope I can get the other side to go as well.

    File Oct 27, 1 18 57 PM.jpeg

  3. 1 hour ago, Cathead said:

    That's a tough decision, but I think you'll be happy with the results. Edge bending is a useful skill to practice in any case. And in an open boat, the planking job is especially visible so the extra work to improve it really pays off. 

    It was a tough decision but I want to learn to do things the right way. My goal is to really become good at this ship building thing and graduate to a large kit project and eventually a plank on frame frigate. I'm a long way from that but won't get there without learning from my mistakes.

  4. I decided that I was not happy with the way my planks were looking so I removed them. It gave me a chance to do a better job fairing the hull while they are off too. I did learn a lot from the planks I did so it should go better this time. I plan to use the tick marks on all frames right from the beginning and using the tape method to take off the shape to edge bend the planks. I'll take pictures as I go and keep the log up to up to date. I considered cutting the planks from wider stock but decided I would continue on with the edge bending as Chuck suggests. I think it's a good way to go as long as it's done right and care is taken to put enough bend into the planks so they lay right. I think if they are bent and shaped properly they will not need much clamping and will just look better.


    I'll keep you posted on progress.

  5. 2 hours ago, Tigersteve said:

    As long as you line off the hull you should be fine. About the first 4-5 bulkheads the taper starts at the bow. There is also some tapering needed at the stern. Again- Bob F illustrates a good tutorial. Hope this helps. 


    I did line off the Stern too. The bow planks will narrow to about 2/3 of there original width. Not too bad I guess. After I removed the plank I installed today I put it up for the day. I think I was just to tired to concentrate. It's not fun when it's like that.

  6. 42 minutes ago, Nirvana said:


    Steve is right, you certainly need to start the tapering of the planks.

    But overall it's looking good.

    It amazes me how many twists and turns hull planks take. I hope I still have enough room to fit 7 more planks a side without ending up with daggers.

  7. Thanks for stopping in and all the likes.


    I'm sure glad there is nobody depending on my boat building skills to stay afloat in the ocean. The turn around the stern has given me the most problems so far. You sure can't just plunk down planks with this kit. They all take careful fitting and bending. Mine are far from perfect but I am learning more with each plank. I think it will get easier from here.

    File Oct 19, 10 53 17 AM.jpeg

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