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Posts posted by alde

  1. 11 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Hey howya goin Al mate, thanks for sitting in on this one mate. Alot of poeple are getting these plans now and some have had these plans sitting on there selves for along time.    :bird-vi:

    I'm doing pretty well. I've been away from the workbench because of family issues but I'm starting to get back to it now. I still need to build my skill before I tackle the Washington though.

  2. Mike, I know you are a ways away from building the whaleboats. The Morgan is on my bucket list and my goal (or dream) is to build framed whaleboats on a form. I plan to learn small boat building before I get to the Morgan. My point is that I just got a copy of The Greenwich Hospital Barge and methods of building open boats by David Antscherl from Seawatch Books. It looks to me that this book makes it very doable to build the whaleboats. I have not used the information to build a boat yet as I just got the book but it's well written and layer out with good illustrations. I hope to start a build log for a small boat based on the information in the book in the next couple of months.

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