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Posts posted by alde

  1. Tim,


    OK, here is a list of the ships my father served on with date and place of discharge from the ship. He joined July 27, 1942 which was one month after his 16th birthday. I'm not sure this list is complete but he did spend several months in London after his ship was damaged on a trip.


    1. S.S. Sahale out of New York August 24, 1942 and returned to Boston Oct 21, 1942. I believe this ship was a Hog Islander built in 1918. He was aboard during this Convoy PQ 18 as shown on this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convoy_PQ_18


    2. S.S. George F. Patton out of Portland Main June 1, 1943 and return New York Aug 9, 1943. I think this is a Liberty Ship


    3. S.S. Casimir Pulaski out of Boston March 16, 1944 and return New York Sept 20, 1944. I think another Liberty Ship


    4. S.S. George F. Patton out of Boston Nov 24, 1944 and return New York Jan 25, 1945


    5. S.S. Marine Devil out of Boston Aug 15, 1945 and return Newport News, VA Oct 9, 1945. I think this one was a troop transport.


    If you would like scans of any of the papers for your research just let me know. I am happy to share any info that I have.



  2. Tim, I have not taken much time to look but it seems like photos of specific Liberties or other wartime merchant ships are rare. I have not been able to find pictures of any of the 5 or 6 different ships my father sailed on. I know from his papers that he sailed from several east coast ports but the only way I know where they went is from him telling me. I guess the destination was secret. He did go to Murmansk but the Russians would not let them go ashore.

  3. A really big milestone for me. The hull is planked and looks pretty decent. It feels like closing up a surgery. I ended up 2 planks short of the plans and some of the planks in the middle belt got too narrow at the bow and stern but it's good enough for me at this stage of my learning. Besides, the hull will be painted. I will do a bit more sanding now and get a coat of primer on it so I can see the flaws better then do some spot filling. I don't think it will take much.


    Here are a couple of pictures of the fully planked hull. Feel free to point out and errors as it's all about learning.




  4. Thanks Hamilton, it's great having another Glad Tidings builder stop in. There don't seem to be many builds of this ship and I don't know why. I think it's a great looking model and the kit is very nice. Maybe warships are just more popular. I can understand that with the detail and history of some of them. I like them too but thought this would be a great kit to learn from and it is.

  5. It's been a while since I posted to my build log. Progress has been a little slower than I would like but it's been moving along.


    The hull is almost planked and I am pretty happy with it for the most part. I have been using the plank patterns provided in the plans and they are shaped pretty well but I ran into a bit of a problem. I did the upper belt first and then started working from the keel up and when  got to the middle I started to run out of room to get the correct number of planks in. I will be 3 planks short on both sides and some of the planks will be too narrow. I am basically faking them in. It will look alright but I'm glad the hull will be painted. It still has a nice shape to it.


    What I should have correctly laid out the number of planks on each bulkhead and trimmed each on to fit the tick marks on the bulkheads correctly. It's a good lesson for next time and should be pretty easy to correct on the next build. 


    Here are a couple of pictures as she sits now.




  6. hi al

    congrats on the approaching retirement......ooh for all that lovely time for modelmaking.....oh well only twenty more years of toil to go.....government permitting.

    enjoy experimenting with the pear and box....nice sharp tools and you will find it a revalation compared with the average kit material.

    if at first you don't succeed......chuck it in the scrap box and try again!!!!

    oh and invest in some isopropanol alchohol its bloomin useful stuff!!!


    Mick, I remember when I had 20 years to go. I know it's hard to belive but it goes pretty quick. Especially the last 5 years. I enjoy my job working for the Navy but have been at it nearly 37 years. I have to deal with some health issues and do plan to make ship modeling one of my priorities.


    I sure I will be looking for help and encouraging words in the process.


    I plan to get my keel parts made for the cross section in the next couple of weeks since I have the box wood and pear. May as well jump in with both feet.

  7. Hi Mick, Thanks for he encouragement. I am still at the kit phase right now and just learning how to work with wood and some of the tools. I have the books and plans for the HMS Naiad and that is one of my ultimate goals. The Washington will be a great stepping stone for me once I graduate to a fully framed model. Right now my work quality is pretty low compared to what I see from some of you guys on the forum but I expect that at my level. I will retire from my job in a couple of months and will have much more time to put into the hobby. I will probably start building some frames and other parts pretty soon to see how it's done and work with some better wood than I am use to in the kits. I have a couple of pieces of boxwood and swiss pear to play with. I may try one of the cross sections to get started. That's a great idea.

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