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Posts posted by alde

  1. Tim, I have been studying your planking runs and have decided I need to adjust my battens a bit. I picked up some chart tape to use instead of wood with pins. It might be easier to do fine adjustments. I think what I have done so far is going to work but if I keep going without lining off for each plank like you did I will run out of real estate. I will use tick strip and proportional dividers. You pictures have been very instructional. Thank you.

  2. Tim,


    I am doing something similar but one row at a time. I have been dividing the belt into number of planks remaining at each station as I go. It's probably easier to do it your way. I also notice your battens don't sweep up as much as mine at the bow. I think the planks that I have set so far are pretty good but I may need to adjust that battens. Your plank run looks really nice. Mine will need much sanding. :(

  3. Talk about slow going. I have taken almost 2 days to install 2 rows of planks on both sides. I'm sure glad this one will be painted. ;) I am using the patterns provided on the plans and if they are made to the line or just inside they size out right. I have been checking the width of each plank with a tick strip and my proportional dividers. It looks like a hack job compaired to some of you guys.


  4. Nigel, Thanks for putting a second set of eyes on it. it looks like if i use the plank patterns on the plans they will note close to fitting at least at the bow. they are way too wide. I am using my tick strip at each bulkhead and dividing it by the number of planks in the belt. I know this may seem elementary to some of you seasoned plankers but it's still voodoo science to me. :( It will be slow going but it looks like it will lay out according to the plans. 

  5. Well, I got all my deck beams in and that was easy enough but now it's time to plank the hull. I have read and re-read the instructions, read the Jim Roberts planking book and some on line information as well as some build logs. I'm still not sure I have a firm understanding of it.


    I have sectioned off the 3 belts per the instructions and ran my battens. It looks to have a good flow and seems to match the plans pretty well. The plans have plank patterns and I may see how those fit but I want try spiling my own planks too. I have a proportional divider so I thought I could use it and tick strips. 


    Am I going in the right direction? It seems that some of you guys pick this stuff right up and do a great job. I seem to be really planking challenged. Of course if I just did it and quite worrying about it I would be better off.






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