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I very carefully planed the excess planks at the cap rail. Now I have to clean up the gunports and sweep ports. I'll continue to improve their finish as time goes by. I now have to start veneer planking the outside.

inner gunwals finished almost 001.JPG

inner gunwals finished almost 003.JPG

inner gunwals finished almost 002.JPG

inner gunwals finished almost 004.JPG

inner gunwals finished almost 006.JPG

inner gunwals finished almost 005.JPG


The bottom pre-bent veneer strip has just been glued. I'm amazed that it needs very little clamping. The clamps you see in the background are the port side veneer strip being pre-bent

bottom veneer strip glued 001.JPG


Another pre-bent plank just slips on. This pic shows that plank 1 minute after gluing. It's going to get harder now since clamping planks will confined to rubber bands.

four veneer planks done both sides 001.JPG



Not that first plank. I will also glue on one plank at the keel full size, then start counting and measuring scaling  and tapering. Scaling will actually make the planking easier.




Here's a picture of sample of the size of the staggered planks. The instructions call for the first plank to be one even long pre-soaked plank in order for the rest of the hull to have a good reference point

sample of staggered planks 001.JPG


I'm not happy with the look of the gunwals inside. The gunports and sweep ports look okay (not great) on the outside, but "ugh" on the inside. I'll play with them for a while until they seem good to my eye. The sweep ports get lids and hinges on the outside, but are open on the inside. Maybe after a coat of varnish they'll look better. The instructions call for painting them on the inside which hides a lot of imperfections.

gunwal cleanup 001.JPG


Working on the taper planking. Anybody got a tip how to easily taper the plank so that I get a smooth edge on the non-butting edge so the next plank will match up? No matter how straight I cut the taper and sand it, it still has some waviness. 

taper planking 001.JPG


I'll be shutting down my shipyard in three days so me and my Admiral can fly to Amsterdam and pick up our cruise ship taking us to Ireland. We'll be gone 18 days.


Most of you know Sjors and Anja from our great MSW website. Well, I'm very happy to say that Sjors and Anja will drive up to Amsterdam from Rotterdam and we'll be getting together for coffee and a short walk to the Maritime Museum. I met Sjors on MSW over four years ago, so we will finally get to meet face to face. How great is that?:10_1_10:



Isn't this what is so great with MSW, making friends with similar hobbies and interests. That's how I met some of the people from here and getting involved with RC sailing as an example.

Enjoy the trip, I know you will like it.


Please, visit our Facebook page!




Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry

2 hours ago, src said:

Enjoy your trip Rich!

Can you expand on your question from post 288? I am not seeing the waviness your talking about.


I managed to straighten it out with much difficulty. The next plank went much better.

47 minutes ago, Sjors said:

Goede reis Rich 😀 ( safe trip Rich)

Now you can read a little Dutch!



Also, I was the president and CEO of a company called "Goss & DeLeeuw" .   DeLeeuw was a famous Dutch engineer in the 1920's who partnered with MR Goss

3 hours ago, HIPEXEC said:

Also, I was the president and CEO of a company called "Goss & DeLeeuw" .   DeLeeuw was a famous Dutch engineer in the 1920's who partnered with MR Goss

Another Dutch connection is....I graduated from Hofstra University where I met my wife. Hoftsra was founded by a Dutchman. I belonged to a fraternity whose motto was "Recht Door Zee" .


I'm amazed that I just spent about 30 minutes measuring and cutting and sanding  a short stub of a plank just to get it to fit just so, and when this model is finished and rigged....no one, including me, will ever turn the ship upside down to check that planking. What a crazy lot we are.

amazing plank 001.JPG

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