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HMS Speedy by Theodosius - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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@Dfell, @BranPie, @glennard2523, @David Lester, @Thukydides: thank you all very much for your thumbs up! 🙂

I could finish the stern.


First, some inbetweens. Clearly to see, that I messed it up with the curvature of the most upper strip, and, as an older error: I cut to much of the aft capping rail, so I had to add some filler pieces. The macro shows they're imperfections, but with colour and behind the boom crutches, there is not much to see of them:






All painted black (with a lot of dust, lol):








I swear, in real life there is that dust on the stern board rails barly to see 🙂


And I see now on the pictures, that the two gun ports in the stern need some attention. And I still have to do some tuch ups with the red. I will do that before I paint/seal the hull itself.

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@BobG, @KARAVOKIRIS, @BranPie, @PhillH, @Ryland Craze, @SpyGlass: thank you all so much for your thumbs up, much appreciated! 🙂


This update, I can show some things at once. I added the svivel gun bases and painted them all black. The hull also gets his paint. And last, I installed the hair bracket decoration. Not as good as intended, but other than in the macros, on normal viewing it is ok:














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@SpyGlass and @Dfell: thank you very much for your thumbs up! 🙂

I ran into a PROBLEM and yould need some help/advice! 🙂


Things are comming together, or not, as you can see at the end of this episode.


But first the 'good' pictures. Shure, there is some tuch up with paint to do, as I managed do damage the paint during the construction.

And, my freehand is not that good. Would be easyier and with a more cleare and sharp output, if I would had used just one colour and not two:








The other side, the colour here is too bright because of how the sunlight comes into my flat. The two pictures above match the real colour very well.








I don't know what exactly I did wrong, but the vertical bow frames are much too short 😞 :





What can I do here? (of course, I need to repair the paint, looks horibly unclear on the picture above... 🙂 )


Thank you all for your help! 🙂

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So I don’t know how much help this is. But it shouldn’t be too hard to touch up. Use a small round brush and after loading it off dab off some of the paint with a paper towel. You can test the tip on the back of your hand to make sure that a controlled amount of paint comes off. Then place the brush perpendicular to the thing you are painting and run the brush along it on the side of the tip. Since the edges are raised that should allow you to easily do the touch up with minimal mess.


Just make sure you thin the paint down a bit (so you have more control) and where you are doing yellow over blue it may take a few coats to cover. Several thin coats are better than one thick. Just wait till it dries and add another layer until you are satisfied. If you try to do it in one coat you may end up putting on too much paint and it spilling into the recess.

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@ccoyle: thank's a lot for your motivation! 🙂

Ok, now let's go to the more detailed explainations:


First I thought I can easily lengthen the vertical rails. 

I just went through my stocpile(?) of Evergreen strips:




Found 0,4x1,5mm, that would do the trick:




And then I thought to myself: wow, this is a lot of work to cut and paint them exact enough to get a good look out of it.

Perhaps I just can repair it? And what the hell did I wrong? Carefull read the instructions again.

In the end a simple error, or perhaps the better term would be: added marginal gains...


First, in the hair bracket decoration is a gap exactly where the bow main rails would fit it. This was my first and most important anker-point, where I start fastening it:




ok, this is not a perfect clean work from me, but this is a very strong magnification/macro-shot 🙂

My second anker point was just the place, where the rail ran into the bulwark:




If I would have read the instruction manual and the plans more carefully, I would have come to this solution, and I must say, the plans and the parts are allways spot on! Realy a phantastic kit on this purpose!:




As you can see, the plan shows very clearly, that I should have cut out the upper rail where the rail ran into it. This would have bring it nearer to the hull, and therefore nearer to the vertical rails.


The second part, and this would shure have closed the gap, is, an excerpt from an picture of the instruction manual:




This picture says: just go as much inward as needet to touch the vertical rails.




Break out the upper rail (my paintjob... lol) again? 


No, the very simple solution I choosed in the end:


Just squeeze the upper rail until they touch the vertical rails, apply a small amount of super glue, hold until dry, profit:






I also darned the paint job as good as I could. Ok, this solution is not perfect. Now I have a minor curve in the outer rails and the the inner rails ar not perfectly aligned. Nothing I can see with my bare eye, and, I'm very sure abaut this: no one exept for myself will ever notice this (ok, ok, I just write my errors nice...). And then there is the bowsprit with all it's additions to come, so in the future there is not that much visible as it is now.


What can I say? If you have an idear for your problem, it dissolves in air, lol. BUT: if you would just read the plans and the manual more carefuly, those problems would not arise :-).


Ticket to myself: more plan studys needet, it's all in there! 🙂


IMPORTAND QUESTION: please tell me if it is not allowed to show small snippets from the plan/instructions, and I will delete them right away!


Thank's for watching the noob doin' noob'ish stuff, *g 

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@DelF, @CiscoH, @BobG, @BenD, @David Lester, @ccoyle: thank you all for your tumbs up! Much appreciated! 🙂

I think, now I entered into a great phase of wooden model shipbuilding! 🙂


As it seems, to equip the model now, there is allways a relativley small amount of work in comparison to the planking for example, but there is much to see with this little work.

This is a great fun phase for me :-).


So, I cleaned these forward bits, because I wanted the wooden look:




But they looked like an outsider, so in the end, they were also painted black:




Next was the rudder:




And installed:








Ok, the gap between the rudder and the hull is a little bit to large, but the overallook is good I think.

And then I always forgett to clean up the messy gunports in the stern :-).

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@PhillH, @Dfell, @Thukydides, @David Lester, @SpyGlass, @Paul Le Wol, @ChiscoH: thank you all very much for your thumbs up! 🙂


I saw in one picture of my last post, that I managed to twist the tiller.

Fixed that one:




Because this is not enough to justify a log entry, here is also the finished, or not (paint?), steps outside the hull:




The work on the deck furniture and the bits has also started (nothing glued to the deck jet):






Again, I'm not sure about the colors to go. At the moment I go into the direction to leave the furniture in wood and paint the bits red-ockre, but this changes a lot during a week, and even more during my reading and looking at the pictures of other build logs... 🙂

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@BobG, @SpyGlass, @CiscoH: thank you for the thumbs up! 🙂


My very first upgrade:


I added some wood to the pump handle to prevent some calluses during working the pumps.


One side with the bare wood, the other side already sandet:




And in place (all the bits are a little bit wonky, because they're all not glued):








I think the edge-highlighting on the pumps is a little bit to prominent and not clean enough, I will overdue this.

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1 hour ago, Theodosius said:

@BobG, @SpyGlass, @CiscoH: thank you for the thumbs up! 🙂


My very first upgrade:


I added some wood to the pump handle to prevent some calluses during working the pumps.


One side with the bare wood, the other side already sandet:




And in place (all the bits are a little bit wonky, because they're all not glued):








I think the edge-highlighting on the pumps is a little bit to prominent and not clean enough, I will overdue this.

Looks good. If you are edge highlighting with a metallic paint (which it appears you are doing), try just to catch the very edges. Make sure you don't overload the brush and use the side of the brush to run along the edge. You could also try mixing some black with a metalic for the base coat to give it a bit of a sheen and then use a black wash to dull down the recesses to give more contrast.


Alternatively you could do the base coat with black, dry brush with silver than use a wash to darken technique. See the following video: 



I know this is a probe droid, but the idea of giving something a dark metallic look is the same. If you want it more black just use more layers of wash once the first one dries.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Thukydides, @CiscoH: thanky you for your thumbs up! 🙂


@Thukydides: thank you very much for your suggestions, and you are right! I will overdue this, when I'm at the point to make the metal-parts of the guns! I allways fail, when I want to go the 'cheap' way, and in the end this makes more work instead of less. But there a things, one will never learn in his life :-).


Most of the furniture is finished (ladders and gratings left, but they might be done later, don't know at the moment), but I thought, after reading in the other build logs herer, it would be better to install the guns at this point. And when the guns are inside, then glue the rest of the deck fittings.


So this is how it looks at the moment, and the main guns are next:








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  • 1 month later...

Ui, thank you all so much for your thumbs up! So much appreciated! 🙂


I'm still fighting with a covid infection, but I think the worst is behind me :-).


Building more of all the deck furniture, the chain plates and started with the guns. Most of the parts are still not glued, I think, it might be easyier to install the guns first:






Edited by Theodosius
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Again, thank you all very much for your thumbs up! 🙂


@Thukydides: hope you also feeling better, this covid is no fun at all. I don't want to know how hard it would have hit me, if I had'nt three antidots(?).


@BobG: thank's man, much appreciated! 🙂

Finished the guns, still not decided if, and how much, of a rigging I will do with them.


I tinkered with shadowing/highlighting etc, what Thukydides had also suggested to do. And Thukydides Alert look phantastic with his paint job!


Well, I stoped half way through and in fact, tuned it  down again. Not because I would not liked it, in fact, it looked prety good to me, but then it was not in line with the rest of the boat, where I had gone for just a 'clean' look. So, only two possibilitys here for me: less on the guns, or do it on the whole modell. Well, again, I went for the easy way and tuned the guns back down.


But I still like it overall:








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Beautiful work!

I went back and saw where you were debating and experimenting with what type of topcoat finish to use on the hull. Did you end up using the WOP or something else?

Dave Barnard


Current build: HMS Speedy (Vanguard Models)

On hold: Niagara (Model Shipways), Constitution (Mamoli)


Marseille (Mamoli)

Duke William (Kammerlander)

Halifax (Lauck Street Shipyard)

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Thank you all for your thumbs up, allways a very good motivation to go further :-).


@Dave B: thank's a lot! I had some issues with the WOP I tested in that way, that it does'nt cover the parts very well, where I needed to use wood-filler. But that may be a problem of the brand I tryed. In the end I used shellack on the part above the wales, and pure linseed oil downwards. The shellack is lighter and the linseed oil darkens the wood a little bit more.

In the meantinme I started with eyebolts and such stuff according to the plans. I also managed to build the first dead eyes. Nothing special here, but for me it was not so easy to bend the metal rings in a way, that the dead eyes would fit nicly in there, and then bend them back in a straight line. Well, no one will see that on the finished modell, I guess.

As was mentined in the other build logs, I fit a dowl in the holes for the masts, mark the hights of the lines as per the plans, use a line top down and draw a line on the wales, where to drew the holes.


Hell, those macros have no mercy, lol 🙂






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Nice update and looks of this beautiful ship! Love the color of the pearwood in combination with the black caprailing. Nice touch! 👍

Edited by Katsumoto
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Thank you all visitors for leaving a thumbs up here! 🙂


@Katsumoto: thank's a lot! I love your carvings and your 'how-to's' in your log! Thanks for all your work! I like the colours too, great design and colour choice by Chris! I think that I just went to far with that much blue, but I solved this in this episode!


@Blue Ensign: thank you very much! But I'm afraid, it's the pictures that hide a lot of the problem-zones :-).

The first blocks on the ship:



I buyed the additional perwood ladders and gratings. In retrospective I should have bought them together with the kit,

but then I was'nt so sure, that this whole adventure will turn out that well :-).


I know, the forward-ladder is a little bit too high, but, after I lost it three times inside the hull (I had to build me some kind of a wooden-hook to get it out again, lol), I was hapy the way it is now.





I can't become friend with my blue colour at the stem, so painted it all black butt the decorations in the hair brackets, frames and bow rails:20220625_155510l3jhj.jpg


Slowly I ran out of excuses for not deciding what to do with the guns 🙂


Edited by Theodosius
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Wonderful work you've done. I like the ends of the guns painted red, nice touch.

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  • 1 year later...

A lot of dust around here, lol :-).

Well, what can I say? Life with massive healthy problems, always low on energy and power, but I managed to do some wokr on this build lastly :-). 

@BenD the red tips of the guns was an idear from Siggis famous Tiger scratch build and not from me :-).

Guns. Full rig or not, the usual question. Well, I found out quite quickly, that I would not have much fun doin more than the the wire for the recoil. As usual, build a small jig, and rig em all up. I was inspired by the great wor of @DavidEN's Diana :-).

The hull is now finished, bar the tender. The boomkins are removable at this point, as was suggested by James.

I realy like the lines of this small vessel :-).
















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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all so much for your thumbs up and the 'wow's. Much appreciated! 🙂


@Thukydides: thank's a lot! Just used your painting advises on the guns :-). And: the paintig on your cutter is top notch!


@TBlack: thank you too for your encurregement! Well, I wonce realy had steady hands, now I have a little tremor. It all depends on the point of view :-). But I will not argue. At least I can build again on my model, and this is a victory in itself! 🙂


@Katsumoto: thank you, this from such a highly skilled modell builder and carver(!) means a lot to me!



Ok, back to topic: launch is next!


Run out of 3mm strips, but I had a larger pice of wood in my stock and sawed some 3mm strips for the launch. Was the first time I did this, and this requires some skill to developp! I was not able to cut these strips with a consistent with. No problem here, because the launch only need rel. short strips.



'can't work with CA, after the first strake I switched back to my normal white wood glue:





I managed to break the transom in two, so I will get a little bit of a roundet butt:



This one requires some fancy shaping:



Quite some gaps, have to wait how it looks after sanding. In the worstcase, I will just use filler and paint it, it's ok for the launch, IMO.









Not 100% satisfiyed, but it will work one way or the other (to paint or not to paint and fill, *g). It was quite challenging to plank. I did'nt taper enough, take not enough time, so I needet some very pointy gap fillers. Next one will be better, I'm sure of :-). 


Well, thats all for it for now!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank's for all the likes! 🙂

The wonderful transition a sanding does:



I had my problems to remove the bulkheads. Because of my CA-mess and the switch back to wood glue I managed to loosen the sheerline-plank. Glued it back on, but now I don't had the currage to remove the most forward bulkhead. I was afraid of, to completly open it up again. So it stayed inside. Perhaps some lines will cover it later. We'll see. Forgot to take a pikture, but I had so much excess glue inside, was not fun to try to remove the bulk of it.




All the rest was without any problems:






And a test fit on the ship:








Next is then to fit out the launch with all the pe parts and the rudder is also left to do.


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