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Posted (edited)

Hi guys. Ive just got what was thought to be a clipper ship for the sideboard.  Its called 'Siglo xix' and can be found when googled. Thing is its got 28 guns. Its a nice little, or large mass produced display piece that needs a bit of work and detailing.  Now while im waiting for my account to set up, could you point me in the right direction as to what on earth it is please. A 28 gun would usually point to a 6th Rate Ship as in a RN frigate? After looking at this ship its got 28 guns. 12 guns on the top deck and 16 lower deck guns or 8 guns per side. As a member pointed out Siglo xix is Spanish for 19th Century.  


Cheers Gaz


Edited by Gaza
More info

Picture(s) ? 


'Siglo xix' is Spanish and just means 19th century ... it's not the name of the ship ...



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1 hour ago, wefalck said:

Picture(s) ? 


'Siglo xix' is Spanish and just means 19th century ... it's not the name of the ship ...

Thanks for the reply and Indeed it is. It's written on the name plate. With all the auctions selling or who've sold this ship, they've called it a clipper for some reason.. 6 guns on the top deck and 8 guns below is more like a frigate would you not say?


Cheers Gaz.

1 hour ago, wefalck said:

Picture(s) ? 


'Siglo xix' is Spanish and just means 19th century ... it's not the name of the ship ...




Have you read this topic?


I hate to break it to you, but what you have there is a mass-produced decor model -- it is neither a clipper nor a sailing frigate. Such a model is a flight of fancy, bears only a passing resemblance to any real ship, and would require as much effort to correct its shortcomings as it would take to build a completely new model.


Sorry, but there it is.


And please note that I have split your inquiry into its own separate topic, so please do not add photos to the other thread -- that is considered thread hijacking and is frowned upon. Please have a look at our guidelines here.

Chris Coyle
Greer, South Carolina

When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
- Tuco

Current builds: Brigantine Phoenix

29 minutes ago, ccoyle said:

Have you read this topic?


I hate to break it to you, but what you have there is a mass-produced decor model -- it is neither a clipper nor a sailing frigate. Such a model is a flight of fancy, bears only a passing resemblance to any real ship, and would require as much effort to correct its shortcomings as it would take to build a completely new model.


Sorry, but there it is.


And please note that I have split your inquiry into its own separate topic, so please do not add photos to the other thread -- that is considered thread hijacking and is frowned upon. Please have a look at our guidelines here.

Thread hijacking? Ive never heard anything so absurdly ridiculous. I couldn't see the extra pictures Ive sent you on the thread, so maybe looking into that would be great. As for your description of the ship you're probably correct. Now my history may be lacking regarding these ships but I built a 4ft plank on frame Cutty Sark some years ago, so telling me the modification of my ship isn't worth my while isn't the question or advice I was requesting. I  drive a modified Porsche 911, a 57 Bentley and virtually built my own house, so do you wish to advise me about any of those too? Now if you could refrain from the condescending attitude it would be greatly appreciated, and telling me to read the rules as if you're talking to a child doesn't help either. I will be deleting my comments forthwith, in the event your toys fall out of your pram. I only hope the rest of the bloggers on here are not as troublesome as you. Good day!

27 minutes ago, druxey said:

Chris is absolutely correct. We see enquiries for these kind of models quite frequently.

Noted, thank you.

2 hours ago, Gaza said:

Now if you could refrain from the condescending attitude it would be greatly appreciated, and telling me to read the rules as if you're talking to a child doesn't help either. I will be deleting my comments forthwith, in the event your toys fall out of your pram. I only hope the rest of the bloggers on here are not as troublesome as you.


I am neither condescending nor troublesome, but as a moderator of this forum I am tasked with taking appropriate actions with regard to any new member who cannot be bothered with familiarizing himself with the rules and expectations of the public forum he has just joined and who, upon not receiving the desired response to a question that has already been asked and answered dozens of times on this site (which might have been discovered by the new member had he attempted even a modest amount of research before posting the question), immediately pitches a fit and treats the staff shabbily. You will note that I have indeed taken appropriate action in this instance.


Kind regards,

Chris Coyle
Greer, South Carolina

When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
- Tuco

Current builds: Brigantine Phoenix

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Gaza said:

I  drive a modified Porsche 911, a 57 Bentley and virtually built my own house

Aw come on guys, after viewing his ship of the line I wanted to see pictures of his cars, and his virtual house 😂


Sorry, sarcasm is the lowest form of humour, but given the hubris of the man he deserves it, I’ll resist in future, maybe 😈

Edit: Moderators may be wise to delete my post and lock this thread.

Edited by Morgan

For a first impression, this one really takes the cake. Perhaps Gaza would be better suited for that other ship modeling site. Looks like he'd fit right in.




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