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Very nice ship

Wish my polish was better than none exixting  ;)

-Hans Christian



Current build

      -La Belle 1684 (Scracth build)

      -Oseberg (Billing Boats) (On hold)

      -Falmouth (Euromodel) (On hold)


Stunning build Tadheus. Thanks for providing the link to your project and the accompanying videos. A couple of questions if I may:


What is the timber you are using. Looks like a maple or pine of some sort?


The cannons are beautifully turned - well done. The feed heads and decorations on the cannon show a fine hand at work. Are you able to run us through the procedure you used to achieve this?


Will you be masting and rigging? Will make it a pretty big vessel when finished.


Great job.



  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Pre-drilled holes for nails across the inner hull already laid out.
The model is in the yard immobilized rubber bands. The entire interior trim was pretty much wet water.Model now will stand for some time to dry.



















Elements of the lower deck and main deck, ready.












The whole process of this model is described at this address:




on Polish modeling forum "Koga"

Posted (edited)

Witaj...z daleka model wygląda ciekawie i zapowiada się na niezłe dzieło, natomiast jak się człowiek przyjrzy dokładniej z bliska to robisz wszystko z ogromnym pośpiechem co doprowadza do wielu zaniedbań. Wewnętrzne deskowanie ma za duże szpary w tej skali, poza tym jest ono nie wyrównane (nie doszlifowane) i widać niekiedy odstające kawałki drewienek. Zastanawiam się jak wyrównasz wręgi na górze bo każda idzie w swoją stronę i jest różnej długości...ogólnie w porządku ale sporo pracy przed tobą aby to doprowadzić do doskonałego wyglądu. 

Czekam na poprawki co by oczy cieszyło


pozdrawiam: ramol




Please post in English as this is an English-only website.

Edited by mtaylor

"Hello ... from a distance model looks interesting and promises to be a good work, but as a man close look at more closely is doing everything with great haste, which leads to many failures. Internal formwork is too big cracks in the scale, except that it is not aligned (no ground on) and you can see sometimes protruding pieces of pieces of wood. I wonder how you will make the frames on top because each goes his own way and is a different length ... overall okay but a lot of work ahead of you to lead the perfect look.

Waiting for amendments that would eyes attracted


greet: ramol"




widest gaps are about 0.2 mm.s result of a very dry room.
Width of the strips is 14-16 mm. This is normal operation when the width of the timber strips.On 1.1 scale to width of the cracks was about 5-6 mm.The length of the frames is the same as in the plans.Will be cut off when laying plating.



Regards, tadheus

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