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Everything posted by lamarvalley

  1. That is amazing! Your placement of the 'rust' looks so incredibly realistic. Well done sir.
  2. I've never done a solid hull but I have seen a few in build logs and from what I've seen they are not 'easy' builds just because they are a solid blank. The builds I saw were supplied with hulls crafted in the approximate dimensions of the hull with a fair amount of shaping and precision needed to get to the proper shape. To be honest, they looked in many ways harder than POB. Besides, building is not so much the method as the end result.. yes?
  3. I like the cradle Sjors… the planking on the stand ties it all together but won't outshine the giant ship that it will hold. The plate is a nice final touch. Your coppering is coming along… having never done it myself I can't say too much except it looks like those gaps will be hard to cut perfectly to fit but you'll probably do it with ease eh?
  4. Looks like a good start John and that sentiment is true for everything… in life and model boat building…. practice makes it less daunting and easier. Wait til you get to rigging
  5. Now i can go to the starboard side and see if I can do it better.???? What??? Looks pretty darn perfect on my monitor. Well done Sjors.
  6. Theo, What a nice way to begin the morning. Your work has always been so beautifully crisp and precise and I see that is still very much the case. Thanks you for the images…. they entertain and inspire. Well done Sir!!
  7. I just happened upon your build John. Very nice work and I too love that cradle. I had not heard of the Puritan before… that may be one that falls onto my short list of to do's and now I've pulled up a chair to watch what happens next.
  8. Well lookie there, it's almost all copper and so smooth and uniform. I note the tiny ends still need to be fretted about… that might be harder than cruising through the repeatable middle but in a day or two I'm sure we'll see a picture or two of the finished product… yes??
  9. Good day Wolf… Your San Fran is superb… truly the one to watch and learn from for past and future builds. Your nice and patient approach yields beautiful well thought-out far improved parts over the junk AL supplied. I love watching what happens next.
  10. True dat, always your build so the builder rules but… if you're going to build a ship of that size it will be a while before you get to the light portion of the show I would think so that decision is a tad early…Imo. Maybe a good way to judge opinions will be to start a build log for the HMS Agamemnon and all along the way opinions will pop like mushrooms. Having said that, I like the idea of the view of a ship at sea.. at night… done right I bet it would be great.
  11. Looks good Adam. Chemistry ain't my thing.. I get it but don't get it if you know what I mean. I like the black but for me it was always a case of hit and miss… some went coal black and others only went gray… could be how well I cleaned the part, could be the metal, time frame… don't really know but I got what I got…
  12. Welcome to MSW Alex, and Antony, the more the merrier. Building a kit is great fun and satisfaction. Take your time in the build and ask questions of the more than 14,000 members which are more than happy to help. Good luck with the Black Queen.
  13. The second go was a good decision… the copper looks a lot better and dare I say 'perfect' to these eyes.
  14. Theo, I have been out of the loop for awhile so it has taken a bit of time to catch up but what a fun trip it has been. Your work is as outstanding as always. She is looking fantastic.
  15. Hello Kees, I just happened upon your build. Your work is very precise and sharp and your weathering/rust technique is fantastic. The finish looks so realistic. Very nice. I think my next build might be in need of this look so I'm thrilled to see how it's done. Thanks for sharing it.
  16. I was curious so I looked deeper… it is a book by master model builder Frank Mastini originally published in 1990. It can be found on Amazon for about $16. It looked detailed and I'm sure there is lot to learn… for a relative newbee like me.
  17. Ahh, take your time. She, and the copper plates aren't going anywhere… Patience is a skill best learned through the practice of being patient. --- yeah, I know what I said.
  18. Hey Adam, She looks great and I'm sure you'll do her justice… in time… but I am confused as to which of the five models is getting your attention of late. This one and Blue Jacket seem like the most recent. Ya certainly got a lot of balls in the air there. I don't know how you do it… a little here and a little there. Hats off to your ability to keep your ducks in the RIGHT rows.
  19. Better to know and decide to redo it now than much farther along. I agree, have a scotch and reflect!
  20. Robbyn, Goodness gracious lady, it has been quite awhile since this vessel got much attention. I might hold the record for inactivity but still... Hopefully it is the horror of repetitious planking that is keeping work to a minimum rather than an angry pinkie. To date, the Syren looks great!
  21. Hi Dave, This is your first build of a wooden model ship? Your progress is impressive to me. Looks real good!
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