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Everything posted by lamarvalley

  1. Amazing work Karl. While viewing your pictures I feel like I'm on a walking tour through a full size vessel. Amazing work and as I say again, stunning attention to detail. Truly an inspiration.
  2. Gorgeous rigging Ulises, and the pics show it well. I am always amazed at the talent on this site and how incredibly detailed and precise it can get. I'm with Sjors, that last one as well as a few others look like they were taken from a real full size ship. Another example for me to shoot for in my own work
  3. Amazing! Looking at your pictures I always forget that this a model that is relatively small.... such incredible attention to detail. Thank you for the inspiration.
  4. Weather patterns have never been my strong suit Adriaan but.... in the US we're heading into winter (soon)... but you are down under so you're heading into summer right? It is always odd to think that we're pulling out the gloves and scarves and you're region of the world is pulling out the shorts and flip-flops Big wide world it is!
  5. Good looking platforms Sjors, it's gotta be nice to do something in wood again rather than rope/thread. I guess that's the beauty of doing more than one build, gives a nice break from rigging eh? ...
  6. Looks good Eric, good painting. Maybe there is someone who has a trick or a speedier way but I don't know of it. Slow and steady like you plan??. If I understand you correctly..., you want a thickened 'lip' around the inside of the gun port yes? I saw one person do this... and I don't remember who and since my personal computer crash that saved info is long gone until they post again ( I follow them). The ship is the Santisma Trinidad and he had this sweet system for making the internal port hole insert and even a nifty way to sand them equally. Maybe it was GTM as the builder? Not sure. I know it was the trinidad tho as he has something like 120 to 140 ports in this massive fighting vessel. One big deal in this was making each port hole the same.... and for him it was a daunting number Hope this helps. Wow.... my memory rocks for minutia... here is the link to that build, http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/991-santisima-trinidad-by-gtm-occre/page-4?hl=%2Btrinidad+%2Bport+%2Bholes#entry28308
  7. Wow, you've been busy. Looks crisp and neat, wonderful job Ray Love the rails, gives a very nice finished look
  8. Looks really nice Adam.... and yep, the jungle did the pats in... but hey, any given Sunday right?... from my view the bengals did all they could in the end to give it away but then that heavy rain helped a bit eh?
  9. Looks really good Robbyn and soooo close now.... starting to get sails and soon she can sail to the shelf I just finished the ratlines and ran two more stays. Started looking at the yardarms and such and needed to take a break... my eyes hurt from those instructions and plan sheets... obviously it takes a while (for me at least) to absorb what the heck they intend. Here in Cincy it's 75 degrees but heavy rains all day.... this week it should turn a tad cooler but lows are only 40 or so at night.... I hope this year we actually get a little sustained cold since the last two years have been very mild and bland with only nuisance snow (1 to 2")... and we yo-yo... a day below freezing, two above, another freezing with a week above... lately we never really get a chance to acclimate.... Word on the street is this is supposed to be a brutal winter so I might have to eat that last sentence Break time's over... time to make sense of yardarm #141 and #147 etc....
  10. Very nice Sjors, very nice indeed! Leave that Aggie alone .... you have enough to do with this one and your mirage. Also, you or Anja are obviously talented wood arrangers... not everyone can claim that title but 10 thousand US is sadly out of my range
  11. And encouragement is supplied in spades It helps a lot especially when floundering :mellow: I used a template and then changed to a spacer of sorts... even still it was tough. I'm proud of my ratlines but not delusional enough to think they are stellar... they are ratlines that represent a first try and from that a learning... the next ship(s), and there are plans for many, will benefit from this ship in many ways including rigging....
  12. Yep, I'm a bit behind the curve myself... First off... Congratulations on your promotion Sir! And what can I say about your Aggie but... Beautiful Work!!
  13. Not to steal your thread Sjors but I feel Adam's angst. As is shown on my san fran build, I am far, way far, from an expert on ratlines... more like a duffer but I felt the same way when I looked down the long road of a few thousand knots and had no idea how to do it. Sjors is right on the money... the physical part is not hard, it's repetitive and has a right and a wrong way but it gets easier after a few and brainless after a few hundred. That said tho... tying the knot is easy once you figure it out... the hard part is trying to make it match the one below it without too much tension and match the height gap so your sailors don't hurt themselves. And that too takes a while to wrap the head around but gets more understandable as you proceed. Another cool thought is from Popeye the Sailor... he said imagine you're the guy on the boat needing these lines to climb on... how would they need to be? For whatever weird reason, imaging that helped me understand it just a bit better. Thanks Popeye!
  14. Congratulations on getting those rats behind you... she looks great and very tall I recall you saying you have 3 meter ceilings..... looks like one of those will be all ship... Be proud of your accomplishments.... and stand back and enjoy the view...
  15. Well well, that's some nice looking rigging there Andy... I can't name half the stuff I see but I can appreciate it Suck up those rays while you can.... and for what its worth... we all love a pic or two.... words are nice but pictures... well, you know...
  16. You're making great progress Adam, she looks great! Oh and.... welcome to the Jungle (this coming Sunday)....... Tom's getting kinda old and tired so don't feel bad when they leave town with a 4 - 1 record (Okay... it is kind of hard to talk smack as a bengals fan but I feel duty bound) :mellow:
  17. Gee Adriaan, it seems like you are flying through this build.... at this rate you need to be thinking of your next build
  18. Wow Robbyn, you're nearing that finish line rapidly and those yardarms look nice and tapered Oh dear me tho... those fiddly little bits in the second photo... ugggg :mellow: Sadness, perhaps a bit cause she is your first but I think RELIEF will be the emotion of the day in a very short time. I'm not buzzing along as effectively... it seems there are about a million things pulling me away from the shipyard of late.... ah well... such is life.... in time I'll get back to it... What's that strange howling sound I hear.... I believe it is the Syren calling...
  19. Looks like a very fine mouse to me Nice work Ferit!
  20. The finish line is just ahead Sjors... only a few ratlines to go now. She's looking great... and very tall!
  21. Warped wood is the pits but there is a method for TRYING to eliminate the possibility of warping. In another lifetime I made furniture... nice furniture and one method, actually the only method for gluing panels for cabinet sides or for tabletops was to alternate the grain. When the grain is all facing in the same direction the wood will naturally cup so to eliminate that as best as possible the individual boards are alternated with respect to grain. I have never made anything with this method as delicate as a 7/16" mast but i have done my fair share of table legs and the like and this was always the way we glued up. The artwork, although not graphically spectacular, should help illustrate what I'm talking about.
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